How do we fix Overwatch?

How do we fix Overwatch?

>Get rid of respawn time
If you're going to make someone walk a mile to get back to the objective, there's no reason in having a respawn timer

>Get rid of "leavers penalty"
There's literally no reason to have this in place. Overwatch is constantly busy that if one person drops from a match, someone immediately replaces them. There's no hindering the match in any capacity and it's just there to be in place so Blizzard can feel good about themselves punishing players for 0% affecting the game.

>Fix some maps like Hollywood and Hanamura
One-way entry levels as an attacker is near impossible. Unless you're up a shitty defending team, you're never going to make it through the front door. Hollywood is just a cakewalk for any Defenders using Bastion and Torbjorn.

>Fix Mei
If there's any one character that needs an adjustment, it's Mei. I can live with Bastion players because they're stationary and only pose a threat at one point in the map. Mei can hold an objective/contest it with no effort and shut down just about any other character in a matter of seconds. Her Ultimate has no audio cue and can't be shut down like other player's ultimates and lastly her self-healing freeze technique needs to have a shorter timer or can be busted if enough damage is pressured.

Other urls found in this thread:

Nerf overtime

Thank god your not a dev.

git gud bruh


Just a heads up. You are LITERALLY wrong about everything you just mentioned.

>Get rid of respawn time
No, this is to ensure that your life means more than just running in and failing. Longer respawn time teaches people to play better

>Get rid of "leavers penalty"
No. Faggots who drop out early just to preserve their "perfect stats" are delusional assholes who deserve the penalty.

>Fix some maps like Hollywood and Hanamura
You need to learn that some characters excel on certain maps. People who cry about Bastion are the worst players in the world.

>Fix Mei
Mei is complete shit from medium-long range and she can only kill one player at a time. Learn to attack with a second person.

Every single one of these points screams "I'm shit at Overwatch!!"

Why? Because the game would be faster-paced than the slow crawl it already is? The game is enjoyable, but it needs some heavy balancing and fixing to make it a long-term playable game.


>Get rid of respawn time
Git gud

>Get rid of "leavers penalty"
git gut

>Fix some maps like Hollywood and Hanamura
git commit

>Fix Mei
This is the only one i can agree with you

>a blizzard game is unbalanced

And it's another day on Sup Forums

This is the noise Mei's ult makes you deaf cunt.

you dont fix what isnt broken.
its shit on purpose

>Every other player has a start-up time, even if it's literally a second
>Mei just mutters something and chucks a blizzard spinner in the middle of a group
>Gets team kill

>How do we fix Overwatch?
important things like fix the netcode tick rate hitbox

Is that whole 20-tick thing something that could be fixed in a later update, or is it something so intrinsically attached to the framework, they'd have to do a total teardown to change it? I seem to recall Battlefield 4 doing something similar.


i get sick and tired of reading dogshit ideas that haven't been thought out at all.

>no audio cue

"Dozo fu shin zao"

Mei is not hard to kill you dip

>Get frozen
>Get headshot by icicle


>get jump on Mei
>She goes into ice-heal brick mode
>Rest of team ganks your ass

pick your favorite


These are all instant too, faster than Mei even, stop being so shit please.

It should be a porn game.

Reduced efficiency of skills that remove/reduce movement ability (Fuck you Mei/McCree). Ultimates like Zarya's or Junkrat's Beartrap is fine. You can destroy the beartrap and watch out for it and you can still act during Graviton Surge.

Other than that, Just some values getting changed like giving Widowmaker and Lucio 175 HP, longer sniper rifle charge time for Widowmaker, Fan the Hammer nerfs for McCree, some damage fall-off at longer ranges for Bastion, some buffs for Zenyatta like the Orb of Harmony reducing the friendly cooldowns and the Orb of Discord increasing hostile ones.

>get frozen
>rest of team ganks her ass

Can be shut down during her startup, missles are scattered so guaranteed kills are low
Can be shut down just as he starts up, maybe getting a shot or two off but no guaranteed kills
Literally does nothing anyways
Can be shut down but has a smaller window of time
Just fucking chucks that thing out there which goes on even if she dies

you are shit at this game and need to stop posting.

Really? Seems like I'm pretty good if I can shut down everyone's ults that you said were problematic.

I never said they were problematic, I said they didn't have a startup time.

Here's one

>remove all small, solid props/objects on the maps
When i go into a room i stumble against tables, benches, plants, etc. that prevent me from moving
just make it somewhat flat, like TF2

Fix the timer/cap rate by making it progress ay a static rate the entire map. Defenders should not be punished by a last minute cap when they held well the entire match.

Also, what the fuck is going on with matchmaking? For 8 games in a row Ive gotten ridiculous stacks against me where the entire enemy team is over 10+ levels my highest level player.

Someone who knows something about game design here

1. On the asymetrical attack/defend maps, ensure the defend spawn is always equal distance away from the attack spawn.

Having one team need to cross Egypt and Israel and the other need to walk down their driveway to get to the obj is dumb.

2. Add in a symmetrical attack/defend game mode (aka Conquest or Domination)

3. Payload goes backwards just as quickly as it does forwards

4. Payload goes backwards immediate when no one is touching it.

5. Reduce Mei's health

6. Reduce Mei's health regen amount

7. Reduce Mei's freeze rate

8. Decrease ROF for Mei's ice sniper

9. Increase charge rate for Widowmaker's 100% damage multiplier. Make it stay at 100% if she gets a 1HK but otherwise recharge slowly.

10. Genji's default melee when using Dragon Saber does more damage

11. Make High Noon only lock on if user is still

12. Add knockback to Reinheart's M1.

13. Instead of reviving everyone within a radius, Mercy can target specific souls to revive

14. Make roadhog's bait and swith require 3 actions instead of 2

15. Remove Soldier 76's grenade launcher (they are literally shit tier compared to the grenade launcher character, its bad enough that mei has overlap with widowmaker)

16. Give soldier 76 a firemode similar to the aug in CS where his vision zooms in, his firerate slows down but his accuracy is higher. You can call it targeting mode or whatever.

17. Give Pharah an alt fire rocket. M1 rocket = Direct Hit low splash, M2 rocket = high splash, low direct hit.

19. Give the ability to pin people like rienhart with her charge

20. Give longer flight duration

21. Fix the melee reload cancel for Reaper

Get rid of Hero stacking. That's all I want.

dev =/= designer

The only point I think MAYBE needs looking at is Temple of Anubis point B. The spawn is literally behind it and there's too many good spots for a Bastion/Torbjorn turret.

I say 'maybe' because I've never actually been in a match there that was two well co-ordinated teams against each other. It's always a band of random chucklefucks from assorted Homes for the Mentally Challenged versus 6 ex CS:GO players who are in the same room and have known each other since they were 4 years old.

If I could get into a match where both teams know what they're doing, it'd be nice to know if Anubis point B is actually balanced.

22. Add in a CTF mode

23. Add in a plant the bomb mode

24. Add in a weekly brawl that is team death match but with soldier 76 only

25. Allow Lucio's to stack but stack the rate, not the amount

26. Increase Zenyatta's health

27. Decrease Zenyatta's damage

28. Increase Zenyatta's range for healing

29. Require Tobjorn to have scrap to build and repair

30. Horde mode

the only shit thats annoying is getting hit when you already ran around a corner but i heard that can be fixed in custom games

>get rid of respawn time
Fuckin stop reading there boy

>Payload goes backwards just as quickly as it does forwards
Are you actually mental? That's a horrible idea. You'd never get anywhere unless all 6 of you were actually good, which as we know, never happens.

>ITT: kids who never played tf2

>29. Require Tobjorn to have scrap to build and repair
No. Not unless you're going to give him a level 3 turret that he can keep as standard if he's got enough scrap.

And even then, still no.

>I heard that can be fixed in custom games

If you're going to make Torb require scrap, also give him ways to get scrap that don't involve suicide missions to battlefields when trying to set up, and either alter the cost of E or give him a higher scrap total

>People actually think Mei is broken


If 12 year olds were devs

terrible ideas mixed with a few okay ones.

I think Mei is good for picking off stragglers and as an anti-flanking character. Outside of a one on one situation without an ultimate she's pretty simple to deal with.

Unless that's your role in the team, you shouldn't really be on your own anyway.

>Get rid of respawn time
No. For reasons already stated.

>Get rid of "leavers penalty"
No. We don't need to promote "fuck it, i'm not trying, im requeing" approach. It's bad for gaming in general.

>Fix some maps

>Fix Mei
Yup. When you struggle to kill a supporty defence hero more than to take down a tank, something is not ok.

And add deathmatch. I know it's not the purpose of the game, but I also know many of us would happily jump into an arena map and do some fragging. Team deathmatch maybe, if they insisnt on the game to be super team based.

>"lol I play Mei guys and die with her maybe once a game while freezing 40 enemies in a single match. I don't know why you think she's broken lol"

Get a Symmetra.

The point of her teleporter is to mitigate long distances.


that's not tick rate its already known hanzos arrows have a stupid hitbox

not that guy but you know the answer to this will be:
>b-b-but muh main

thumb up for those cooldowns shenanigans on orbs, I like the idea. Even a second or two would make them feel that much stronger.


Characters I'd change:

-Flashbang only works from the front of the hero you throw it at, bright flashes behind you shouldn't do shit.
-Increase Falloff damage on Revolver

-Icewall has Healthbar display
-Individual Sections have lower health
-Cryofreeze's ice can be broken resulting in a stun

-Add a lasersight to her aiming
-Reduce rate of charge
-Increase Ammo useage per shot
-Ult given a callout for the enemy team

+Healing orb has a hud display for the person currently being healed
+Health buffed to 200
+Healing orb gives movement speed increase
-Discord orb becomes a projectile weapon that only activates if it lands a hit. Immune to tank shields.

+Can fire while moving at full speed while in Meka
+Given an Alt fire projectile to deal with further range enemies similar to S76
+Remove Mech's Headshot box

+Increase HP to 250
+Increase overall horizontal movement in the air

-Increase the cooldown caused by breaking a shield from 5 to 10 seconds

>Zarya (kind of)
-Allow more heroes to escape from her ult with their mobility tools, Winston and Junkrat currently cant for some reason

I actually do play Symmetra but having to wait half of the match to put up a teleporter is pretty garbage. Not only that but with shifting defense points, the teleporter becomes useless once the objective shifts and you already established your portal.

no the answer to that is a bunch of poo in the loo memers

Holy shit I'm glad you are not a designer

>Get rid of respawn time
Then Overtime would literally last forever, this is ignoring the team might have a Symmetra. The whole game revolves around eliminating the enemy team and capitalizing on their absence to take objectives.

>Get rid of leavers penalty
Then faggots like me who get mad when there are 2+ Genjis on a team would never stop leaving games.

>Fix maps like Hanamura and Hollywood
Only sensible thing in your post, Hanamura is easy to fix just open the gate completely instead of it being ajar. Hollywood needs a third entrance.

>Fix Mei
Literally nothing broken with her, her Ult does have an audio cue and let me remind you that if you can't get out of the circle in time you were close enough for her to freeze you anyways. Yoy are just salty someone froze you while playing Reaper for the seventh time during that one match.

>1. On the asymetrical attack/defend maps, ensure the defend spawn is always equal distance away from the attack spawn.
Other than the last points on Anubis and Hollywood, this isn't that big of a deal. Defense should have an advantage, that's how it works.

>2. Add in a symmetrical attack/defend game mode (aka Conquest or Domination)

>3. Payload goes backwards just as quickly as it does forwards
FUCK NO. Nobody would ever win a Payload map.

>4. Payload goes backwards immediate when no one is touching it.
Immediately? No. After 10 seconds? Sure.

>5. Reduce Mei's health
>6. Reduce Mei's health regen amount
>7. Reduce Mei's freeze rate
>8. Decrease ROF for Mei's ice sniper
Mei makes you angry, doesn't she? The only one I'd agree with is reducing her health. She's very tanky at the moment, when she's supposed to be defense.

>9. Increase charge rate for Widowmaker's 100% damage multiplier. Make it stay at 100% if she gets a 1HK but otherwise recharge slowly.
No. Widowmaker's fine.

>10. Genji's default melee when using Dragon Saber does more damage

>11. Make High Noon only lock on if user is still
No. Just make him suddenly VERY visible on everyone's screen. If you get caught then, it's your own damn fault.

>12. Add knockback to Reinheart's M1.
Ridiculous. You'd only ever hit someone once. Give him an alt swing, maybe.

>13. Instead of reviving everyone within a radius, Mercy can target specific souls to revive
Not a terrible idea, as long as it's an addition.

>14. Make roadhog's bait and swith require 3 actions instead of 2
I don't know what you're on about. Do you mean his hook and then shotgun to the face? Because that's the point of Roadhog.

15. Remove Soldier 76's grenade launcher (they are literally shit tier compared to the grenade launcher character
They're not grenades, though. They're rockets. They fire in a straight line, and they're mostly for taking out Roadhog.

>increase Defense's respawn timer for each checkpoint back they lose
Their spawn is already a stumble away from the points anyways, you should not be able to get wiped and still defend a point.

>add more side paths
Just in general. This is the only thing that OP got right, Hanamura is a fucking joke because there's only 1 entrance into the first point unless you're Genji or Pharah.

>Remove D.Va's invulnerability when summoning her mech
Why is this even a thing.

>Her Ultimate has no audio cue


>Playing Reaper

nice try friendo

Mei is my least played character. I've found that the only people who call her OP are the people who suck ass at this game.

>17. Give Pharah an alt fire rocket. M1 rocket = Direct Hit low splash, M2 rocket = high splash, low direct hit.
Quite like that idea.

You missed 18.

>19. Give the ability to pin people like rienhart with her charge
>20. Give longer flight duration
You can only pick one of these.

>21. Fix the melee reload cancel for Reaper
I don't know what that is.

>22. Add in a CTF mode

>23. Add in a plant the bomb mode

>24. Add in a weekly brawl that is team death match but with soldier 76 only
They'll probably do that in Arcade eventually.

>25. Allow Lucio's to stack but stack the rate, not the amount

26. Increase Zenyatta's health
27. Decrease Zenyatta's damage
28. Increase Zenyatta's range for healing
Then you might as well just play Lucio.

>29. Require Tobjorn to have scrap to build and repair
No. He's gimped enough.

>30. Horde mode

Overall, I give you 6/10. Some nice ideas, but some that'd just straight-up ruin things and you miss the obvious quite a lot.


>Source: my ass

so, nerf Lucio?

What a joke, into the trash.

>If you're going to make someone walk a mile to get back to the objective, there's no reason in having a respawn timer
babby's first FPS

>fix the fucking retarded hitboxes

>Remove sprays. No one uses sprays outside of spawn. All they're good for is ruining loot boxes

>balance spawns on payload maps
every payload comes down to the wire because attackers have it easy, then defenders have it easy, then everyone just dogpiles at the end near the defending spawn

Fix hanzo and his arrow hitboxes detection.

Using it as a to keep him relevant is an extremely poor choice in g a me balance. He should be given other tools to compensate rather than just let him literally snipe you even though you ducked behind a wall a second before.

It is stupid that the game has a pro scene already.

I agree only with making an audio queue for mei's ult.

Everything else sounds like you just want to play tf2.


the game has been out for almost a month now

>How do we fix Overwatch?

Activate DK Mode on all characters so their models fit the hitboxes

meant for

>Payload goes backwards just as quickly as it does forwards
>Payload goes backwards immediate when no one is touching it.
>Someone who knows something about game design here
Is this the new "my father works at Nintendo"?

I mean if organized teams playing tournament formats isn't competitive, then what is? You can say it's stupid or unskilled or something, but you really can't say it's not competitive.

Early on, the element of surprise from your turrets helps you build ult super fast. That, added with ball spam, results in an early first teleporter. I think you just gotta git gud

Attackers have a near 100% winrate. Only absolute trash lose as attackers. Its to the point competitive play is decided on how fast you won as attacker since its assumed youll lose on defense. You win 1 team fight and you capture the point as offense. 1 out of 10+ fights and you win. Thats how easy it is for attackers. You fucking suck shit.

Am I right in thinking that right now, the payload will move as long as a member of the attacking team is on/near it? Or can you contest it and stop it?

Because I think on the last point, when the objective is literally two feet from an enemy spawn, having the payload able to be pushed just by having an attacker by it is a thing that should happen.

Possibly make it 2, otherwise you'd just get Reinhardt or Winston just sitting their asses on it with the shield up, I suppose.

But it should also move back quicker from that same objective, when being pushed back by the defense.

>>Get rid of respawn time
yeah now taking the objective is literally impossible, great idea making deaths completely irrelevant

Okay, here's a more recent one, but doesn't have KOTH stats

Also the balancing hasn't changed at all upon release.

Overtime needs fixing
Hanzo, Mei, and Zen needs rebalance (Good on pubs, shit-tier on competitive/good player pubs)
Wave based respawn time (Everyone respawns at the same time)

man i love overwatch it's such a great game

and entirely destroying Mercy's ult.
How is that being missed?

What game have you been playing? Temple of Anubis is a defender's paradise, mate.

I've got one.

McCree's flash grenades dies exactly that. Flashes you. You're not d5tunned, but you won't be able to see or hear for the same amount of time you'd be normally stunned.

I remember someone saying that adding a pool for Zenyatta's balls would be good. You know, being able to throw out two orbs if harmonies or two orbs of destruction.

At least we can all agree McCree needs to be nerfed into the dirt.

No it isnt. You are bad. Its way too easy to win on it.

>OW thread
>people are actually talking about the game instead of posting asses

Holy shit you people are fags

Except you're wrong about the maps.
Hanzo, widow, junkrat,, reaper, and Winston can do the same as genji and pharah in basically all situations even in hanamura. Hell, even a good Lucio can go anywhere he damn pleases because of the way his wall ride works.

>Widowmaker will never rape you with her futa cock

>drop the bomb on them

No it's not. You are playing against terrible, terrible defense teams.

>Winston sticks his shield over it

Why Torb's turret have some of the best autoaiming i've ever seen in a video game.

That shit hits you from across the map at level 1.

Mei does have an audio cue, she says something Asia, sounds like oshoo go shiro or something

Not really.
Low ranks defenders are more favored.
Mid ranks its even.
High ranks attackers are more favored.
In "pro" matches its rare for defenders to ever win.
This is because

1- There is a much larger impact having higher coordination on attack then on defence.

2- If everyone charges their ults and uses them on a push, they just have to win 1 push to win the game, defenders can also save their ults for when the attackers all coordinate theirs, but the problem is that the defenders have to win every single time.

At least once the attackers should win the team fight and the will win the game.

Because it has low hp, is immobile, doesn't change targets well, and torbjorn can't heal it very quickly.

Depending on the map, I can get ulti within the first minute or two. Notably Gibraltar or Dorado. Stopping them from leaving base feels so good.