ITT: Shit games that killed their franchises. I'll start

ITT: Shit games that killed their franchises. I'll start




Most Ape Escape spin offs, if they kept it platforming focused, maybe the series could be in the same room as Jak, Ratchet and Clank and Sly but of course it isn't.

Fuck you, Sony.

>The most successful entertainment product in the history of the human race
>Largely celebrated as a Magnum opus style achievement
>Lauded by critics and fans alike
>Killed the franchise

>30 hour game
>the last 5 minutes are somewhat disappointing

Yeah, always overblowing this shit. It's the journey that counts, and it was fucking amazing.

Persona 4


Mass Effect 2 did nothing wrong.

those last 5 hours are supposed to be a culmination of an entire franchise and it completely shits the bed

Thats not ME2 though

was kinda short. there's not much content outside of the recruitment and make your squaddies happy missions. the final boss was a joke. still an okay 7/10 game though

Mass effect 1 is the chore you go through to play these two better games though.

Mass Effect 3 shit on the entire franchise. Drew Karpyshan was ejected from the project and his original vision for the story was not allowed to take place. They gutted the characters, the writing took a huge hit, the gameplay became reduced to "RUN AWAY FROM DA REAPERS" minigames, the whole product was a massive disappointment.


Mass Effect 2 was all about character relationships and deepest lore. If you didn't explore all that side content fully then you're missing out on some of the best moments in the games

Go fuck yourself.

except mass effect 1 has a more immersive world and people only think it's a shit game because you had to mine a few minerals before you get to the good parts.

I ummm liked all of these games. yeah mass effect 3 had a lame ending at first but the ride there was fun.

Meant to reply to
An actual argument would help your case


>Mass Effect 2 was all about character relationships and deepest lore.
yeah and thats fine. its why I don't hate the game. the entire concept of exploring space should allow for more variety though

>Just the ending
>Not retconning the reapers
>Illusive Man is Saren 2.0
>Kaiden is gay now because
>Traynor and Cortez are gay and serve no purpose
>ME2 characters are cameos
>Self insert gets PTSD
>Earth is super important because the players are humans
>Destroyed Mass Relays so no more space travel
>On disc DLC
>ending DLC
>sued over false advertising
>Last word is "DLC"

Tacked on MP was the best part.


I liked it
This is a stupid meme

>my opinions are literally the only thing in this world and are the final word on anything and everything

Jesus ME3 was fucking shit.

When you say "killed their franchises" it sounds like game was so bad that there won't be any other game in that particular franchise.
But Mass Effect 3 was last game in ME trilogy so "franchise" was kinda over? It doesn't matter if it had shit ending or not, it was over. And it sold over 3.5 million copies.

Also, new Mass Effect is on the way and ton of people will buy it, so...

Okay, GTAV gameplay is very shitty and handholding, the story sucks ass, Trevor is a edgy piece of shit, Franklin is boring, the driving is abbysmal, the physics got water downed, online is utter fucking garbage, i rather play SR4.

Now fuck off casual normie summerfag.

Cry more

No, I mean killed the franchise as in, this franchise is now dead to me, and exists in name only as a withered husk of what once made it great

>literally a thread for people who don't like the game
neck yourself, kiddo

t.sixteen year old

Literally all of those things you said minus Trevor apply to GTA4. GTA5 is a logical extension of that formula, so you can't pin all those things on it.

>you must conform to everyone else stop having your own opinion
Delicious tears


So you can go play it when it's released. But fact remains the same. The quality of ME3 was bellow abysmal and you are perpetuating a series of behaviors that allows horrible decisions by developers that truly believe that they are never are wrong.

Are you just pretending to be retarded?

Are you going to keep replying? You seem extremely eager

in that case: this.

I'm going with yes, then. No one could ironically complain about people being contrarian when they're in fact the ones being contrarian to the actual topic

Dead Space 3 was truly a fucking tragedy. The story they were building up to was incredible, why do these companies always shit the bed with the "generic Hollywood big bad guy" trope when it's time to put some effort into the writing?

Just stop replying, you're talking to a teenager or a college student. His posts reek of immaturity and insecurity. If he responds, resist the temptation to reply.

ME3 was worth it for the multiplayer alone.

Are you retarded? 4 has the best physics, well written story and characters and a solid gunplay in the franchise, and I've only seen kids complaining about the car handling and no checkpoints during missions. please kill yourself.

Except not everyone hates the game, and in fact see the ones whining about it being "ruined" because of the ending are far more prominent than those that genuinely hate it
Or are you one of the kids who played through the entire thing and only at the end decided it was shit?

>4 has the best physics, well written story and characters and a solid gunplay in the franchise

>build a successful new IP as a return to form for the spooky atmospheric third person horror/action genre
>for the grand finale, let's mutilate this game beyond recognition until it looks and plays more like gears of fucking war than its predecessors
Bravo Kotik

>solid gunplay


>Except not everyone hates the game
Thats nice. And they can have their own little threads about it (except they don't, because they're clearly a tiny minority). And people who go into their threads and tell them their opinion is wrong can be just as stupid as you are being now

gud girl bad pucci

>people who go into threads and tell them their opinion is wrong can be just as stupid
You mean, like you literally did in this very thread?
So, it's okay for a bandwagon of people that hate a game, in a tiny thread, can all collectively hate something, but when others genuinely disagree, it's wrong? You're a hypocrite

> this franchise is now dead to me, and exists in name only as a withered husk of what once made it great

Well it certainly didnt kill it financially, in this case I would have to say this game for me.

What an amazing argument, I sure hope you feel superior now.

You realize this all started with you saying that Mass Effect 3 being bad is a meme because "I liked it" right?

You provided no argument or substance whatsoever, and expected us all to bow down to your infinite wisdom. So you're getting called out for being a bitch right now, and rightfully so

Yet you offer no rebuttal

But Mass Effect 2 was the game that caused that effect. Are you confused?

Why are you still replying to me? You must be really eager

>you offered no argument or substance whatsoever
Neither did you, and that's why it's an opinion
>expected us all to bow down to your infinite wisdom
When did I want this? I offered an opinion that was the opposite of yours and you jumped on it. Now you're just making yourself look stupid

I would agree with this. Skyrim unleashed an entire generation of normies into video game culture because it was a watered down piece of shit.

And it is shit. The level design is one fucking brown cave over and over, the infinite quests are meaningless Skinner Box tactics to make you feel like you're accomplishing something, the mechanics are extremely simplified and much of the depth is lost.

Fallout 3 is also a contender for this award as well. But since NV was so damn good, it wasn't until Fallout 4 that everyone realized how dumbed down it has become

>people saying mass effect 3 because the first part of the end scene were all the same except for color
>this slight laziness in animation which is completely in-line with the plot ruined everything
>tons of ending cutscenes afterwards

We all gave our reasons. How about you give yours.


Nice counter argument, bucko.

I enjoyed all 3 games. It's literally as simple as that
I'm still unsure why that's so difficult for you to understand

>Posting Legend of Incompetent Cancer

No wonder you love ME3.

Alright, I'll spell it out for you.

GTA IV had you driving and shooting while having to chase cars for 75% of the main story. This would result in the right hand having to contort into ungodly positions to simultaneously aim with the right analog stick, reload with x and zoom with the right trigger.

Ah, so you didn't play it?

Pandaland wasn't that bad on it's own, the real wowkiller was Cata, it started the oversimplification, tore up the community with dungeon finder and heirlooms, and cleared the path for the fucktarded talent system they have today.

> Skyrim unleashed an entire generation of normies into video game culture because it was a watered down piece of shit.

haha, fat autist: the post

And you think aiming while driving in GTAV is any better? At least the reticle isn't a small tiny ant dot like in V.

>video game culture

GTAV solves this problem with auto aim. Whether you like that or not, it is objectively a much better user experience than GTAIV.

Fuck off normalfag

Ooh thanks for the pic. Saved.

Why are you even here?

>>Largely celebrated as a Magnum opus style achievement
Whoever thinks this is a fucking idiot.

>Last game in a trilogy
>Next game in the franchise already well in development
>"Killed its franchise"

>i like to kill cops without any effort put into it
>i like games that play itself
>i don't have to score headshots anymore

You are casual af, V gunplay is pure lazyness.


For the record, this is not me (OP). I've been arguing with the GTAV guy but I didn't post this

>MFW I'M NOT ANTHONY "i like gtav" BURCH

>Anthony Burch

What u smokin mane

Yeah but Cata was still kinda interesting (untill End Times bullshit). They tried something new but it didn't worked that well. Pandaland, on the other hand, went full retard with it's content that primarily consisted of daily quests and daily chores (remember Farmville?). It became pretty obvious that they don't care about adding quality content in the game anymore and changed their main focus on the store.

Halo 5 brought it back, somehow

>hurr Mass Effect 3, Halo 4
You haven't seen dead until your franchise destroys itself so hard that nobody even knows where the rights are anymore

Binary Domain is better than Mass effect in every aspect.


Really? I've been so out of the loop since Halo Reach. How did it bring it back?


Speaking of Capcom...

I'm not perpetuating anything, I'm just saying that ME3 was last game in the trilogy so they didn't really give a fuck about how it's going to end (so they made "pick you color" endings). And it worked out for them because ton of people bought it and it made a lot of money.

And I'm just saying that now that they are releasing new game, lot of people will buy it (because they are retards that never learn).

fuck off reminding me of that shit

rip dylan

But that's the best game in the series?


>I'm not perpetuating anything

Yes, you are. You mediocre fuck.

Number wise? No, Halo 5 sold the least of Halo games, it also had a shit campaign. Luckily they salvaged multiplayer, which is what everyone actually cares about.


When the characterization was dumbed down to a typical lunk-head jock versus a betabitch STEM student for the love of the fiesty independent girl who don't need no man I was sure it was over. I wasn't even able to finish the game because I simply had no interest in what was going to happen to the world or the characters. It had so much potential, too

> (You)
>Really? I've been so out of the loop since Halo Reach. How did it bring it back?
Removed and/or reverted most of the stupid changes that 343i made in 4, the current composer is a damn good replacement for Marty, the gameplay is some of the best since 3, it just overall feels much more like a sequel to 3 than 4 ever was.
Do we have concrete numbers for that? Either way, it brought multiplayer back and that's what really matters in the end. I liked the campaign

This one, really.
Other franchises have shit entries sure, but you can always go back to the old, good ones just fine.
Sonic '06 is shit? well S3&K definitively isn't, just pop that motherfucker instead anytime of the day and have a blast.
I have literally no desire to play through ME1 or 2 ever again, because my subconscious knows ME3 is a thing.
And 2 was kind of shit already, but at least you could endure it and "ignore" past that just like a regular bad entry in any other series, can't really do the same with 3.
That's how bad this game is.


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