Who else hyped is as fuck for Watch Dogs 2? How do you think they can further improve an already solid franchise?
Official teaser trailer: youtube.com
Who else hyped is as fuck for Watch Dogs 2? How do you think they can further improve an already solid franchise?
Official teaser trailer: youtube.com
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>nigger protagonist
What are you, 14?
>Solid Franchise
>Anything other than complete Ubisoft dogshit
Maybe if they finish coding the engine so all the physics works reliably :^)
Of all the tings, the black guy is why you drop it? Fuck man, I'm a racist but retards like you need to be strangled.
I hope it's an AC2 scenario.
I want it to be good because I actually kinda like the concept.
But knowing Ubisoft, I really don't have my hopes up.
>Hyped as fuck for Watch Dogs 2
What the fuck?
maybe hes just sick of this forced "diversity".
It's now bad to have a "normal" male role model for kids now.
>solid franchise
How can anyone be hyped after that shit game came out. The only good thing was the acid trip sidequests. I went to their lounge thing in la and got to see their tecg demo and got a hat. I bought this shit on release and got the alex Ross poster. This is the only title i own that i speak with regret. Fuck Ubisoft for
I want it to be good. Not because I want Ubisoft to be successful. I'm not even hyped about it. I want it to be good because I'm tired of shitty unfinished games coming out
As someone that finished the first watchdogs game, I'm not that excited.
watchdogs was an OK game to me, I finished it but there is nothing memorable about it.
Felt like I was just playing a sub par GTA game with a guy who can hack things.
>hyped is as fuck
How much do they pay you?
>protag isn't Aiden
at least they're taking a step in the right direction.
And you, you are a stupid hater of Ubisoft because it's the fashion right ?
I have no problem with a black protagonist, we had great Black characters in the past like Lee.
But if the character really looks like the hipster from the "leaked" Screenshot than he sucks.
Sorry for the bad english im on smartphone with german setting.
but gta 5 was shit though
honestly am i the only one who thinks this ?
rockstar dropped the ball hard, i hope WD2 will be decent, competition is always good
I enjoyed Watch Dogs up to the point where I found out little miss QThardcoresupercunninghackergurl
Somehow went against every fucking psychological marker to the contrary and thought she could bargain with people willing to randomly kill innocents to save whatever the fucks family member.
>Be underground darkweb hacker for hire
>Survive on cunning, an overabundance of caution & paranoia
>Not to mention a healthy heaping spoonful of cold calculation
>SUDDENLY toss all of that shit out the window for some dumbass kid.
People don't typically perform 180s in that short of a time frame.
They usually do 40* Adjustments
So no, I'm not hyped.
The teaser looks like it was made in SFM and the game is gonna be the first one but slightly less shit, so my expectations are bottom of the barrel already. Unless hacking isn't brain dead games of snake and the gameplay isn't generic garbage I probably won't care.
>an already solid franchise
Are you retarded or just a turbo casual?
Half of America's population is African-american whether you like it or not. If anything there is a big lack of black characters in video games.
wow another generic ubisoft open world game which will undoubtedly be filled with boring repetitive mini games/sidequests and have absolutely shit level design and mediocre gameplay for its story missions
I,for one, am very the hype for this game because i am not some uncool hater, and i pretty sure all you fellow gamers will agree with me, right?
Why did you buy a game that you didn't like then? Don't say E3 videos, watch other videos than E3. You are again a hater who probably loves whining about graphics and bla bla bla
There has been an hourly thread shilling about this.
Don't try to find reason m8. it's one more of those guys that likes just to hate everything related to Ubisoft, but they are ready to defend any other game even if that isn't that better.
Actually like 13%.
For me the only thing they dropped the ball on was online, other then that I found the single player to be very enjoyable, story wasn't perfect, but it was better than IV in my opinion.
Wow, sequel to such a ground breaker franchise which totally was not forgotten month after release!
Get ready for some next gen physics and polish gameplay of characters you care shit about!
But most importantly - MORE COAT PHYSICS!
You can grab your copy of this masterpiece in your local garbain bin in any store for few bux! Also you can find LE editions all over your local goodwill for few more bux.
please, be hyped!
How much do they pay you user, and where do I get the job?
Starting things off on the right foot I see, Ubisoft.
This looks so fucking cheap according to teaser. Most shittiest of them all I've ever seen
>tfw we'll never get to make money for shitposting
Shit's like an art at this point.
Holy shit the shills are out in full fuckig force. Please go back to the Ubisoft PR team and tell them to kill themselves before ever thinking abkut coming here to shill your shitty fucking series.
The core gameplay was fine, and I always argue that Watch Dogs has the best third person gun combat of any open world game.
Anyone got the screenshot of the marketeer who tried to shill watch_dogs 1 in Sup Forums?
was hilarious
>solid franchise
How much do they pay you? Honest question.
I know people like to hate on Ubisoft just because, but I thought WD1 was really good.
Very much looking forward to WD2.
>we meme now
The first watchdogs was shit, the second will probably be shit. We'll see.
I can't tell if posts like these are just trolling or genuine marketing anymore
I actually really enjoyed the first game. Jumping from one camera to another and timing how to take out security guards was fun. There some pretty good stealth elements too. I also didn't have any problems with the main character either. Lambasting Aiden just seemed to become a thing that people latched onto.
I think Watch Dogs had some very interesting character and very satisfying and solid gameplay. Not to mention the impressive graphics (on PC at least) and the hacking was different and fun. Sure the game had it's flaws but people like to get on the Ubisoft hate train and over exaggerate their hate about the game. I have faith that WD2 will be much better.
>ubishit shills will never respond to this
Do you write this stuff yourself or they give you a scrip?
Ubisoft, please go away
post on /vg/ please
Or Aiden was fucking boring so they're trying something different.
If they thought Aiden was the problem then this game is dead before it even gets properly announced.
>Who else hyped is as fuck for Watch Dogs 2?
Joke thread?
I don't understand the complaints about Aiden. It might be cause im still in highschool but he looks slick to me. The bomber and hat are things I see people my age wearing all the time. In the end though, what matters is how he carries himself and his personality, which was fine imo.
Fucking summer
wtf a real shill??
>You are again a hater
How much are you being paid
I want to earn some money
>trolls responding to trolls the thread
Will it have iconic stuff in it?
>Not to mention the impressive graphics (on PC at least)
Oh like last time
A lot of that is just being overly picky and expecting too much of a videogame. Oh no, the telephone pole didn't shatter the way it would have in real life?
Back in the old days telephone poles wouldn't even react to you hitting them, now the realtime destruction isn't good enough? faggot.
After regarding the original as a God-tier underrated game, and absolutely loving Aiden and rating him as one of my favorite game heroes, I will not be buying this one. How fucking could they. They've done to Aiden what they did to Far Cry 3's Jason. Thrown a good character away because some petty neckbeard game "journalists" said they don't like him. I sucked it up with FC4 but enough is enough, Ubisoft.
I'll take a nigger protagonist over Aiden Pearce. What a fucking shit protag.
I can't imagine how they can possibly make profit on WD2. They hyped the fuck out of first game, but the game itself was a massive pile of shit that nobody outside of paid reviewers liked. No matter how much hype they create with this one, even normies will be aware at that point that the game will probably be shit.
No one would complain if the protag was a lesbian caucasus asian with chcolate colored skin and pink lipstick and dressed like a turbo slut.
The original was a bland, shameless GTA clone with deceptive marketing. In fact, pretty much every Ubisoft game shown at E3 last year has recieved a downgrade, and I expect this year to be no different. Here's to hoping that hostile takeover happens soon. Can't wait for Ubishit to become exclusively a mobile dev.
What hurts even more is that the ending of Bad Blood was a clear set up for a sequel with Aiden, T-Bone and Tobias working as a team.
so fucking hyped
>How do you think they can further improve an already solid franchise?
Kill yourself if you think ironic shilling is funny
>there are people who even remotely liked watch dogs AND defend ubisoft's practices
How do these people live with themselves? Christ. Not even actual casuals that I know liked that piece of steaming dogshit.
>hyped for Watch_DOGS 2
...why the fuck would you want to be disappointed again by the same fucking game???
Retards like gobble this stuff up like it's nothing.
I can't wait for Down_Grade 2
mods should sticky the reveal tomorrow, like with ass creed last year
the reactions were priceless
Bad Blood was a fuckin great DLC, it's a shame literately nobody played it.
>How do you think they can further improve an already solid franchise?
So was it ever confirmed that WD is part of the Ass Creed universe?
Im not saying watchdogs is a good game, I'm saying it should be criticized for valid reasons, even if it doesnt make for as good of a webm as "lol look at these physics bugs!"
shit at least the devs were ambitious enough to make a physics system that could break in such a way. they could have just had everything on preset tracks with "press x for awesome" moments which on second thought they did, with the hacking-while-driving
The point is it was bad gameplay story etc, but ANY game can be shit on for its physics
>hyped as fuck
>for watch dogs
This is one of those times I can most definitely believe you are part of Ubisoft's marketing sector that exists to get people talking about their game.
Watch Dogs was an entire disappointment in every way that I can't see how anyone would like it, when you could get an entirely better open world experience with GTAV.
Can't tell if the shilling itt is real or ironic.
who the fuck codes like that
Fucking child
who /downgrade/ here?
I like Watch Dogs.
Incredibly bad writing, incredibly underused cyberpunk setting. But it has the potential.
I love glitch art too.
Just because it was disappointing for you it doesn't mean other people didn't like it. The world doesn't revolve around you.
they don't pay you enough to be shilling here ubisoft employee #155346