>Dino Crisis will be returning with Shinji Mikami at the helm. The series will pick up where Dino Crisis 3 left off, revealing that Regina was aboard the Ozymandias in cryo sleep.

What other headlines/news articles would make this E3 the best ever? Hypothetically, of course.

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No wants a continuation of Dino Crisis 3.
It should stay dead.
Give us a REAL Dino Crisis game.
Not some Dead Space with Dinosaurs shit.

OP have you not seen sales for Xbox exclusives? None of that stuff sells no matter how good the games are! The only people that bought the xbone are the absolute lowest of the low that only play the worst, established multiplayer garbage. No publisher will ever make exclusivity deals woth Microsoft again, shit just ain't profitable!

Yeah, I'm sure it would get released once they announce it. How's that new Phantom Dust game workin' out for ya' OP?

>Dinosaurs in space
Why wouldn't you want more?

Nigger I buy all of the xboner exclusives. I was one of the 15 people who bought quantum break and viva pinata

The original wasn't even that good.

>Dead Space with Dinosaurs

That sounds pretty good baka sempai baka

Because the gameplay was shit and Dino Crisis 1 and 2 were loads better.

Will Regina be returning ? Will she finally save Dylan ?

>Xbone exclusive
100k lifetime sales incoming.

yes, and i was surprised the game was actually good

The gameplay was shit because it was identical to Dino Crisis 1 and 2.

I wasn't even aware Dino Crisis 3 had Regina. Regardless, it was a fucking awful game which shouldn't be acknowledged in the first place. Like DMC2.

>it was identical to Dino Crisis 1 and 2
It's literally impossible because gameplay in DC1 has nothing in common with gameplay in DC2.

How the hell do you come to this conclusion

DC1 and DC2 have completely fucking different gameplays, go wash your head bro

Dino crisis is re and after seeing what happened to re god no. Let it die

>The series will pick up where Dino Crisis 3 left off, revealing that Regina was aboard the Ozymandias in cryo sleep.

Fuck no

What happens in 3rd? never played it


>how do we make this threat look big
>oh let's kill the T. Rex
When will this meme end can't we just have a badass T. Rex villain again for once