How good are you at Fighting Games

How good are you at Fighting Games

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im good at melee
my m bison is an abomination tho

Questioning my ability at fighting games: get that ass banned.

beat war gods on the hardest difficulty setting. dont fuck with me.

Absolutely awful.
I enjoy watching them, though

i got better at melee and all other fighting games are boring as fuck now


i aint got time to learn 300 different combos that only work for one iteration of one game

I am very terrific in the greatest fighting games.

Actually I have no fucking clue. My brain does not co-operate with this genre.

I'm only good at Dead Or Alive aka dead as fuck game

I struggle to get good at Tekken, and I'm pretty good at casual fightans like Narutu or UFC garbage.

2D fighters are a nightmare I'm such a fucking scrub I must have bought all the 2d fighters of the last decade and always got my shit WRECKED online.

Op asked about figting games.

>only other fighting game with a scene is sfv which is trash compared to sf4
fighting games are dead for anything that isn't melee and sm4sh

Me and my cousin played SF4 hardcore. i dabbled in a lot of other fighting games like blazblue and guiltygear and Jojo's as well to name a few. my cousin went on to play SF5 and is now ranked like 23rd in the world. Hes been playing in tournaments recently. i sitill give him some trouble but hes taken SF to another level for me.

I'd say fairly mediocre. I know mechanically what goes on now and can appreciate high level matches but when it comes down to it, I freeze up and get timid against everyone, even if it's been established I could play better than them on reaction alone.

>More people enter tournaments for a casual party game than games that require actual skill and time investment

Go figure.

what does it smell like

what does it TASTE like

I think Smash 4 is boring to both watch and play, so I will give you that, but Melee's skill ceiling is absurdly high, intended or no.
Shit's potentially a handbreaker, and grinding shit out in the lab is just as much of a thing there as it is elsewhere.

you can hate melee because you don't play it but that doesn't change the fact that it is easily the most technical fighting game in history

was this the greatest moment of your life

I used to be ok at Marvel 2

Not him but I don't hate melee, I hate the community because they smell and never want to have anything to do with the rest of us at tournaments. They're too insular.

what about Marvel 1

>Marvel 1
>not X-Men vs Street Fighter

what about COTA

That's too far back for even me

>because they smell
you mean tekken?

I like to play fighting games in somewhat casual manner, but my lacking reactions and the fact that I find practicing execution boring as fuck prevents me from taking them seriously.

No they just plain don't show up when there isn't a tournament of it.

I still can't air combo in Mahvel (´・ω・`)

That's why SFV has nearly 5K entrants at EVO, Sm4sh and Melee haven't even broke 2k

I'm ok. Maybe mediocre. I constantly go 0-2 in local monthlies in SG, Xrd, and SFV


If you can type out 1123 in quick succession on your keyboard, you can do a basic Marvel (3) air combo.

>a good game
choose only one. if capcom didn't force them to use it 4 would have more entrants than 5 ever will.




That doesn't make sense, otherwise Ultra would have gotten even more entrants last year.

A bit off topic, but I played a few minutes of KoF14 at ComboBreaker and I never played a KoF game up to that point. I had no idea what I was doing and I was getting my ass kicked, but it was fun. Would picking up 13 be wise or should I just wait for 14?

I'm absolutely shit and I don't know where to start.

Fighting games aren't even fun anymore

You play online and it's all just twitch watching kids who have sat online and looked up and practiced every little tech tidbit in some desperate attempt to get any little edge they can find

That's all everything is nowadays, just go online and find the cookie cutter meta shit

Pro KoF god

14 is very based off of 13, but with super shorter combos. So get 13 to sort of get used to the characters.

>playing online

You're missing the point of fighting games

I love them and I understand them, but I'm mediocre at best. Decent at my main game. That's all.

I have also played 14 and I would say your time would be better invested on KoF98/98FE or 2002/2002UM

KoF13 is kind of its own entity and while it does have a lot in common with KoF14 it's considerably harder to pick up than KoF14 will be. I'd focus on learning your KoF fundamentals, play on fightcade or with friends in the meantime.

That said, there's no reason why you can't play 13, just understand that a lot of effort learning HD combos etc will be wasted, as Max Mode combos are much more simple.

Make sure you watch this if you're learning

Does anyone else just absolutely hate their lingo? Like I know we have shit like "meaty" but I can't help but eye-roll at smash commentary.

I download characters and watch them fight in MUGEN. That's all. Quite fun though.

I can do SRK and DP inputs and string together tiny combos but that's about it. I know I could learn to be decent at them but I don't give them the time
because I'd rather play melee tbqh

You might as well just watch saltybet then so you can gamble

I got to dural in normal difficulty with learning on VF 2.

I swear, either Pai or Kagemaru are casual-filters, or they're fucking broken.

desu the only game that should be grandfathered in is marvel and even that is debatable.

sfv is retard tier simple and very popular with matchmaking

that or fightcade/ggpo/netplay older games

Marvel was literally never go away unless there's a new one. Even if the only players left are FChamp, Chris G and JWong, it'll still be the final game before SF at Evo.

Melee is the final game before SF this year

>Sup Forums
>fighting games

That's why I'm saying it should be the only "old" game being played in this lineup. Evo is practically synonymous with marvel (and a bit less so with cv2)
If every other game has to make the switch, than melee should get the boot for sm4sh as well. Or should we get USF4, 3S, or TTT2 as well?

just looking at the screenshot, I can here that character select music so well

id definitely prefer older games over half the "new" games at evo

>the post with the chun li reaction image at the bottom
but he's right

Shit tier, unless smash bros counts then mediocre.

Why do you act like there's any sense to Evo lineups? Evo has always been about who can pay their way in, not about the community or popularity of a game.

If enough shekels make their way into Mr Wizard's pockets you bet your ass Marvel is gone.

32 wins 240 losses in tekken

Melee is in Evo BECAUSE of its community.
Smash 4/Pokken were paid in directly by Nintendo though.

I wonder who could be behind this post

Seriously. How is ultra not more of a comeback mechanic? Using v skill to get v trigger is feasible. Using focus to get ultra is feasible with elena. His 3rd point isn't really relevant and 1 frame links don't matter.

No, melee is in Evo because Nintendo paid money for Smash 4, and having smash 4 and leaving melee out would leave Mr Wizard's money taking so fucking obvious it would be a PR disaster. That's why it's there, not because of any care of the melee community.

Actually I am being slightly unfair, it is partially there because it makes shitloads of money due to little entry crossover with the other games because smash players can't actually play fighting games.

Not even Virtua Fighter fans talk about their game like this. Melee fans need to chill the fuck out.

Nah I actually do have to agree with him, even if you disagree with what that Chun Li post says it's perfectly reasonable and nothing in it is really wrong.

Im ok. I cant do crazy combos shit but i have fun and thats the most important thing about videogames.

Name a fighting game more technical, let alone one that is even close to as relevant.

Can't or don't? Smash is not a fighting game so skill doesn't transfer.
Tons of FGC pros have tried smash and drown in Pools R1, even in Smash4, so it's not any different.

Also the Melee community sustains itself. Those 90k something dollars that got melee into EVO didnt come from Nintendo ya know.

Which one?

>Can't or don't?

Well I mean Leffen plays SF, but he's only "ok"

Not at all, I hover in between button mashing and trying to do a full circle.
>SFV is trash compared to SF4
Maybe the ultra master rererelease of SF4, but let's be real, Alpha 3rd strike is the best, 5 is a tragedy but it is definitely better than 4, even with its limited roster.

There is no use even comparing smash to SF type games to Anime games to 3D games. They are all different and offer different things. It's silly to say smash is the best and most technical thing ever. It's just good at being smash and there is no other smash type games to compare it to other than other games in the series.

>Smash is not a fighting game so skill doesn't transfer.

Look I agree it's not a fighting game, but that's not why skill doesnt transfer. Otherwise being great at Super Turbo should make you amazing at Blazblue since they're both fighters.

I'm only good at JoJo and Mortal Kombat.

I'll take melee's technical skill seriously when they stop complaining about simple shit like fucking qcf in the same breath.

>the best
who said this? the post said more technical

He prefers KoF and is better at that

He also quite openly shits on smash when comparing it to fighting games

>my cousin is 23rd in the world at SFV


I'm good at standard fighters like SF and I'm also good at Smash. I'm absolutely terrible at combo based fighters like Marvel and Skullgirls. I want to get better at 3D fighters like Tekken.


I'm pretty decent at most of the recent stuff. Never had a community to learn mvc2 with back in the day, but could beat anybody at the arcade pretty consistently.

>my cousin went on to play SF5 and is now ranked like 23rd in the world
won't get him sponsored

No, but at its very core FG games share a lot of base mechanics, while Smash doesn't.
Having a good neutral in Smash doesn't mean shit for fighting games because the movement, attacks, positioning, everything is so different. Stages, %, weight, gravity, fall speed, DI, Smash plays too differently.

But things like defending from crossups, using your safe buttons for footsies, zoning, and similar transfer well within most fighting games.

I spent a lot of time understanding the basics and even the theories along with fighting games.

But I still suck when I play them, so fuck em

waveshines or moonwalking are harder than anything in sm4sh easily

I just see that said a lot so i just wrote that in there without realizing it.

Nobody in melee complains about qcf.
We have inputs that require those already, like shield dropping and reaction survival DI.

I'm ok at Dragon Ball Extreme Butoden and that's it

Then we may as well disqualify most 3D fightan from being fightan

All melee has is executional difficulty, the actual game itself is shallow as fuck,

>I just see that said a lot so i just wrote that in there without realizing it.
w e w

try thinking before you type next time bud


I always seperate 2D and 3D fighting games into seperate sub genres and there are enough games to support that. 3D stuff transfers in their games and same for 2D

I suck at fighters honestly I button mash like a motherfucker, but games like Def Jam ffny (wrestling game) I'm pretty decent at.

They are their own subsection, but the core is still the same.
Life bars, blocking, safe pokes, footsies, combos being universal and not character dependant, etc.

Was pretty good at SFIV used to go to weeklies for it. Same with Melee.
Haven't really touched SFV as been too busy to really get into it properly.

I have a weird situation here so i just have to type all at once.

Place well in Melee at locals, never won an actual tournament but my Marth is something fierce. Also a lifelong Tekken player but I'll never be Korean good. Still love and play it all the time though. King main.