Nobody cares, huh?
Nobody cares, huh?
I bought it.
why would they ruin the character be giving her a nigger look
she's literally a chingger now
Everyone saw that it was going to be shit
It ended up shit
What a twist
I care that Mirrors Edge will die a sad and obscure death.
I don't care to buy the game however.
Not after I played the Beta, especially not when Odin Sphere and new Atelier come out today.
Another Dice/Frostbite engine trash game.
I liked older game. Previews of this didnt look good. Kept saying it wont be good. No one believed.
Will get it at a sale on origin one of those days for 5 bucks
Nope. Already denying the existence of Dragon Age 2 and Crysis 2, won't have a problem adding this turd to the list.
And now I just requested a refund.
>Win10 exclusive
Yeah, probably not.
I didn't even know it was coming out today until yesterday. Of course I don't give a shit. I loved the first one but will not play this garbage.
When I played the beta I was really hoping that the stupid fetchquests where just there to learn the movement.
Looks like they get even worse later in the game.
Interracial mixing is progressive, user. You didn't know?. SJW won't be happy until all world races is mixed. They are literally those cultfags "The Marker" from Dead Space game serie.
Catalyst is what happens when you fire all your competent privileged white males in favor of "diversity" (white women).
This fucking dogshit game cannot crash hard enough.
Thefuck is this haircut.
Ir's called the "i'm a cunt" cut.
The Skrillex
>why would they ruin the character be giving her a nigger look
What are you talking about?
Also wears a scarf indoors.
Who does that?
They dropped the quality of the game harder than skrillex dropps the bass.
It's incredible how quickly EA can kill my hype for a game I've wanted forever
might pick it up on sale
I was hype. Then i found out it looks like a fucking 360 game. Seriously the game is ugly as fuck.
Same with the new Battlefront, the director was a girl that is why is so casual that is not fun.
yeah, why did they make her so ugly and make the game seem so boring?
Well I was going to say Amelia Earhart and this cunt but apparently even Amelia didn't even do that shit, so just this cunt.
You know, I thought the first game had some neat mechanics, but all in all it was a boring piece of shit with a retarded story. I think, back then, the consensus was that it was pretty much a tech demo whose concepts could be adapted into a brand new IP.
But nah, they made a sequel out of it. Not only it's made by EA, but it's also a sequel to a game that sucked in the first place. No wonder it's shit, only the jumping part was worth it as the combat itself was dog ass too.
Shut up about the story for a moment, is this an open world game with retarded Ubisoft bloatware mechanics? Communication towers, busy work, the whole nine yards, is this what Mirror's Edge reboot ended up being?
This haircut is like the female equivalent of wearing the Naruto headband in real life.
wait this came out today? What a fucking blunder.
i wanted to like it; requested a refund. game looks awful even maxed out, gameplay's seen zero evolution in the almost-decade they've had to develop this shit, story's laughable (although i don't care about that so much), and the fucking open-world meme hobbled another game right out of the starting gate.
they should've just made a level-based sequel, much like the original, and they shouldn't have taken so fucking long to make it.
really unfortunate
Yes, its like a ubishit game
I don't want to pay for this, but I want to run like an autist for a while.
I guess I ca-
Oh well I don't even care anymore.
Fucking surprise, eh?
No, I'm not going to a give a single dollar to a company that hired Sarkeesian to "advise" this game's production.
it signifies that she's bisexual
so are people actually going to admit that its bad?
or is this gonna be the video game equivalent of the new ghostbusters
well its not exactly getting rave reviews
resting bitch face
Nobody cares pirate scum kill yourself
Stopped caring the second the words "open" and "world" were ushered
If it wasn't on Origin I'd buy it :^)
>Shit game with loss of complexity in favor of more combat despite nobody wanting more combat, and dilapidated level design that throws out fluidity and fun platforming in favor of yet another lifeless "open world"
>Sup Forums and [r9k] rejects would rather complain that Faith looks like a nigger even though anyone that's seen a single black person could tell you she looks nothing like one
>SJW shit
>forced combat
>casualized parkour elements
Nah fuck this.
>Play original Mirror's Edge
>Is like Portal in that it's simple and short but a unique and memorable experience. Even if the story was nowhere near as good.
>Graphics from that game still hold up today
What the fuck? How did they fuck this game up? All they had to do was make more exciting set pieces and I would've bought it.
>Durr Mirror's Edge would've been better if it was open world
I do. Beta was pretty excellent so I can't wait.
>Parkour game
>Make it open world
>Add a fucking grappling hook because you are lazy and cannot design a level for shit
Torrent where?
It's not even released yet.
It was pretty damn good when you got to postgame and you drilled all the shortcuts into your head going for gold on the individual levels. They were really fucking well-designed, there were so many paths you could take. Then you go back to story mode once or twice and just blaze through it at lightning fucking speed.
>Graphics from that game still hold up today
You're delusional
Look at screenshots you dingus. It does minimalism pretty damn well
It's still junk on a technical level by today's standards.
I only wish this game would become popular so there was more porn about Faith (._. )
Im sure EA and the shitakus of the world will blame racist white cis males for the failure of this piece of crap
laugh out lout at that picture
explains a lot
When did anyone do that?
Anita worked on it.
They're gonna have to throw her under the bus.
Remember Mass Effect 3?
>a vent right here looks natural, right guys?
That doesn't look like it's blaming just white men user, just men in general.
They really blamed white guys? Mass effect 3 was just shitty.
Which is a testament to how much a solid, well though-out artistic direction trumps technical prowess almost every time. However much the technically-obsessed monomaniacs refuse to acknowledge it.
Also, EA said people hated ME3 because they were homophobes
pretty graphics
boring as hell
11/10 -IGN
>That article at the bottom left
These people genuinely don't know what logic is do they? What the hell does Kojima have to do with DoA anyway?
Faith was already mixed race dipshit
Open world is the same as a dev sticking in procedural generation as a replacement for level design. The first game was only fun because it was level based and it was actually designed.
IGN gave it like a 6/10 which makes me think it's probably a good game
IGN scores are inflated, user. Not reversed (except in the case of God Hand). A 6/10 from IGN means a 3/10 for a normal person.
You're wrong, she was full blown Asian
>Anita worked on it.
Nah, though. That was bait.
modern review scores starts at 5 wich mean this is a real turd
To be fair a lot of the people who hated it were unabashed homophobes.
Just as a lot of the comments about ME2 are calling Faith a tranny nigger put in to appease the SJWs and don't address the game at all.
Ah yes, she bore the proud Asian name Connors.
>To be fair a lot of the people who hated it were unabashed homophobes.
>Game was critcized mostly on a terrible ending and other terrible things throughout
>Just as a lot of the comments about ME2 are calling Faith a tranny nigger
>Game is currently being criticized for having an open world gimmick, looking ugly, and actually being an overall step backward from the previous game
Either this is b8 or you really love letting companies tell you what to think.
Holy shit this irritates me.
Having been in the Army for over a decade, this is just how people speak. Even the women. A decent percentage of whom were hyper-lesbians and at least borderline feminist.
Saying "I'm getting my shit pushed in" is in no way homophobic. I don't think anyone, even gay folks, likes getting butt banged when they don't want to be butt banged.
Anyway back to the topic... ME2 that started as a day-one purchase for me, but is now an on-sale purchase. Maybe.
Holy shit.
I just now realized that "getting your shit pushed in" is supposed to allude to.
>game I like was rated low so it's the exception
Spoken like a true normie.
No, m8. Just read the threads. Hell, have you seen the threads before the game was released? When people just had one promo pic of Faith to go on? You think people forget about that? It makes every nitpick to come out of this place suspect, to say the least. And that's when people don't explicitly include anti-SJW shit with their complaints.
Basically, if you show yourself to be politically motivated in your hatred of the game, you can no longer be regarded as an unbiased critic.
> That was bait
She didn't work on it but she did give a talk to the devs about how to make the game non sexist
>Implying the army isn't homophobic
wew lad
And the one of the primary complaints IGN had was that the characters are unlikable. Seems like they missed Anita's point :((((((
I hope EA pays you well
No. The talk wasn't on Mirror's Edge and she didn't think it was sexist. That was the bait.
The narrative of her working on it was spawned by the game of telephone that followed people taking the bait.
I'm telling you how to avoid having your criticisms dismissed as bigotry, and shockingly, the answer is as simple as "don't act like a bigot while you're criticising". Can't imagine why you wouldn't want to hear it.
This isn't an argument...
Me too lol
>User made Races
please tell me they're talking about foot races
does this gaem have denuvo?
What else would they refer to? You don't drive in this game.
Not implying that at all. It's gotten better, but it still is.
Just saying that that's a poor example of it. And that also maybe they should be complaining about the source of an issue, not a fucking videogame.
Damage control shall begin shortly.
Capture this post.
You will see in the next coming days that DICE wasn't feminist enough. They ignored too many of her ideas. ETC. They're going to pass the buck hard.
Top quote is still fabricated
Definitely not giving my money to that.