Top 100 most popular pokemon according to Japan

Top 100 most popular pokemon according to Japan
1. Greninja
2. Arceus
3. Mew
4. Pikachu
5. Sylveon
6. Genesect
7. Rayquaza
8. Zygarde
9. Charizard
10. Meloetta
11. Mewtwo
13. Jirachi
14. Darkrai
15. Lucario
16. Diancie
17. Hoopa
18. Keldeo
19. Victini
20. Manaphy
21. Reshiram
22. Kyogre
23. Kyurem
24. Magnemite
25. Shaymin
26. Yveltal
27. Giratina
28. Lugia
29. Groudon
30. Dialga
31. Dedenne
32. Archeops
33. Zekrom
34. Suicune
35. Gengar
36. Ho-Oh
37. Xerneas
38. Gardevoir
39. Celebi
40. Piplup
41. Palkia
42. Garchomp
43. Regigas
44. Azelf
45. Blaziken
46. Landorus
47. Glaceon
48. Latias
49. Jigglypuff
50. Deoxys
51. Oshawott
52. Snorlax
53. Articuno
54. Absol
55. Latios
56. Zoroark
57. Ditto
58. Fennekin
59. Dragonite
60. Hydreigon
61. Sceptile
62. Zapdos
63. Leafeon
64. Salamence
65. Flygon
66. Espeon
67. Moltres
68. Goomy
69. Pichu
70. Infernape
71. Raichu
72. Metagross
73. Froakie
74. Cresselia
75. Blastoise
76. Umbreon
77. Emolga
78. Arbok
79. Milotic
80. Lapras
81. Swampert
82. Meowth
83. Beautifly
84. Mawile
85. Noivern
86. Luxray
87. Ampharos
88. Archen
89. Bulbasaur
90. Anorith
91. Magikarp
92. Chandelure
93. Torchic
94. Thundurus
95. Flareon
96. Porygon
97. Chespin
98. Raikou
99. Machamp
100. Mudkip

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Greninja is probably the most "reddit" pokemon and he won


So i herd u liek mudkipz

Simisear was the pokemon with the least votes

Do Japanese people reddit as hard as westerners do?

>ctrl+f garde



All is right in the world

The list is shit though, biased toward legends because they were doing a giveaway right?

Thanks for disproving the "Lucario is big in Japan" meme

It's time to accept that Greninja is the most popular pokemon of all time

Greninja can win one-off popularity polls and it still can't get into Pokken

I'm happy that Espeon placed on there, but where the hell is Golurk?

I'm more shocked that Arceus is that popular.

While TPCi didn't release the full 720 listing, they did say Simisear was the least popular.

Every kid wants an Arceus. Same shit for Mew.

>luke didn't even break 10
Mild kek
Kind of figured pangoro wouldn't make it high up there but not even in the top 100?
>tfw fave is relatively unremarkable bara-bait

Uh, okay I guess.

>meowth 82

Time to change the anime characters japan

Top 15 is still pretty good

>moonmen proving their shit taste once again
Who the fuck likes Zygarde?

>all that furbait

I do. I love hexagons

>tfw you learned the names of all 151 Pokémon by heart and still remember them
>tfw this is a list of random weird words
>tfw the world has moved on

They rarely use Arceus in the anime or in any advertisements.

According to some other user a few weeks ago people vote legends so they can get distributed so the list is not so accurate

>he doesn't know them all

Git gud senpai

Favourites :


>Greninja is probably the most "reddit"

Care to elaborate that that means?

>no Gothorita

My best bro Sandslash not even on the list.

>narutomon on the spotlight again
Never liked that shitmon, never will

pokemon that is loved because it's a meme, not because it has a good design

eg: mudkip, golurk, charizard, mewtwo, marshtomp

You should probably note that the winner of the poll gets a distribution, so the results are kind of skewed to event legends people missed.

Magnemite is a meme.

>scroll a bit
>nothing but legendaries
The plebiest of the tastes

Yup, came here to say that.

>people don't like shy flaming gay monkey

It's a Japanese meme, in one movie there was a poll to decide who was the most popular pokémon that appeared there so it would get a distro and Japs decided to hijack it by spamming magnemite.
I think TPC rigged the poll at the end and put it in third place because they wanted to do a legendary distro.

>scizor and heracross nowhere on the list


No Typhlosion. Shit list.

>Skipping nr.12

This triggers my autism.

Mah man

(sorry i only have the mw version)

Is this just a list of kids looking at the bottom of the pokedex and picking legends?

Mi negro.


It was a poll for a mon distribution, so it's biased towards rare Pokemon.

Typhlosion is fucking garbage.

>all those legendaries
>24. Magnemite


>No Bidoof
Shit list

>Arceus that high, Genesect, Meloetta and Zygarde more popular than Mewtwo.

Holy shit!

Takes garbage to know garbage

Anyone got a link to this list?

top pokemon just gets me ign shit and reverse googling this image doesn't turn up anything.

I need to know who the all time least popular pokemon are

>Gardevoir that low
I'm surprised

I bet you think every Pokemon that isn't viable in OU is garbage.

See Mewtwo is a super accessible legendary.

Only the worst kind of furfags like that thing.

>Muh nigga Sylveon in too 5
I guess those Jap bastards aren't so bad after all.

No, Typhlosion just looks like shit, I don't care if he one day becomes Smogonbird tier.

I don't even know why the fuck you faggots post if you don't even follow the fucking series anymore. It's like if i went in a 600+ Transformers thread on /m/ and said "i watched the movie once, that's all my experience with the franchise".

>Lucario not in the Top 10
>Snorlax on the list at all
Well, two out of three isn't bad.

I also like Gardevoir and i hate furries.
Come at me bruh

Which one is that cat one from X&Y?
That one is the best pokemon.


All those legendaries and Iconic pokemon and then these three sneak on the the list?
Seems odd.

Reminder that this list
>determines which Pokemon gets a special distribution, hence all the legendaries
>was in alphabetical order on the website and required multiple responses, so Pokemon like Archeops who just happen to be at the beginning of the alphabet got a lot of laziness votes

But I hate furries, Typhlosion's just a bro.

Nah, it's more like saying that your only experience with Transformers is Gen I. You'll still get funny looks.


>no vulpix or ninetales

>Porygon made it on the list

I am proud.

If your gripe is that it's too simple a Mega evolution could fix that

>Sylveon was the most popular choice among the girls that voted
>tfw I have the same taste as hundreds of thousands of little japanese girls
Also I kept watching my other favorites Mawile, Gengar and Raichu like a hawk during the last few months. I would have thought Gengar would place higher then 35, 71 is pretty good for Raichu at all. Mawile at least climbed four spots with 84.
They didn't want to disclose the full list. but said Simisear got the least votes.

>Japan's most popular list
>it's shit

What else were you expecting?

>Dragonite not being #1.

Fuck Japan.

Does this mean they'll put Mew, Mewtwo and Arceus in the plot of the next Mystery Dungeon game?

I mean, Celebi and Jirachi have been featured twice already, it's getting a little embarrassing.

I miss the Join Avenue

Who is this semon demon?

Nigga I can remember all 700+ of them and their typings, and I'll probably remember the next 70 or so coming soon.

>86. Luxray
>mfw my main is still somewhat relevant
But im still not buying another pokemon game till he gets a mega

You're the worst kind of person.

>Literally this entire list

I bet ur some psudointellectual that likes dunsparce or some shit

But Mew was a main character in Super.
What more could you want?

I didn't know

Sorry, there's a tear in my eye

>liking flightless charizard

>being surprised by the poor taste of children

All three are memes in Japan.

I thought it was a vote for "who should we distribute next in a giveaway event", not just plain popularity (even though that certainly had an effect on the results)

>implying Charizard can use Eruption
And at least Typhlosion isn't completely destroyed by sneaky pebbles.

I always laugh at the "muh original 151" crowd.

Pokémon hasn't just "moved on". There hasn't been only 151 Pokémon for nearly 20 (T W E N T Y) years now.

There are 726 Pokémon currently, and likely going to be more than 800 this year with the new games.

Wanna' know what will never change though? Pokémon having the best harem of girls in the history of mankind.

i remember magnemite being mass voted for pokken, but why dedenne and archeops?

>He thinks Mudkip, Charizard and Mewtwo are poorly designed

Don't do this to me user, it's too early in this lovely day to be angry.

Yep, the list is biased toward giveaway-worthy pokemon. Which just shows how fucking popular that blue frog is, to win despite being a fucking starter you can get in the current generation.

Dragonite is honestly one of the ugliest and most overacted Pokemon. Fuck it. Looks like Charizard with down syndrome.

Fuck Charizard too while we're at it. Fat fucking wannabe-Dragon.

>No scizor
>No weavile
>Legendaries everywhere

What a shit list

My nigga!!

>Porygon made it


Dedene is probably the most hated Pikaclone. It got voted in ironically to fuck the distro.

Charizard is honestly a shit design.

Mega Charizard-Y, however, fixes its design considerably.

dedenne is one of the most loved pikaclones

Gonna' post more WebM's for you guys to enjoy (or shit on. This is Sup Forums after all)

>greninja is literally "more popular than god"


Can't say I'm surprised.