Meanwhile, on UnderBBS Sup Forums

Meanwhile, on UnderBBS Sup Forums...

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have any of you seen that blue navi who summons other navis?! the fucks up with that??

Mail is a slut

I want to fuck Mayl in the ass.
Right in the ass.

Those tights are absolute perfection.

anyone want to buy some dark chips

aren't those, you know, dangerous?

>be Electopian
>try to make food
>oven explodes
>try to drink water
>water is poisoned
>go to the zoo to take mind off of poisoning
>mauled by a lion covered in elephant shit
>take bus back home
>all the stoplights are haywire and bus crashes
>drag my broken body back to my house and wash my ruined clothes
>washing machine traps me in a bubble
>go to a hospital to treat my injuries
>a malevolent plant has destroyed it inside out
>go to Kotobuki Square to take my mind off things
>get cancer from the radiation and die

Electopia is literally the shittiest country on the planet. Netopians are the true aryan master race.

What is wrong with you?

... Well fuck...

newfag get out before you get deleted

>tfw you will never get a qt navi of your very own.

I want Gutsman.exe ass

>Be Electopian
>Get shocked


I want to cuddle-fuck Jasmine

It's that kid in the orange jacket. Everytime you see him there's ALWAYS something. The second I see him I powerwalk back to the safety of my home and lock the door so he can't get in.

Who wants a navi? Only thing you gotta have is a compatible PET and an internet connection to download the data.

>be Netopian
>start casually rapping about my love for chicken and selling whiskey to kids
Netards WILL defend this.

>jack in


Fuck you you dumb Netopian nigger.

>go to Netopia for a holiday
>get mugged by a nigger in the taxi
>ask on the internet on how to get my shit back
>get told to go to the 'hood
>it's a bunch of apes chimping out to rap """"music"""
>some nig going on and on about how he prays to fried chicken
>some other guy making a 10 year old kid rap for whiskey
>try to ask someone about where to recover my stolen stuff
>cut him off and go back to my hotel
>mfw my passport was stolen from my hotel room




I always love jacking in to the net to look at Roll.exe's butt


>The second I see him I powerwalk back to the safety of my home and lock the door so he can't get in.

Enjoy being poisoned while you're taking a bath

can I get any Navi?

Nope, I gotta make em manually. I'm actually the dev behind working on this as a side-project using the same assets.

Me too!

Do you have a team? Any odds you'll have something resembling a complete game?

Fucking scalpers, I asked for 3 swords and I got this shit I don't even know what they do.

Why did this program advance suck do hard? And why was it only in 1? It had the coolest damn animation. Pwrcannon was so cool.

>We'll never have PETs and Net Navis

maybe we wouldn't feel so lonely

>SunGun thing

Normal people are shitting up our internet please leave immediately

>15 HP
>that staircase
RIP you

>Wood-Based Navi
>Set my side of the field to grass
>Sit on back-middle panel and never move
>mfw I've never lost a net battle


I too wish I had my aborted twin brother's conciousnsss implanted in a digital robit that fights cybercriminals in the NET

I work alone but there's already a demo. first link!

why are missions in 5 so fucking shit? literally the least fun thing ever.

>We'll never have the GBA soundchip again
>Even Ace Attorney has been tainted by generic orchestra remixess

>frames per second: 100000
But the human eye can't see beyond 30, why so many

Story mode ones weren't so bad, but the post game ones blew. I just wanted to explore the undernet and get better chips.

Not as shit as most of the scenarios in 4

A firefag could just light your ass up nigga

>implying I'm not carrying HeatSpreader

Because I can.

Also, the download counter went up by one. Let me know what you thought of the game whoever downloaded it.

>Blackbomb + fire attack
>You take quadruple damage from it and instantly die
Fucking woodfags think they're hot shit

Oh I wish you told ke tht6uum soskknnryyddtttuu

True. Aqua Master race all the way.
> Use Ice Stage
>Opponent is usually sliding around helplessly while I skate gracefully around them.
>freeze, bubble, electric chip or freeze then breaker
Damn it feels good to wreck everyone

Why are there no qt navis down here?
There's only spikey edge-lords and purple faggots as far as the eye can see

Just gave you another download bud. I love battle network so i'll play this.

Thanks man. If you wanna keep track of progress I occasionally pop into BN threads but I post very regularly on my twitter/devlog (@mmbn3d/

New demo soon!

More Under/pol/ posts please

>log in to the net as usual
>nuking shitty cannons and mettaurs that get in the way
>out of nowhere some navi attacks me
>just barely escape that bullshit
>apparently it was one of those duplicates that only start showing up when Fuckface Orange and Blue beat the original
Those fags made the Graveyard impossible to survive in too after they finally opened it up, fuckng hell.

Fuck off Electopian degenerate, Netopia is white!


>Going to the graveyard if you;re not an official Netbattler
Mother fucker we warned you that this would happen but you wouldn't listen. You think you're a bad dude but I bet you couldn't even handle fighting Yamato Man. Amateurs.

Nigger, everything down there was FINE until those reanimated abominations showed up and HE returned. I was making mad bank off of those chips down there since no one had the balls to do it themselves.

>He thinks run of the mill SP World Three Navis are hard.
I will grant you that Bass being in the area is a bit of a problem though. Motherfucker is nothing if not persistent.

>There are people who doesn't run folders full of DrillArm and AirHockey
explain yourselves

Different user,just downloaded the demo and I have to say it's pretty damn good.I thought my shit laptop would never be able to run this,but it did,and quite smoothly I might add.The gameplay feels familiar to that of the actual BN games,which I think that was the goal to begin with.
I follow your blog, as in occasionly remember to check it because I don't have a twitter or tumblr ,and I thought the game looked kinda terrible from the screenshots,but seeing it in action and playing it changed my mind completely.

You did an amazing job man,keep up the good work!

>Downloading viruses from Sup Forums

One job Sup Forums. Just one job.

that part of 2 was pretty based

Thank dude. I have lots of cool stuff in the works for the future, like local co-op and that little PET thinger I showed earlier.

Lost Man dot EXE

Tried out the demo.

Better than I expected, I thought it'd be something far more basic. The models look really nice too.

I think AreaGrab is a little buggy. In the Bunny x3 fight I used a WideSwrd to kill the first one, then used AreaGrab which grabbed two squares even though the one it didn't grab was empty. Used another AreaGrab and it still didn't grab that square.

Doing all this must be hard work user, godspeed. As much as I'd love a full-fledged game, don't burn yourself out with something too ambitious and try to focus on something smaller and tighter so you can put out a finished product.


honestly it is better than i expected
i hope you continue your work


Are you going to post images of a 360 degree view of those Cold Man and Sonia models?

Yeah, the first release will be quite compact and I'll just be updating that over and over with more content and features.

Thanks though.

Of course!

Next demo will have bugs ironed out and a little bit more content.

Yep, soon-ish.

BN2 is better than BN3.
>FAR fewer "that part"s (like 3's FlameMan, BubbleMan, PlantMan and needing to constantly use Press and EngyChng)
>internet and world 'feels' bigger because you're going to other countries not just other areas next to ACDC Town
>plot is the most large-scale and craziest in the series BY FAR with bombings, genocide, plane hijackings and shit
And this part of the game: