>stop browsing and posting on Sup Forums
>life completely turns around and I feel 100% more happier and content
Just came here to tell you guys to fuck yourselves and if you want to improve your lives, stay out of this shithole
>stop browsing and posting on Sup Forums
>life completely turns around and I feel 100% more happier and content
Just came here to tell you guys to fuck yourselves and if you want to improve your lives, stay out of this shithole
Other urls found in this thread:
Lel ok see you later Luke
Happy for you
I can have everything at the same time.
See you in a week
Good to hear, young NoFap enthusiast
You will find all you need to know at the NoFap subreddit, /r/NoFap
It should actually be stop browsin Sup Forums, theres not a single board on this site which wouldnt be bad for you.
These are always my fave roleplay threads. Well done nerd
Can confirm, this is actually true
I left Sup Forums for a week and i instantly got a job
This is by far the worst board on Sup Forums
Hey guys, Mark Zuckerburg here. I came up with Facebook two days after I stopped using Sup Forums. Came back just to tell you all about it.
Pretty sure this applies to all of Sup Forums.
Say hi when you come back in 9 months time freddo.
Lol Sup Forums culture is so randum XD
>letting an online board ruin your life
Wow, Darwin was completely right.
See you later, user
This place is a poisonous hellhole though and damages your self esteem if you spend every day here
I stop coming here and manage to play vidya. I keep coming back because other sites don't feel right anymore.
then stop coming here every day
Would take more than that to fix my life. I do not try anymore
Don't have much of a choice now that P5 comes out in FUCKING MARCH REEEEE
Here's a thought.
Maybe you aren't worth as much as you think you do. Most normies have an overblown ego and sense of worth, but they still die and rot like everyone else, forgotten in time, usually accomplishing nothing of worth in life. So maybe this place doesn't really "damage" your self steem, it just makes you realize what you are actually worth, and lifts the delusions.
Being a realist can be a good or a bad thing depending on how you look at things.
Not really. I use a Text-to-Speech program for all the (you) 's I get. It's given me thicker skin and I'm a more composed person for it. Instead of reeeeeee' ING or sounding off I try replying with logic, if they continue to be nonsensical and demeaning then I just ignore. Pretty good skill to have IRL
I just come here for video games news, and sure a lot of people scream and rage at you but why should I care what a bunch of faceless fucks say to me over the internet?
You people are weak
Or maybe you are fucking faggot ungrateful of his life because tou suck and you pretend to being smarter than normies in order to try to convince yourself you have some kind of superior worth over them, but in reality you just want your pathetic life to end everyday you keep living?
kys desu
Sup Forums- Weak Little Salty Bitches
And don't come back
Keep telling yourself that, cuck
It's your fault for taking this website so seriously.
dumb frogposter
>Or maybe you are fucking faggot ungrateful of his life because tou suck and you pretend to being smarter than normies in order to try to convince yourself you have some kind of superior worth over them, but in reality you just want your pathetic life to end everyday you keep living?
this senpai
>if they continue to be nonsensical and demeaning then I just ignore
That's almost every other post here. You can't dialogue with sociopaths.
No actual arguments happen here. Nobody actually engages each other's points and tries to have a direct debate, if someone disagrees with you, they'll sidestep your argument and call you a shill, marketer, sonygger, PCfat, Xbot or Nintenbabby. Present more than one point of attack in your post, and the vultures here will extract one piece from your post and ridicule you for that. Strawman, ad hominem and morton's fork is the name of the game here.
Basically, it's just memes and shitposting these days. All it takes to derail a thread is ridicule someone with greentext. Go into a speccy thread, find someone with an SSD and go ">2014 >SSD kek what a retard". That's just an example, but you get the idea.
This place used to be decent, but now it's full of newfag kids who perform the same tired old cookie cutter weakpoint extraction bait because Sup Forums is supposed to be edgy, contrarian critic that shits on everything. That's not supposed to be the case, but thanks to reddit that's what every outsider thinks Sup Forums is, then they come here and ridicule everything with dumb simplistic green text posts to fit in. It's unbelievably easy to spot cocksucking newfags these days.
>Basically, it's just memes and shitposting these days
I agree with your post but it's been like that for years
You have many more problems than coming here if you think a site holds you back that much. I go to fucking /r9k/ on a regular basis and am legitimately internally bitter about no gf but I can function in life outside of it.
Good luck pepe!