What the fuck happened?
Blizzard Entertainment
Other urls found in this thread:
>lumping MoP in there
Fuck off. Pandaland was great
More of the same, really, and a lot of the decent stuff didn't come out until late xpac.
Kill yourself, weebtrash.
Trigger Warning
Mists of Pandering doesn't belong on that pic.
It was super popular with the eastern demographics, which is the majority of Wow's subscriber base.
Social media
New generation of kids
Everything has to be easy, dumbed down and accessable
First post best post
>Rewards for exploring
>Story started out as something comparable to a vacation after Deathwing
>Sha were pretty cool
>Some of the best looking zones, Kun-Lai alone beating out most of WoD.
I mean yeah Thunder King was fuckin' great and so were Escalation and Timeless, but base Pandaria was still pretty great.
Whys overwatch on there?
Its fun as fuck
Why should they matter? They don't pay for xpacs, and their per-minute subscription is like $2.50 for 1300 minutes of logged in play.
$2.5 x 3M < $15 x 1M (+ xpansions)
They have arrived
this, this right here, there Activision merger ruined Blizzard.
>Diablo 3
Yeah ok
Same poster, here. I quit because I didn't enjoy leveling and whatever, but I would like to have played if I had to do it over again. The zones really are beautiful, and it actually had the free roam PvP content. It's at least much better than WoD is.
>we could of had a City of Heros type mmo
>instead we got a TF2 clone that will die off before the end of summer.
Does liking a game make you a shill now?
What the fuck happened to Sup Forums
Shills happened
apart from WoD there are only great games in your picture
liking horrible games and for dumb people, yes
>dying any time soon
Stillborn cucks
>New generation of gamers
>Gaming becoming mainstream
>Social media faggotry
>Activision Merger
half of our problems can be traced to internet centralization
>Warcraft movie Flopped
>Legion going to Flop
>Overwatch will be dead in a few months
>SC2 literally nowhere to be seen
>Heroes of the Storm has apparently been out for a year now; literally dead on arrival
All blizz have going for them is casual magic which is boring.
they realized if they can pander to idiots with flash colours and pretty effects then don't need to put as much effort into their games while making much more
That's literally just your opinion man
whats a good game for smart people like yourself then?
>tfw still playing WoW even though Draenor was shit
>tfw all I want is for Legion to be good
I know the story will be a mess, but it can't fuck up things much worse than BC already did. Honestly the quality is there, just there's no quantity and there's nothing to do at max level outside of raiding once a week and a bit of Tanaan stuff.
>Liking Chinese shit
It was, until you were raiding literally just Orgrimmar for an entire year.
>Warcraft Movie flopped
It's not out in the US and has been #1 in almost every market it was released in.
Only the first two are correct.
>le pandaland was good maymay
how bad of a cuck do you have to be? I was a fanboy all the way through Cata, then began losing faith during Cata, MoP, and completely stopped playing in WoD with no intention of touching Legion since it's just more of the same shit.
I can tell you life is better on the other side. Blizzard doesn't make good games for anyone other than little timmy anymore.
Why did it ruin them though
Were they not making money before? Couldn't activision just leave them be after buying them out? How can reducing the quality of games make profit
BC showed that they could be lazy and get away with putting little effort into their games and people would buy it en masse.
The literal shit slurping fans of BC ruined Blizzard. Glad I quit when BC was released, my friends still play it every once and awhile and tell me how bad it is. Which really begs the question, why play if the game is shit?
underage faggots who eat their cartoony bullshit up like good little consumers happened.
in other words, if you ever had a WoW subscription, you should consider suicide.
>le current WoW is easy meme
>the whole game is LFR
>what is mythic raiding
>le current WoW is easy meme
it's not a meme
Battleborn for intellectuals like me who like feminist games with mature humor.
Sup Forums doesn't understand video game economics. Why the fuck would they understand how movies work?
>It didn't make it's money back in France alone. BLUNDER OF THE YEAR LOL
>I want legion to be good
Have you played the beta? Its literally the same as WoD.
>New Heroic dungeons will be dead content within 1 month as usual since you can just spam them.
>Same raid structure as WoD
>Levelling is even more of a mindless pointless grind
>People think zone scaling is actually good for the game should be shot
>Zones are pointless linear one-way oversaturated with FP shit blobs
>No challenge in the zones since everything scales to your level
>All classes have been streamlined even harder to appeal to idiots
>Rehashing Dalaran because the art team is so fucking lazy they can't come up with something new so they use a 8 year old city to appeal to nostalgia idiots
>Glorified garrison shit back again
>"Its different! its not the same!"
>Its exactly the same, you drag your meaningless champions/heroes and send them on missions
>B-b-b-but there's world missions!
>Exactly the same as WoD with the "extra lvling objectives" except they give you more meaningless items which you wont fucking need because you spam Heroic dungeons as soon as you hit max level
>But user we have ARTIFACT WEAPONS
>Exactly the same as garrison resources
>Go out into the world and find treasures/quests etc.. that give artifact power EXACTLY the same as WoD with garrison resources
>Demon hunter looks awful
>More store mounts/mtx
Now tell me user, you will grind to max in the exact same fashion as in WoD and say "wow this is amazing, the questline and having the choice to go to whichever zone i want is great" once you hit max level you will spam the new heroic dungeons and like WoD they will get old fast, once you have your BiS you will then grind some repeatable bullshit quest for your garrison re- I mean artifact power and wait untill highma- wait Emerald dream opens. And when you've finished your pointless artifact shit and don't have any heroic dungeons to do guess where you get to stay for another 2 fucking years? DALARAN WOOOHOOO
>People who have devoted their entire lives to video ganes and are autistic enough to mathematically calculate optimal rotations happen to be good at the game and beat bosses easily
B-b-b-but daily quests
Same problem every company has.
They were making money, just not enough.
They were just about as autistic in wrath/cata m8, world firsts still took them way longer because the encounters weren't a joke like they were in mop/wod. I know it's when you started playing, but mop was trash dude.
Lmao just go play on your private server if you hate retail this much
MoP was a joke but Draenor had some decent fights.
it's called activision now and never pretended otherwise, why are you so slow?
It's garbage. Just like starwars battlefront, it's generic tasteless soup with a flashy label.
Why is MoP in there?
It was breddy gud (minus the 14 months of SoO)
They went from a small company to a big company on the back of the world's most insane money gouging skinner-box. From that point on the only way they could keep going up is by making more skinner-boxes.
No, it still is.
Class were more or less broken in vanilla, and were unable to do anything worthwhile in BC.
Wrath was when classes could each stand on their own, without having to worry about the right debuffs from another class to push up their dps.
Cataclysm onwards every class was too powerful, for the whole 'bring the player not the class' thing started in BC, mission accomplished.
However at the top tier it makes everything laughably easy so the race for world first becomes faster and faster.
But you aren't top tier are you? You weren't able to do these raids within the same month as world first were you?
That's ok, me neither.
>not a stinking pile of broken shit
granted, Diablo 3 is pretty much fixed now though. It's way too late but yeah they did fix the game somewhat.
>get proven wrong with mild high school math users
Never fails. Welcome to post 1998 people. Welcome to the future of everything.
nobody knows
your company is considered a failure now a days if you are not generating record profits and growth every single year
Overwatch is so god damn successful because it was all researched and carefully planned with psychology and marketing shit. Activision probably spent millions on the research alone. Same idea as grocery stores letting out certain scents in the air or putting things on end caps and changing prices a certain way to get you to spend more.
WoW happened.
It killed them.
Literally never said that though. Good job on that insecurity though. People who play WoW that much will probably end up being good at it and be able to efficiently kill bosses.