

EA ruins another one!

The first was shit too. Whar did you expect?

>a game that was never good
It's fucking obvious you aren't old enough for that site, kid.


Both look disgustingly obnoxious to the eye. What's your point?

>user made races
what's this? Tumblr?

>listening to ign
You're the reason why vidya is so shit, learn to think for yourself and torrent that pos game before you buy it

I know they went out of their way to change the game. They added RPG like skill level ups and other stuff. Do you guys think the game reviewed poorly because it lost focus of what the original game was about?

>game based solely on parkour
>edgy female protagonist
>shitty story
>bland environment
mirrors edge will never be good

The original was novel in terms of gameplay. It was one of the best first person platformers.

One is pre-baked lighting, not open world, and made in 2009. Fucking retard

polygon gave it an 8

I've played it on PS4 a little since last night, and it's pretty okay. Runs better than the beta it seems, and looks pretty decent, especially considering its 60 fps on this thing. Occasionally gets that texture pop in, and that's pretty rough, but clears up quick enough.

The open world mechanic makes a lot of sense for this type of game, and it makes sense for the character too. You as a player get more familiar with the environment in this way, which lends to better runs, and better decisions on paths to take for the shortest destination, or for getting away from helicopters or enemies.

I'm more inclined to do the trials like this than I was in the first, because even though the aesthetic was cool with the floating platforms, it just wasn't as engaging.

The one problem I have is that they lock stuff behind upgrades. With the open world, I get that this lends itself to character progression, but I feel like giving all the mobility tools to the player first and then training them on it naturally through the progression structure early on would be better overall. I'm just not sure what you replace this with in the upgrade path because I feel you do need something with which to reward the player for their efforts and make them feel like they're gaining something.

>User made races

>Focuses on story, graphics, and combat
>calls the gameplay 'fun parkour'
>in an ME game

This is a great sign.IGN giving games like this a low score means that they're taking it face value, and it shows in their complaints. I've speedrun ME for over 200 hours and the beta was pretty excellent. If dice took out some of the glitches, then I can see myself speedrunning this game for a long, long time to come, since there's going to be a shit ton of Dash's.

>user made races

So I can design a bunch of African people that look Chinese and name them Uberniggas?

why does she look like a mexican now?

Much of the game is still very much parkour. I'd say the game still has almost pure focus around platforming / racing, but what drags it down is that they tried to expand upon certain concepts, and they just expanded on them poorly.

>The story is like basic cable television bad, and all the characters are boring
>The combat is somehow worse than in the original because it feels unresponsive, clunky and completely antithetical to the rest of the game because they often put you in situations where you can't use the environment to your advantage to parkour attack someone.
>Locking key abilities behind an upgrade tree makes the assumption that players then don't need those abilities to progress through the game, and as such the movement system is then dumbed down because these don't get a proper focus or training.

The open world makes a lot of sense to me so far (though the nature of this take a hit to the graphics), and that's really about the only improvement.

>because it lost focus of what the original game was about?
Absolutely fucking not. In fact, it's the exact opposite. MEC stays truer to ME than you can imagine, and everybody that looks back at ME do so with nostalgia.

Just think about it - this guy is saying the gameplay is great but the story and combat is shit. Sound familiar? When you also remember that ME was 4-5 hours, then it's easily a game that this guy would rate 5-6, because it so similar.

I played 15 hours of the beta and loved it. The game caters to both the casual audience and the speedrunners. All it needed was bug fixing and some engine stabilizing. If they did that, then for the fans, this is easily a 9/10.

tl:dr - it got a low review because it stays true to the ME formula.

And the other is built on a shitty engine. Your point?

gr8 b8 m8 i r8 8/8

>the game prioritizes fps over visual quality - this is a bad thing
>all you do is run from point a to point b
>says visuals of first ME were better but than criticizes MEC for being bland and devoid of life

You can take his opinion seriously, but as a big ME fan, I will not.