Silent hill in space

>silent hill in space
I'm already wet.

Other urls found in this thread:

>he didn't play dead space

>Expecting good gameplay or story from Kojima

Silent hill has nothing in common with dead space aside from the genre.

>Reused assets
>Caring about a hack


If it's a SH game, why would the manifestation be in space?


this character is also the mascot of the whole company, they're not going to make it a real human bean

Well, since they have no rights to silent hill franchise, its more likely to be just a spooky "spiritual successor"
If they ever gonna do that, of course.

why does it have that retard redneck from the walking dead?

>first he held captive stefanie joosten
>now it's norman reedus

Are you really fucking kidding me Sup Forums, after 6 months of non stop MGSV bullshit down peoples throats, with minimum 20 posts a day about the fucking game.

You think that it won't have good game play? MGSV had the saddest excuse of a fucking story, I 100% agree, so then what made all you dumb fucks rant about it for 6 months straight if it wasn't the game play.

This just in, people have eyes

Gotta catch 'em all

Who cares? Don't pay attention until Kojima shows off the game.

>comming again
>not a space souls

huh, that character has eyes too, good catch op

>norman reedus used to be the boondock saints guy
>now he's just known for a terrible zombie tv show

I refuse to become hyped until I find out whether its a Sony exclusive or not

Holy shit he has eyes

I wouldve never known, thanks OP

He's the most popular actor and character on the show. He'll get the fangirls to buy his game because they want to support Reedus. It's genius
>Kojima probably cried when he wanted to use Ryan Gosling instead

it is

It's clearly not the same eyes. The eye lid fold is clearly different and the lower eye lid makes for a bigger eye. The epicanthic fold also looks different and the only thing in common is the eye colour (and it's not even the same shade of green).

Kojimadrones are something special.


if sony is financing the studio and the game they're working on (coming spring 2021) what do you think dingus?

>Silent hill in space

Kojihack talked about a shitty action game just like The Division or Uncharted. This won't be an horror game.

>Reminding me about Silent Hills for this conspiracy bullshit
Silent Hills is dead. I know that it sucks but its dead.

Announcing Kojima Production's debut title produced by Sony Entertainment:


Silent Gear tells a story set in the future of a high-tech secret agent who must infiltrate a colonized moon base in order to retrieve information which can save humanity. However, things are not exactly as they seem when our protagonist discovers that the moon-base colony has become devoid of life and taken over by the base's mechanical automatons, which have seemingly come to life.

Kojima, creative director behind the new title, shed's insight into the name of the new game:

>"I wanted a title that could really capture the spirit and themes conveyed through this game. Silent Gear conveys a sense of contradiction, as we all know that gears and mechanical parts are actually quite loud. Furthermore, I want the player to explore the idea of mechanical robots coming to life through mysterious reasons. Perhaps the robots are possessed? hahaha. So, I think Silent Gear gives the feeling of weightlessness and maybe ghostly feelings. Maybe that's something the player will discover."

will be canceled anyways.

It will be shit, Kojima is a hack

You guys know what defines a Kojima game, don't you?
Kojima games are always a copy/homage/retelling of some of his favourite movies or anime.
So what do you think the game will be based on?
He already said that it's an action game like Uncharted and he said it's a mech game.

I definitly get some Evangelion vibes from the design of the suit, and the "I'll keep coming" phrase makes me think of rape All You Need is Kill/Edge of Tomorrow

What do you guys think?

>What do you guys think?

Shitty game incoming

Shitty overhyped game incoming.

With sony marketing machine on-board and the legion of fanboys around Kojima he could produce shitty game after shitty game that people will keep buying.

the biggest ruse cruise of all.

Okay I'll come back when you guys actually want to talk about videogames instead of how bad you felt because you used to suck Kojima's cock and he let you down.


nice meme

dead space evolved to become more of an action game, like resident evil

if he could make a silent hill in space, the way silent hill sets itself apart from resident evil, I'm sold

What you really mean is that you'll come back when we're ready to join you on your current cock sucking.

Sorry fanboy.

Silent Hill and SciFi are not compatible, did you play a fucking single SH game?

Starring Armless Lizard, going up against Triangle Face, and with the elusive Pistol Bobcat. And all the chapter titles spell out "FUCK KONAMI!" The final boss is a pachinko machine.

>[insert something] BUT NOW IN SPACE!

Jesus fuck, really?

That's a real step down from being known for a terrible movie.

>Anonymous shit posting BUT NOW IN SPACE!
Holy fuck guys why is this allowed?

more like keep cuming if you know what I'm saying

>MGS but now IN SPACE!

Kojima is a genius!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>if you don't like what I like you're shitposting
the tears of a fanboy are never ending.

i'm a shit posting fanboy not a kojima fanboy
i'm a fan of shit posting

So it defines kojima games that he is a third grader "paying homage" to smarter and more original things?

Yeah TPP was so deep because it payed "homage" to Moby cock and 1984

its as if kojima thinks it will suddenly make his games deeper or have substance if he references something that does

If you're one of the shitposters that pretends MGS V is a bad game and the worst Metal Gear game (God forbid you actually think 4 is better), then stop posting in this thread and any others like it immediately.

No one wants to see you fags overhype yourselves all over again only to become insufferable little children when it doesn't reach your retarded expectations again.

Have you guys been living under a rock?

It's been confirmed since December that it's coming out for PS4 and later PC.

>that pretends MGS V is a bad game

must be nice being a blissful retard who doesnt understand what makes a game good

protip: the fault with TPP isnt the lack of "story"

Only thing I'm hoping from it is that it will be always online, otherwise why would he have mentioned such a basic game as The Division?
Anyway he has probably wanted to make an online open world game for a while, since he mentioned how much he loved GTAV and that he felt MGSV wouldn't be as good as it
Although, we also know that he's kept in touch with Del Taco, but if it's an action game, how will he be involved? Will we see monsters and aliens designed by him?

MGSV isn't bad.

It's average. Solid 7/10 would buy again.

>he could produce shitty game after shitty game that people will keep buying.

So like, the last 10 years of Nintendo?

What about a real hero?

>silent hill in space
But he said it's an action game for people who like The Division and Uncharted

But can you shitpost in space?

yes. and like nintendo, kojima gets a free pass because there's too much fanboy noise around him.

>Sup Forums has come to


more like the past 15 years of anything

So is it gonna be a kickstarter? Or does he have enough pride to just make the game himself?

>V has come to
>Kojima'll keep coming
What does it all mean?




DON'T YOU Sup Forums?

I think it would be cool as fuck if they transformed the work they did on Silent Hills into a new setting.
Would be a shame to scrap all that work.

It's Ocelot played by Norman Reedus in a post apocalyptic dystopian universe confirmed

1.48 of


The cruise continues

There's no objective value on what makes a game "good", actually. MGSV is a fun, open-ended arcade stealth game with a lot of content and replayability, how is it a bad game in any way, shape or form?

I need to sleep

>same boring bases over and over again
>no bosses that let's you utilize the game mechanics and open world to the fullest
>no ending or climax
>90% of the main missions are just copypasted bullshit
>weak story and presentation

Literally (You)

Those are flaws, although the level design has more nuance than being the "same boring bases over and over again". Mission structure is actually really varied, at least for the main ops, though.

It's still not a bad game in the least.




those neon light are excellent, I will put them in my bike helmet

So, who is in the right here?
This gets better by the minute

>Kojima productions is a fake company
>He's been secretly running konami from the shadows all this time
>he's rusing us all



so is reedus the top or the bottom for kojikun?

I thought the new game was had mechs

I don't want a horror game

ocelot is dead. low roar's album cover is an abstract of their lead, ryan karazija
>take your meds, autismo

why somebody shouldn't have the tip of nose when wearing this armor?
clearly both

>dismissing theories with lazy excuses

top lel

My question is what engine.?

Kek ripping off dead space go Kys kojima

Unreal 4

It can do everything that the Fox Engine can so it wasn't a waste


oi, liquid ocelot in fact was a clone, real ocelot was hiding in zanzibar land with medic and solidus' exact doppelganger. there they unleashed a new FOXDIE to the earth, effectively killing all nanomachined soldiers, that's why ocelot is in space suit, to survive airborne FOXDIE.
>I'm a tryharder kojima now

you can put literally any adult white male without fucked up eyes and it will fit

that Sup Forums solved the MGS V ruse cruise

Then big boss's twin brother, Bigger Bosser attacks real ocelot with his Metal Gurren Lagann Gear

Perfect form dumbass

The eyelids or eyecolour in your picture doesn't match, so there's that.

I also must correct you that the person in OP looks more like a Happa than a white.

I'm so glad Kojima has left Konami so that we can get a new ruse cruise every few years now

Here's how Sup Forums works senpai:

You post contrarian or unpopular opinions and pretend to shill games clearly flawed for (you)s from manbabbies and fanunderages.

Sup Forums is just the containment board for /vr/. If Sup Forums were to actually be used properly, it would be posting about mobile/vr and weighing pros and cons of new releases.

But then you'd get less (you)s


Bump for awareness of the ruse ride


I made this image for a thread last night, I see it's escalated since I went to bed .