This board is not good.
And don't even try turning meme mode on. I want to have legit discussion.
Other urls found in this thread:
It's not good because you turned meme mode off
>Meme mode off
Lets try this "meme filter" you've created.
So, why do you think every RPG is an action RPG these days? Has the world passed by good solid character-built games like chrono trigger?
because dudebros
Because you frequent it.
Even your presence makes it shit. Leave forever.
>using Sup Forums for anything other than news and the occasional laugh
Anything worth knowing goes through here eventually, so it's more convenient than checking multiple outlets for news. I'll let all of the redditors and Kotakukiddies here do the legwork for me, while getting giggles at the dank memes the children post.
Shitposting became the norm, rather than being part of the package.
That...actually makes perfect sense. Before it was just something that happened, but over time, people started to believe they should come here just to shitpost.
Before: Video games and shitposting.
Now: Shitposting with a side of video games.
Shitposting has always been here but every year it gets worse. There's basically no discussion any-more because everyone is too concerned with either making a spicey new meme, baiting, starting console wars, are just shitposting for teh lulz.
Normalfaggotry leading to way too much shitposts.
>mostly shooters
>action RPGs
I'm pretty sure most activity happens within a few threads, and all other posting is a few janitors or mods that just have nothing else to do except shit up threads. Maybe they're not staff, but sweet fug does it seem like some shitters are always here.
The average Sup Forums user is just some ebin memer from reddit or tumbr that thinks Sup Forums is meant for shitposting
"When memes totally lack control... shitposting becomes routine"
There's only console shitposting because the mods don't warn. I'd be pissed enough to shitpost too if I made a Nintendo thread and got banned.
Because people unironically use the word cuck now.
>post 08 were cancer
>gg happened and turbocancer became the board majority
>all other posting is a few janitors or mods that just have nothing else to do except shit up threads.
It certainly feels that way when you constantly see the same people shitting the same things up for months and months without getting their hands slapped.
>mfw I've actually seen posts of people admitting they go to places like Reddit for discussion, and here to get "all the shitposting" out of their system.
>because the mods don't warn. I'd be pissed enough to shitpost too if I made a Nintendo thread and got banned
I've gotten banned for posting Tomoko as a reaction image to a post, all because people let that shitposter win, but you don't see me making daily Tomoko threads in revenge.
Anyone who does that is just a straight up retarded man child.
It's because all ages play video games so the discussion span from newfag 12 years old to regular median 18-22 years old discussions to rare oldfag years old disussions
Sup Forums is an inherently contrarian board filled with genuine shills and genuine underage and bans
you'll sometimes get people who walk the straight or people who are just visiting but you'll mostly get shitheads
You mean the chaos emeralds?
I'm going to assume you mean the chaos emeralds. Because if that's what you're concerned about I have one of them right here.
Maybe because Tomoko isn't video games? Why would you post Tomoko threads? What interest is there to have in that?
Hey it works!
>came here when I was 18
>turning 27 next month
You can't stop us.
I think the worst the game industry gets the shitposting will only continue to swallow this board into a jaded abyss.
It's bad because of the stupid persona Sup Forums tends to embody.
The I hate everything elitist gamer. Practically no game can be discussed because people feel the need to behave a certain way, because they're on Sup Forums. It's subconscious, most people wouldn't tell you they do it on purpose if they're even aware of it, but it's the case for practically any other board. But Sup Forums in particular, has one of the most backwards one because it basically ends up defeating the purpose of the place.
Memes are not the problem, not even newfags or what have you. It's strictly the idea that because something is being discussed on Sup Forums, it has to go through a "Sup Forums" filter, in which everything comes out as cynical and negative.
In that situation, that saying about people who pretend to be a retards, brings actual retards, essentially kicks in.
We're well past the point of good company.
Many reaction images aren't video games and I used it with a vidya related post, hell there's basically no vidya related reaction images in this thread but no one is getting banned but Sup Forums is now triggered by Tomoko for some reason and I wouldn't it was an example parallel to your own.
Shit user reading isn't so hard.
where have i heard a quote like this once?
TLDR: People think "I'm on Sup Forums, I'm EXPECTED to turn maximum shitposting on to fit in!"
Idiots. Absolute idiots.
Yes, but why would you make non-vidya threads.. is the relevant point. Banning posters for video game threads is fucking ludicrous.
Ironic shitposting became a thing. It all started with >implying, it gave people the mentality that it's ok to be an asshole on Sup Forums, and anytime you see facts posted you can just ignore it, >imply, and use a snarky reaction image in its place.
Also the fact that Moot started selling obvious marketing passes to corporations, theres no other reason for BLATANT COPY PASTED MARKETING THREADS to go undeleted and unchecked when its against the rules.
Fuck if I know user I just posted an anime image in a vidya thread and got fucked. Best thing I can come up with is what I already said, Sup Forums is just triggered about all sorts now so it doesn't matter, if they don't like it, you're fucked.
90% of people here are underage and underage people are not well educated and they are pretty stupid.
>entire groups dedicated to dumping multiple different types of off-topic garbage to be le ebin trolls
>inconsistent moderation that can't all decide on what does and does not count as video games
>unclear rules that don't define to what extent video game culture extends
>several "crusaders" with autism of the highest calibur campaigning against threads due to the last two points
>people who spam garbage threads because a thread they were in got deleted
>console warring and company fanboyism that's a mire of retards and falseflaggers "ironically" being retards
>people who refuse to go to other boards and try to push all their interests on Sup Forums even when it's not even remotely vidya related
>actual dozens of tripfags who refuse to take their trips off that people have accepted as part of the norm
And worst of all
>people who come in and see all of this and think that this is what you're expected to do
It would be easier to list what isn't wrong with Sup Forums
I lost the webm so here's the video its from
Normies and non-virgins ruined this place.
I think a lot of people only come here out of habit, not out of any remaining interest to talk about video games.
Among the most common sentiments I see expressed on Sup Forums are "I've lost interest in video games," "modern video games are all shit," and "I can't leave Sup Forums"
end my life
Metal Gear Solid 4 senpai
Because every thread has turned into "My console/pc is better than console/pc" threads. You seriously can't have a simple discussion anymore without it turning into a childish console war.
No one here is enforcing the lurk moar rule anymore
Someone make this into a roullete where you have to make a thread with the phrase you rolled to further shit this place up.
I've not been here from the start, but definitely a longer time than most. I think I started browsing when I was 18 or 19, so that would make 6-7 years.
Shitposting has been the norm since I got here, but people would adhere to some form of "board culture" or whatever you want to name it. Memes were either stolen from ebaumsworld or created on the chan (or from some place I didn't know about). Newfags had no idea what was going on (myself included) and usually just lurked.
These days, twitch, facebook en reddit have taken over "memea" and made them mainstream. Everybody knows the next hot "meme" and just spams it.
At least that's how I interpret it. Also something to do with social media getting popular and shit, I don't know.
That's probably true. It's easy for most people to lose interest in video games as they grow older, and then they start coming here out of habit, grow bored, and then start to shitpost.
To be honest, I don't really come to Sup Forums to actually talk about video games myself. I come here so see the newest video game news and to (hopefully) see honest opinions about games. I'm more of an observer than a contributor.
the only threads being created that don't quite follow that pattern are soulsborne and overwatch. such a shame, i think it's the only thing people play nowadays.