Be tracer, stand in front of moving payload, rewind into payload, stuck in impenetrable payload. Can't be killed...

Be tracer, stand in front of moving payload, rewind into payload, stuck in impenetrable payload. Can't be killed, uncontested payload is always moving, enemy team focuses and unreal amount of effort into trying to kill you while you're team cleans up.

My gift to you Sup Forums

Why is OW such a newfag magnet?

...does this actually work?

Where the fuck are your meme arrows?

I was having a lot of fun with the bridge exploit using symmetra sentry, is this exploit real?

I've stalled for OT for about 30 seconds as Tracer by just blinking and rewinding around while taking pot shots at people at the payload

Can you fire out of the cart? If you couldn't, seems like your team would be at a disadvantage.

inb4 blizzard patches.

you should have never posted this.

i dont understand why people post glitches like this. fucking idiots.

because they want people to use them so Blizzard can't ignore them

Don't worry, the more popular it is, the more critical of an issue it will become and it'll get fixed faster as a result.

It works. Thanks, user.

>INB4 patches
NO one tell the normies
Use this as a last ditch effort
I give it two weeks before it's not patched

You do realize certain attacks can still hit you inside right? If Rein figures it out his hammer can still hit you.

He doesn't want it fixed moron, he wants to abuse glitches in an easy game because he's a terrible shitter.

where the hell do you think you are? Some secret club?

be tracer, stand in front of moving cock, rewind into cock, stuck in my impenetrable cock

what a slut

More importantly, is my MMR fucked?
Takes up to a minute or two to find a game.

Mine takes ages too

what is the deal


just tried it on hollywood and it didn't work, is it because the car's too small?

it kicks me out and shoved me on top of the car.

I'd rather wait a minute than get in a game immediately.

>click quickplay
>join game after less than a second
>oh hey, that's pretty c-

works on gibraltar and probably on kings row


>no cameltoe


Quitters found.

Enjoy being at the bottom of the priority list.
