How's everyone's PC coping in this heat?

How's everyone's PC coping in this heat?

It's 28°C in the UK and my i5 2500k is at 44°C. I daren't play any games before it starts making noise like it's going to take off

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22° in my part of France. My GTX770 and i5 3570k are under 30° according to Speccy so no worry.

I don't know what to play though... :/

Not well, my 290x just blew up last week.

It's 16°C in Canada where I live, but it wouldn't matter if it was 30°C because we have air conditioning.

it's 25C at best in southern sweden and we have mediterranian winds here
once they go back it'll drop down to 14/12 celsius

My PC is doing fine, shill.

13 and rain on this end of Canada

Water Cooling plus wealth enough to leave Air Conditioner on 24/7.

30something in Greece.

Just make sure the possessor paste is good and there should be no problem.


My computer never overheats because it's 6 years old.

Enjoy your fire hazard so you can play AAA garbage and casual shit.

76ºC while playing overwatch! please help senpai. I didnt clean my pc in two years. Can that be?

Help senpai! I dont want to waste money tho

I was in England last week and they were complaining it was hot when it was 20c.

>not playing consistently at 98ºC

get on my level

It just stopped being 95F at 50% humidity

Now I dont have to worry about killing my 360

I can finally start recording shit again

Currently encoding 14gb of data. So far so good

I have the same problem, I still have my stock cpu cooler though, and I need to give it a good and proper dustfucking...


It's 22°C here and I feel all sweaty. Fucking summer man...

this was after 30 minutes of uptime on the 360 with the heat lately

if i didnt shut it off then the solder joints would have melted and fused, killing the console

24°C here

fuck gaming

my i5 2500 idles at 44°C and my GPU at 54°C even now, when we got some mere +10°C outside and roughly +20 inside, and I play just like I usually do.

Anything below +60°C is nothing to worry about, especially in case of CPU. Even the GPUs are designed to withstand 100°C, but I'd get worried when it rises well over +80°C.

doing fine, cleaned the interior of my case a few days ago with a spray duster. The filter covering the front fans was awful dirty.



>42c in summer
>play games
>mildly worry about computer

>16c in winter
>be able to put laptop on lap in bed without guilt

GPU is coping fine, staying high 50s under load
CPU is shitting itself though, running ten degrees hotter than it usually does both idle and under strain. I blame the shitty stock intel cooler and the fact that I haven't changed the thermal paste in over a year

My bedroom is in a "semi-basement" so everything under my windows is under the ground
if it's 40°C outside: it's 25°C here

In UK and the hottest city. Just OC'd my i52500k by 1.2ghz.
Ran a torture test recently, never went past 73 degrees at max load, avaraged to about 67. Sits at around 30 something idle

Didn't know they supplied Germany in paste form.

They are your possessors right?

>didn't clean my pc in two years
>don't want to waste money

just go outside: open your case and blow air inside
don't forget to put a mask on

Still waiting since yesterday for it to unlock...

My 980ti is on it's back from RMA land in Berlin.

20°C outside, such is life in the north, being ravaged by Siberia's cold winds.

Gpu was like 65 C during Winter playing OW.
Now it's 80~ C.

I'm on holiday in greece and it's above 30 here so no PC gaming for me anyway. Can't play anything in direct sunlight or it all overheats.

Heatwaves in Britain are super fucking shitty anyway.

Just browsing.

Hope you are having fun user.

What tourists do you find more fuckable?

110 degrees F in phoenix, Arizona
Fuck this horrible, shitty, disgusting, minority filled place.
It's not even peak hot yet, were just starting


>110 degrees

Seriously fuck this place

anything over 20 makes me sweat

110C btw

6C above normal for CPU
4C above normal for GPU

My cooling isn't the best..

Still using a laptop because I travel a lot for work and want to take my vidya with me.

She ain't handling the heat too good.

a small air conditioner for your room costs less than low tier pc.


You should be dead right about now

These are idle temps btw, I know my GPU hits 80 playing overwatch, not sure on the CPU.

The Germans always seem to be in good shape. There's been some sexy Poles out here too. The Greek staff are all super fit and that works too.

While we're all here, best summer games/soundtracks? Katamari is super comfy during summer and Kirby also works great too.

This fampai. Bloody soft poofter cunts.
Tho its pretty fucken chilly lately, only the beginning of winter too. Will be a cold one by the looks of it. Bring on bloody summer already, there's not much better than going to a remote beach with your mates and a few beers.

You're approaching the hottest temperature ever recorded in the fucking Sahara, what did Phoenix do to gain the wrath of god

Don't you fuckers have an A/C?

>rains for 51 weeks every year
>giving money to the AC Jew just to be comfy for the remaining week

Shigg digg there lad.

Laptop master race here.
I feel like I'm going to explode any minute now.

i don't know wtf is going on but it definitely doesn't feel like summer in france. it's been raining here for 2 fucking weeks now

Literally nothing
You should be worried unless you're reaching high 70s under full load even then it's not uncommon

it doesnt help

It's getting pretty hot here 20-30C but I got a fan to help so i'm alright

call the fire department for fuck's sake

Lithuania, 11°

Made alot of noise yesterday when I was playing payday 2, so kinda worried.

Offices and other large commercial buildings will have them. In residential buildings it rarely makes sense because the weather in the UK is usually very mild or fairly cold.

Genuinely hot (>28C) temperatures are really uncommon,we get them maybe 2-3 times per year.

Yeah, summer is prime motorbike weather too, tho you can bring out the dirt bikes for winter if you're keen

fine by me, last summer was the fucking worst

Wait a minute... You PCucks seriously have to worry about overheating?


Yeah becaause RRoD was never a thing


This is how I know you're not Australian.

>45 in summer
>-15 in winter
>aircon and heating so neither matter

Lel you mean over a decade ago? It is 2016 bud that is hilariously unacceptable.
Now I know all PC gaymers really are retarded.

Yeah real Australians only drink koala milk.

Well I'm waiting for new parts because my computer shit itself about 2 weeks ago. I got some pretty legit cooling and got a shitty gpu which I plan on returning in 30 days to purchase a better one like a 480 or 1060. My cpu cooler costs more than the gpu I bought. Corsair h115i and a r7 360.

How is 28C hot? That's like pleasantly warm, and PCs wouldn't overheat at that temp anyway.
32C+ is when it starts to get hot.

rocking my i5

more like 40 you fatass

Probably being named phoenix
Or maybe cause Arizona was one of the last slave states to get rid of segregation

I have become immune to temperature from back when i had 2 gtx570s that were OCd, in summer i swear the PC room would be 55 Cs if i played a GPU heavy game.

Overclocked and overvolted, and no issues here.

GPU is 45c.

No remote beaches here, unfortunately. Everything is organised with neat paths and emergency services close by.

The water itself is also brown-grey. Lovely.

Sitting pretty at 59F (15C) here in Northern New York. Been cool and rainy lately; I'm certainly not complaining.

Everything is fine here in Tel Aviv!

>slave state

>Everything is fine here in Tel Aviv!

Wew lad.

Yeah, well in Brittany it's sunny and hot all day. Even nights have been warm last couple of weeks. It just feels wrong, I hope we won't get mad thunder storms after that...

>no problems at all
>not even looking at the temperatures
Seriously guys, take a minimum care of your hardware and you'll be fine. The ambient temperature should have a negligible impact over pieces of hardware that when non-ventilated can reach 120C in a matter of seconds.

how do you not get skin cancer there?

>(((TEL AVIV)))


>tfw my clapistan friends tell me how they went to Outback Jacks™ and had Genuine™ Australian™ Fosters™ Beer™ and how it was OK™

It wasn't a state yet at the time, but the territory was atleast
But nevermind that was pretty stupid of me m8

Tell me more about that place where the sun tries to kill you.
How do you even leave the house? Do your streets not melt?

sup phoenix bro

By being a loser and staying inside all day whenever possible
Damn those houses, seen so many it's funny to see it in that
why would anyone build a city in a fucking desert

NEETs win again

Where I am the temperature got up to 118 degrees yesterday. I want to die.
>How do you even leave the house?
By going from your air-conditioned house to your air-conditioned garage and into your air-conditioned car, then drive to the air-conditioned place you want to go.
>Do your streets not melt?
Actually they have on occasion.

It's called "air conditioning", OP. Perhaps if you lived somewhere civilized you would understand this concept.


Are you taking the piss? Try gaming in Australia some time, OP.

Every flag should be using the same reaction images for this to make sense

It would be boring though.

sup bra
Remember about the freeway interstate sniper they never caught?
Genuinely creepy shit

>He thinks brits, aussies and cans express their comfort/discomfort to temperature in the same manner.

Uncultured swine.

>do the streets not melt?
Actually there might be some videos on YouTube of a guy cooking an egg in the street
Seriously search it up