How come the Japs don't like first person shooters?
How come the Japs don't like first person shooters?
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Might be a meme but heard they get nauseous from it
It just seems strange considering just how many animes and mangas revolve around modern and futuristic combat/warfare.
Thats gotta be a meme. Hell, I know people who could overcome slight motion sickness by adjusting the FOV
they dont really like anything other than 3rd person action games it seems, might be the fact that the market is console oriented, developing FPS and strategy games that require mouse and keyboard just doesnt make sense for market like that
They didn't have a Doom equivalent to get people into them and inspired by them early.
They are not crazy about killing or glorifying war.
Many JPs do love FPS but its not as big because there's no large vocal audience.
>They are not crazy about killing or glorifying war
>brutal asian vermin
>not crazy about war
This is false. It may have been true 10 years ago, but the highschool students I teach are big into Destiny and CoD.
Where do they play? I imagine its almost exclusively played at home on a PS4 right?
Is there any prevalence of cyber cafes or something where people play old versions of CS and Quake?
There are lots of westaboos that like cod, overwatch, etc
because they want kiddy cartoony shit and fpses are all grimdark realism. No doubt overwatch is popular
cause there isnt an fps game that can compare to anime action
because they are the birth place of consoles.
I wish it was, but Japanese friend can't stand FPS, he's also the typical family type that doesn't drink and carefully approaches life.
They have Airsoft already.
Can't get anymore first person than that.
what are you, a world war 2 vet? where is this hate coming from? user, do you wanna talk?
Because their eyes do not allow them to have a good first person perspective. They know they are physiologicaly incapable of making a good fps
Because DOOM was too hardcore for them back in the day but they like COD though.
Just a retarded chink,korean or american, your pick.
Ok Cletus, that's enough internet for you today.
Why don't you go and shoot some varmints?
Japan doesn't like first person games in general
they are pretty ok with (third person) shooters (resident eivl, mgs, splatoon, lost planet or metal slug are good examples)
the only purpose of the permanent first person view is to help with the immersion and the japanese don't have problem with immersing themselves into whatever crazy things in the first place. Otherwise permanent first person view is way inferior to a third person view.
>the line of sight is actually unrealistically restricted
>you only see your guns the whole time, instead of a well designed character with their guns in action
>restricted gameplay potential -> you basically can only send enemies from forward, making the vast majority of fps games shallow shooting gallery games
you can argue that the first person is more precise thus better for competetive games but that still won't make the gameplay more than a flashy whack a mole game.
Prove to me that the japs don't like FPS
Prove to me that the japs thought Doom was too hardcore
They fucking love Overwatch though. Biggest sales in the world right now come from Japan.
Isn't there a japanise lady who des DOOM fan art?
I think it partially relates to the fact that Japs are in general less interested in the mimetic and more in the symbolic. Their games (as well as a of their fiction in general) do not attempt to create an experience closely mimicking reality, and they generally don't seem to be all that interested in experiences like that. Just look at the way they work with space, with U.I., with core mechanics. Think how far JRPG's mechanics are often divorced from any actual reality.
FPS games attempt to give you the experience of being there, in a fairly "real" space, and with interactions in general as intuitive as possible. To the Japanese, this does not seem to be particularly interesting proposition: they like their games to be more clearly "game-like", more abstract, more symbolic in the way they communicate.
As with everything Japanese though, extreme exceptions appear regularly. Games like Silent Hill or team Ico titles, for an example.
Show me a jap finishing Quake in under an hour.
japs don't play western shit that seriously
There's a whole fucking project made by the the Japanese Doom community. They're small, but they are REALLY fucking good.
Why, because they're bad at it?
Seriously, now I'm really curious what the japs think about legendary western games of the past.
I always tend to think of the japs as the pioneers of videogames and not westerners. I'm sure the japs being a bit nationalistic probably feel the same way. But surely they could not ignore how good some western games are?
With the existence of the PC gaming and FPS, even japs should that the west had an impact in the industry
Big name series do have a pretty big presence. Some of the fans are pretty westaboos.
Hell I remember when they localized it, Japanese fans were complaining when they started dubbing it and not having an English voice options.
*Localized it meaning Call of Duty.
Well, the gun at the bottom of your screen in fps games represents your cock
Because jap dick very tiny, they won't feel natural pointing with their weapon
So THIS is why they don't play Quake.
Modern Japan doesn't care much for war.
Imperial Japan is a different story, but they are mostly dead now.
>everyone abusing the cover system and camping
>alternatively, people jumping around in close quarters and just spraying and praying
>everyone is probably a bullet sponge
>you can't see the gun clearly, which is the main part of a shooter
>subjectively way worse aiming and movement feel
>objectively the aiming system is less precise
>you spot an enemy approaching from from left all across the room while you are completely invisible to him behind a wall,so flanking and keeping situational awareness barely play a role
Third person shooters are shit m8
>get nauseous from fps
>make all these danmaku shmups where the perspective constantly changes
Shit literally makes me want to vomit
no senpai, first person is easier to programm for (the camera at the very least) and allow for much wider range of design
the thing is: japs cant do hd texture and high polygon count due to consoles so any 1st person shit they pump out will be subpar visually
>the line of sight is actually unrealistically restricted
if only consoles were actually powerful we would have a 120 fov as the standard for most games. even 3rd person game have a 90 degree fov at most and the lod drop heavily when the camera zoom out to account for enemy counts
>you only see your guns the whole time, instead of a well designed character with their guns in action
even guns can be awesome
they have many subtlety in design and animation but you can only see them in 1080p and upward. something consoles cant do :^)
or how about being "realistic"
this fucking game have a button to move your head without having to move your gun. it animate your entire body... in 1st person instead of animate your hands and guns only in 30 fps. gamepad dont have nearly enough buttons and consoles cant have that horsepower.
I played most of the jap 3rd person shooter. They are slow shit with bullet sponge and contrieve mechanic like a slow movement speed overpowered melee that stop everything dead in its track except bosses
>>restricted gameplay potential -> you basically can only send enemies from forward, making the vast majority of fps games shallow shooting gallery games
that is, again, because gamepad cant turn enough and playing on a tv mean you cant hear shit if it get behind you.
fucking doom and thief use audio cue. even nu-doom on nightmare bombard you from behind but because it must go on consoles, they arent brave enough to put in hitscan enemies like old dooms. 1/2
In Japan, character designs are a big deal. They don't want to play a camera. A better question is why FPS games are so popular in west considering how suffocating they can feel.
Kat is doing things to my heart.
America loves guns. What else needs to be said?
You talking about eyes, but its funny because they are crazy with rythm games
all their best fps players were forcibly retired during the 1940s
There are alot of westaboos in japan though, 2 big ones that come to my head are kojima and daisuke, but i guess kojima doesnt count. They know about west games, its just that its not that big of a thing there, but ive seen alot lf japs playing games like batman or killer instinct
I would like to interview alot of japs about games like legacy of kain and get a good point of view about it
if you use a pair of headphone and adjust the sound/music ratio, you can hear the fireball flying behind you, the roar before enemies do some jump/charged melee moves, the whispers of guards when they come close to you.
and 1st person action games are expected to be fast and precise, it's just tradition. even cod and halo cant break the mold despite selling more on consoles than pcs so they add shitty autoaim.
level designs arent limited in 1st person mode. you must adapt to them. and that's where high quality sounds and getting player's attention outside obvious visual cue come in because he will sit 2 meters from the tv.
pic related: an ACTION game level in 1993 (doom 2)
now, in 3rd person shooter, you must design your level so the camera dont get stuck. hence the chest high wall, the low fidelity, the small level of objects, interactive and actors/npcs. in 1st person, do whatever you like but keep it fair. if the player cant see or "feel" something, he is either a scrub or should check his machines for problems.
Other big ones are Tsutomu Nihei and the main devs of Splatoon.
Shit, I don't know about the japs, but you generally hit the nail on the head for me. Sucks because all my friends almost ONLY play FPS and first person walking simulators.
Hell the only shooters I've genuinely given a shot and enjoyed are halo, doom, and overwatch.
Isnt Keiichiro Toyama another westaboo? Silent Hill was meant to be filled with things that are american as fuck.
FPS are trash and only garbage people enjoy them.
I heard Gravity Rush has inspiration in europian stuff, including french mostly.
Aren't most japanese games full of flashy combos and shit? How do you plan to put that in a fps?
I bet you play LoL
Daisuke is worth 20 western devs. He just enjoys western music.
>Because their eyes do not allow them to have a good first person perspective.
>I have never played a Japanese rhythm game in my life
I play FPS and the one thing I hate the most is Japanese players constantly joining servers in my region with their high ping.
>How come the Japs don't like first person shooters?
They do and they can make one but they won't because the world doesn't deserve it. Fuck this gay Earth.
All i know is that combat in FPS used to have enimies and weapons in different types so you could come up with strategies based around them which is something that doesn't happen much in mordern FPS
He has daid in interviews that he likes some western design, and yeah he loves music for the fact that he likes gears of war 1
But Guilty Gear is based off anime designs. They even went to extreme lengths in Xrd to assure the art style remains stylistic anime.
I think people just say westaboo to whatever Japanese devs who don't strictly stick to Japanese culture, which would be most of them. So westaboo is a pretty retarded term since Japanese people don't live in a fucking bubble.
Seems to be a cultural thing. In Germany you see a trend towards RTS and RPGs, more than FPS. Of course you have the usual Cowadoody and such, but other genres have a much stronger presence than in the US.
You also have board- and card-games being seemingly more popular.
You'd probably need an in-depth analysis of cultural trends to hazard a guess as to why certain games are more popular than others. Germany's cultural proximity to the US certainly explains the many overlaps, while peculiarities explain the differences.
Lot of the japanese devs have roots in being westaboos. The jrpg genre in its entirety has its beginning in game devs loving the Ultima games and deciding to make something like them. Or alternatively playing D&D and getting inspiration from that.
>how suffocating they can feel
do you only play cinematic fps? have you ever played battlefield online? arma? quake? doom? tribes? any space sims not of the autism kind?
even nu doom shit on the rigidness of most 3rd person gameplay: you MUST dodge, you MUST get in cover, this tiny creature can stun you because we cant make our game hard without stunlocking, you MUST move like a turtle to hit the broadside of a barn, you MUST stop in your track after this move because we must account for out weakass system with shitty, passive hitsponge/bulletsponge AI. now this creature here either flash red/white/blue signaling his different attack or do a 5 seconds telegraph otherwise you cant see shit in 900p. oh shit, this guy is immune to bullet/hit, if only he has some glowing weak points, hope you bring like 2000 of the best bullets ;^)
the "shooter" that is fast, lethal and originated in japan and consoles in general are the bullet hell genre. and the most prolific of them all are in a 2d plane. coincidence? i think not
COD is like the most popular sestern game there though along with GTA
>played a few western games =/= westaboo
Stop with these retarded fucking terms Sup Forums. You embarrass yourself. Almost all these "westaboo" directors are equally if not more influenced by Japanese culture. It's not like Japs don't consume western media at all. It's not a strange thing.
is that the dildo gun?
If only.
Japan is only interested in being mean-spirited towards, and raping, women. They have no interest in making good games.
I think you need to differentiate between settings and the actual game. Silent Hill is set in the US and has lots of American symbols, but the game doesn't feel like anything made in the States.
Especially in horror games, you can feel very quickly if a game is made outside the US. Even though games like Resident Evil or The Evil Within are set entirely in America, the fact that they were made by Japanese devs is blatantly obvious.
>In Germany you see a trend towards RTS and RPGs
I'm studying in krautland and all my krautfriend play are fifa, cod, cs, wow, lol, doter, asscreed, overwatch, mein kraft, mobileshit... and whatever flavor of the month that month.
b-but no they're just like western games western culture is best only good nips are those that identify themselves as westerners!!!
I think you're on to something here but Silent Hill still feels really Japanese, on a gameplay/navigating the world level too. Could be the camera.
Resident Evil 4 for example is definitely meant to be immersive, and care was definitely put into it to make the environments feel like somewhere in real life, but that game still is pretty japanese.
For one, the gameplay is a lot based around shooting enemies in weak points and then reliably getting them to stumble in a canned animation, which opens them up for a certain melee attack etc. I feel like a western game in a similar setting where you fight human-like enemies wouldn't deliberately try to make the animations look recognizable and readable in the same way, because that breaks the illusion of the world being fully dynamic and emergent. A lot of western games in fact incorporate character physics into death animations, so killed enemies will stumble about in response to the world around them, where they were hit etc. In RE4, you're supposed to be able to spot exactly which animation the enemy is displaying when you shoot them in the knee, and from that know exactly what context-sensitive melee attack you can perform on them.
I'm not saying the usual AAA stuff isn't leading the sales, but other genres have a bigger presence.
Western and Asian games have different problems. The West has shallow wish-fulfillment and a lack of attention to detail, while Japan suffers from stagnation, platform-dependancy and a general lack of self-awareness.
Both have the problem that devs mostly pander to whatever sells. The West has the advantage of a more active indie scene, that at least has the potential to churn out something interesting once in a while.
Nah, I wasn't talking about the diegetic content of the game at all. I was talking very specifically about the way the game communicates - the use of U.I., the use of space, the whole relatively high-fidelity presentation with minimal non-diegetic elements on display at every point.
>I think you're on to something here but Silent Hill still feels really Japanese, on a gameplay/navigating the world level too. Could be the camera.
Same applies. The game can feel very Japanese with it's use of music, dialogues etc... but it does not fit within the "general rules" I outlined for "typical" Japanese game design philosophy. It's not very abstractive in it's mechanics, it hides U.I. as much as possible, it generally does very little to ever remind you that what you are seeing is "real", as opposed to it being an obvious mechanical abstraction.
I don't know much about the Resident Evil and where it stands in this hypothetical explanation (it's a theory, not particularly well tested, just my own hypothesis) because I never bothered with playing it.
When will Randy Bitchfork hang himself?
The gigantic, drawn out blood spurt/rainbow particle effect and the akward dialogs are dead giveaway of a japanese made game for western audience.
Shadow of mordor also have gigantic blood spurt, but they disappear in fraction of seconds.
Most western games have shitty, akward dialogs too but the use of words are more natural. Could be the cheap interns at loclization dept tho.
>How come the Americans don't like visual novels? (´・ω・`)
Get rid of the "novel" part and they might consider it, my nihon friend.
>I always tend to think of the japs as the pioneers of videogames and not westerners
Well then you'd be pretty wrong. Arguably the biggest innovation in video games history- graphics- was Western.
You should play the specialists. well at least you should have, it's dead now.
Double Action Boogaloo?
One of the maps looks similar to Rooftops.
knights of sidonia should be an indicator of his biggness if anything
just tell him to play fucking f.e.a.r.
or brutal doom :^)
but they al liked ME
ME was basicaly a VN with more gameplay
Nice meme.
You do know that Call of Duty isn't the most popular FPS in the world right? You do know that the MOST POPULAR FPS was made by Asians right? And Japan plays many FPS.
Get your facts straight.
>there will never be another anime as artistic as this or Lain ever again
> the MOST POPULAR FPS was made by Asians
and played by chinese and SEA
koreans play their own shit
japs arent even the biggest entertainment market in Asia. the most demanding maybe.
>They are not crazy about killing or glorifying war.
Literally DYNASTY WARRIORS and all its clones
it's ok when it's chinese killing each other :^)
>and playing on a tv mean you cant hear shit if it get behind you.
Depends on if the speakers work or not.
If the tremble and bass is too flat, it will be shit. Which is weird, because a lot of TV speakers for CRTs are amazing for positional audio.
I can see that why they were complaining
I mean ghost's jp voice was too generic in mw2
Most FPSes are bland and they prefer seeing the protag's 3D model. Also motion sickness.
Wizardry is huge and influenced the whole Japanese industry.
FPS is as much popular in Europe.
>they are pretty ok with (third person) shooters
Is this how you say "the best"?
How come Americans don't like mecha games?
How come Americans like so much violence games?
How come Americans don't like cute girls with large boobs in their games?