How does one achieve victory against such an opponent? Do you think From went too far?

How does one achieve victory against such an opponent? Do you think From went too far?

I suppose one could get good. Then victory might be feasible.

Just be thankful they did not pull a dark lurker and force you to solo him.

Pretty easy compared to orphan, I'd say

>can't be darklurker or nk solo

Hang near the drake's head and bash it when it's near the ground

Stay middlish and bait NK's attacks and hit him/Estus when he's recovering (roll to avoid the attacks)

No, From didn't go too far for an optional boss (in a secret area).

I'm hoping they make an almost impossible boss in the new DLC (since it's their last Souls apparently).

>Old One from DeS is the final boss of all Souls

He is actually pretty fair, the only bullshit part of the fight is when he is on the drake and the camera is being gay.

He's a little tough, but use spells on the dragons head, stay right in front of the king with a heavy 100% phys shield and dodge. He really has about 3 or 4 attacks, none of which are grabs. He has a nice big punish window and he can't keep his back that safe. It is a tough fight cause he knocks off a lot of health but it isn't that bad since he is has huge holes in his offense and defense.

Bring a fast weapon
Maybe use bleed

He was hard until I switched my greatsword for a buffed longsword, his speed becomes comparable to yours.
Greatswords were a mistake.

I haven't played the second one but Dark Souls 1 and 3 doesn't have any hard bosses.

You should attain greatness.

I beat him solo and if I can do it then literally every other person on earth should be able to.

>Didn't force you to complete an entire area and sacrifice a limited valuable item just for an attempt to fight him a second time


>pick up any straight sword
>mash that R1
>stagger him

Wow so hard. If you still can't beat him the dragonslayer shield completely removes any thread he poses

Nameless is not too hard he is just differnt from every other boss in the game.
He hits hard and hits fucking fast, I was dead within seconds of my first time getting to phase two.

You need a good shield and basically block his attacks and poke him once or heal when you get a right opening.
Trying to hit him multiple times is dangerous because he will rape you.

Roll INTO his attacks and keep to his left and your right. Use his flying/leaping attacks for estus, or get some range from him. NK is horrible at range, so even things like throwing knives or arrows are good alternatives for some damage.

Also, having done a Caestus build recently, you can actually get him in a stunlock cycle after the first phase when you hit him with a critical. As soon as he starts standing up, if you use your caestus and L1 the shit out of him and unload your whole stamina bar, he falls right back over. If you're using fast weapons, aim for hitting him a bunch in a short time span. It's risky but the rewards are great. He's also quite weak to fire.

in the first phase, make sure you are always in front of the boss, generally from software did a good job at making this apparent, he constantly thrusts forwards, and takes more damage from the neck, never go under him

It's not a fight like say, giant lord or bloodletting beast where locking on will fuck you over

In phase 2 you could just need to learn his telegraphing, if he dashes you need to learn to dodge the entirety of the king, as his weapon has a forward hitting side swipe hitbox, which also gerates smog, his easiest attacks to dodge are his main combos, and if he ever does the double poke, this is your time to get some attacks in

in phase 2 when he starts using lightning shit, I generally found it easier to tank the lightning bolt with the lightning crest sheild or whatever it's called, his most dangerous move however is the slam which is surprisingly shortly telegraphed, learn to get used to this or tank it

Otherwise from that, it's a fight about simply mastering dodging, the nameless king is a pretty fair fight overall, not as ridiculous as something like Orphan, not as bloated as something like laurence.

It's honestly one of my favourite fights in the series, up there with ludwig.

i once co-op ed a sun bro, he arrowed both drake and king to death, he was so efficent, i just sit in a corner and watched him do the work.

tl,dr gitgug

>entire area
the abyss? that small area?
Just go to the one with the dark havel. Lure him to the initial bridge and make him fall. Now you can attack the other NPC enemy from behind and the other is easy.
>sacrifice a limited valuable item
I have 99 effigies stored and another 80 effigies in the inventory. just host a fight club if you think you need all those effigies to beat him

>Grind a fight club and murder all those NPCs every time you want to fight a boss
>Good design

No one said it's a good design, but it's not as difficult or demanding as you make it look.

There's fuckloads of effigies in the game alone, you don't need to host a fight club if you don't want to, and you certainly don't need to use even a third of those effigies during the game or even for a boss that dies to pyromancy in a second.
>all those NPCs
there's 3 NPCs. Is that too much? One that kills himself, another that's an easy backstab and gets killed in 2 hits, and another that's easy as fuck, and there's the boss. Some people even farm souls there because it's easy and quick to farm 7000 souls every run.

stop wasting your time with retards. it's cool to hate das 2. don't you want to belong? das 2 has a lots of problems and shortcomings but the second you see faggots bitch about completely normal things like it's clearly shitposting.

>huuuuuaaaa I need to kill 3 npcs to get to a boss fight that's easy as fuck so unfair

Are the giant snakes some of the worst normal enemies in the game? Getting two of them coming at you at once just seems like death.

>H-he's retarded
Or maybe I just don't like such an obnoxious slog, especially when I'm running a raw melee build. But nah, s-shitposting mutha fukka, I can't stand dissenting opinions!

I used ultra great sword for the drake part, then switched to straight sword on the second phase.
Killing the drake on 3 hits felt so good, that critical hit mang

in every souls game you almost always need to make your way around enemies to the boss fight what are you on about?

the only problem is that you need to use and effigy but that shouldn't really be a many effigies you need until you beat the darklurker?

holy shit DaS II is terrible in many things but you faggots complain about everything.


>reach that fight
>get fucked around 6-7 times during the first phase, struggling with the camera
>eventually get it
>phase 2
>beat it first try
>beat both phases again first try

Even fucking Champion Gundyr is harder.

>especially when I'm running a raw melee build
>making excuses

It's a quick and easy run. Much more quicker and easier than most boss runs.
I'm and just used pyromancy and an UGS, quality build, no buffs. Havel kills himself on the bridge, the other NPC dies in 4 hits before he can even face me, and the other NPC stunlocks herself against the wall behind her. In less than 2 minutes you're at the boss. You're literally trying to invent a problem that's simply not real.

In nearly every case you can just run past the enemies to the boss fight. Darklurker forces you to defeat a bunch of difficult NPC enemies for every attempt.

it's not a dissenting opinion when you're objectively wrong and your only argument is your lack of skill keep trying to say that a place that's used to farm souls because it's easy and short is a problem to get to the boss, just end yourself faggot

>first playthrough, playing without guides or meme builds
>first try on nameless
>"oh man this is gonna suck"
>bring him down to 10% health in second phase before dying
>"I guess there's gonna be third phase after this"
>die on second try during first phase for not paying attention
>kill nameless on third try
>there was no third phase

I had infinitely more trouble with the boreal dancer and Gundyr. He's not that aggressive and his attacks are slow and very dodgeable. What's the big deal?

I didn't find him very hard. But I was running a tanky build. I could just block everything for minimal damage and strike back at him. Dancer and the Pontiff were harder.

Nameless is easy as fuck once you get a feeling for his rhythm and can recognize his tells. If you're having that much trouble with it just use the Bloodring, it's practically designed for this fight.

If Twin Princes had more health in both phases it would be a WAY harder fight than Nameless.

>bunch of difficult NPC
You say "bunch", I say "just 3", you say "difficult" and I just told you how to beat them very easily.

What can I say, it's just a case of git gud.

Like I said, it's a common souls farming place. It's your problem because the area is nor difficult nor long.

>in nearly every case
Nearly is the key word here. Nearly. Not always. And like nearly, DaS II has one boss where you can't just run to it.

>King of Storms killed me twice.
>Nameless king only ever touched me once.

Took him down solo. Took me like three tries on the King of Storms, and about four on Nameless himself. He's not really that bad- I had a lot more trouble with Gehrman than him.

>defeat a bunch of difficult NPC enemies
clearly shitposting.

here's your (you)

I have beat every Souls and Souls-type game solo
because I either did not have an internet connection, pirated the game or refused to pay for PS plus

In most games you can just run past enemies. I quite frankly don't have the patience to deal with those enemies every goddamn time.

Plus the first time I played I got stuck with the Xanthous area that I had to repeat a dozen times. I've only done two runs of DaS2, pure STR and pure Hex. The latter was so OP that Darklurker basically just melted but I've never beaten him with STR because I got so sick of running through that area.

I think I used like 15 effigies then just stopped caring? It's just a poor design. If you only had to blow an effigy to try the fight again outright I wouldn't be as upset.

>My experience invalidates yours!
That's not how this works.

Fuck Orphan. That boss killed me as much as the rest of the game combined.

Don't lock on to him and walk instead of roll

>Gi-git gud
That's a poor argument for bad design, user.

I think a lot of people struggle just because of the massive difference between the first and second part of the fight. The first fight is a battle of patience and dodging; it's slow, monotonous, and predictable. Then suddenly you need to be on guard and dodge into attacks and shit. I wouldn't say NK is anyway near Orphan of Kos, but the transition in phases reminds me of him a lot. NK and 2nd Phase Orphan hit like a ton of bricks and can combo you into oblivion if you tarry for even a second.

>mfw beat him and the champ in one try on NG++ after struggling with them in NG
Knowing you got gud is the best feeling.

>My experience invalidates yours!
>That's not how this works.

Not trying to invalidate anything so don't really understand why you're saying that.
Just pointing out to someone that claims to have a pure melee build and uses that fact to excuse himself, how to easily and quickly to beat the area with the same type of build. It's not a "personal experience" if it's simply doing it wrong and refusing to learn. Souls games are about learning from others experiences right from demon's souls.

>I quite frankly don't have the patience to deal with those enemies every goddamn time.
try not to die so many times
>pure Hex. The latter was so OP that Darklurker basically just melted
strange considering that the highest defence darklurker has is dark damage. aside from profound still literally any other build is better against him.
>I think I used like 15 effigies then just stopped caring?
good thing the dark phantoms stop spamming after being killed 10 times then

>bad design
that's a poor argument for being bad at an easy area user.

>You're playing the game wrong!

Look man, I don't have any interest in having to slap around all the enemies in my path. I want to focus on the damn boss. Silver Knights are easy too, but if I had to fight every Silver Knight on the path to O&S in DaS1 I'd call it shit design too. "But there's only three of them!" doesn't make it any less tedious.

>git gud
You guys really need better arguments.

It is bad design.

One npc kills himself. The other can't even face you before he gets killed and the final npc gets stunlocked between whatever weapon you're using and the wall.
That's why DaSII is considered the easiest souls game.

your fucking casual faggot

Beat him on my third try, my Dragonslayer Axe smacked the shit out of his lil dragon in 2 hits.

Sure thing mate, that's why you got stuck in the Xanthous area and couldn't beat darklurker with a str build. Whatever helps you sleep at night.

Yeah he's hilariously weak to lightning. Sadly NK resists the shit out of lightning. I had to summon for my faith build, my Raw weapon was doing shit all damage.

are you implying you have arguments user? a personal experience of ineptitude isn't an argument. you can be right about how obtuse it is to waste an effigy, you can be right about killing the npc being a chore, but after 15 tries like you said, the reason you can't beat darklurker has nothing to do with the npcs (they don't respawn) or the used effigies. it's simply incompetence.

Nobody said my inability to beat Darklurker was a poor design on his part, I was no good at the fight, I can admit that. I'm saying that the Abyss area was a stupid decision and having to waste an effigy every time just added to it.

Eat shit.

well i can see your point now. if you couldnt defeat darklurker even after 15 tries (but somehow managed to defeat him using a pure hex build) you must have used a fuckload of effigies in the game

He wasn't even hard..

I also always play offline my first run in a souls game so effigies weren't as common.

Also I played the original version, I don't know if DaS2: Scholars of the First LIE IS A LIE added more shit.