Playing attack?

Playing attack?

Hey there, we're here to ruin the fun for you.

Get gud

Don't talk to me or my sons ever again.

Should add Widowmaker. Nothing like needed people on the point with Widowmakers 100 yards away trying to improve their k/d ratio.

God I wish bastion gets reworked
I couldn't care less about his 400 damage per second
I just want to move in turret form
Everything about him sucks but I'm still obligated to play him because I love his design

>Move in Turret Form

Okay, yeah, let's make him absolutely fucking broken.



Bastion is deadly until you know where he is, then he's useless.

Torbjorn is fine I just wish his turret either had a lock on time or only a 270° detection radius or something.

Bastion & Torbjorn are the worst characters in the game user. Torbjorn has atleast some redeemable quality of keeping people away from Point A on maps playing defense. But neither of them are viable at all in attack. Bastion sure as hell isn't viable in anything.

A good widowmaker can be useful on offense if played correctly.

Naturally, you will never have such a player on your team.

I love him too, but his turret mode is perfect the way it is.

Learn to jump down and transform on the way (just like a Heavy in TF2 would jump rev.)

He has the highest DPS because he gets the lowest mobility. Besides transformation takes 1.5 seconds. Just keep on shuffling.

>worst characters
>Not Hanzo & Widow

>Reading Comprehension

I said -MAKE- him broken. He's not broken as is. Having him move in turret mode would absolutely break everything.

>Don't talk to me or my builders ever again.

>that feeling you get when reinhardt clicks with you and you can't stop playing him.
Being a sneaky mother fucker and bowling groups off route 66 have become my favorite thing to do recently. We've pushed past teams like this because I was being a huge stupid train.

There is a lock on time it's just really short so it's almost impossible to destroy it in the small windows you have if he is repairing it. The solution is obviously kill Torby first but if he has a good angle that can be impossible. There's also a max range you can abuse on certain maps, notably Hanamura.

Hanzo is debatable sure, but Widowmaker is a key part of almost every defense team. Until they nerf her charge she always will be a key part.

nigger what

Hanzo is useless but Widow is right behind McCree in brokenness tier if the player is not actually retarded.

>Having him move in turret mode would absolutely break everything.

heh no, it wouldn't
bastion is weak as fuck in his turrent form even if he could move

Widow is amazing when used by good players.

Singularly, Bastions and Torbjorns aren't really ever an issue. I actually don't have too much trouble with Bastions. But Torbjorns turrets need to get nerfed somehow, The instant-lock on and the distance of the turrets is complete bullshit. Widowmaker is suppose to be a good counter, but the turrets range is so ridiculous, the turrets will start hitting a SNIPER with perfect accuracy when she's a good distance away. Pharahs are better for dealing with them in situations, but even then, they'll turn her into hamburger meat with their instant-lock and perfect accuracy if they get remotely close trying to find it.

For every good widow there are 300 shit ones
Your team also will never get a good widow despite always having 2+ of them at all times

>Mobile 400 DPS

He'd be able to jump into frays, blast everyone, and then run before someone could kill him off. Fuck that garbage.

But OP, bastion and 2 torbs are easy to take down until they all have their backs against a wall with a rein protecting their fronts from snipers and junkrats. Then in this case it just kills all the fun.

>your team also will never have a good widow

You don't play with pubs do you? What the fuck is wrong with you? You want RNG if your teams going to be good or not?

>what is competent genji

heh, competent good joke

>But Torbjorns turrets need to get nerfed somehow

It needs a massive buff. His pistol is more damaging than the turret. His primary usage is the pistol and throwing armor.

>Play random match.
>Everyone decides to go Torbjorn with 1 Mercy on the Egyptian map.
>Wreck everything.
>Next round we go as all D.Va
>Win in like a minute.

Yeah...Torbjorn is a bit overpowered.

This. The turrets need a nerf.

I ran into a turrets view for half a second, and it was able to switch targets from someone like 200 degrees to the right and blast my ass to death.

>oh no bastion!

t.shitters that didn't see him in the betas when he was actually a broken piece of shit and not a gimped waste slot

>Play 76
>See Tolberone or Bastion.
>Wait until i hear Bastion fire
>Peak corner and helix/shoot him for 1/5th of a second and hes dead without time to react
>See Tolberone
>Shoot the turret with it and almost all of them are retards on top of there turrets so it dies and he loses 80% and i gun him down.

Wow so hard and no fun right? I also play Bastion most on def and i think hes fun melting people and repositioning myself like crazy is entertaining.

A Genji's reflect isn't going to bounce the bullets through Rein's shield, user.

>It needs a massive buff
They already do all the work. Why not just give the turrets legs so they can run around while Torbjorn jerks off in a corner?

>They already do all the work.

Are you on drugs? It's useless. It's not the good part of him at all. Post your Overwatch rank.

It could still do enough damage to break or weaken the shield allowing other team members like junkrats or snipers to take them down.

just because the majority of the people who play her are shitters doesn't make her a bad character

>on defense
>enemy widowmaker starts complaining about their tracer being useless because she died too often and didn't GET ENOUGH KILLS
>matter of fact is that their tracer was the only one that ever tried to push the objective while the rest of the team was pussying by the gates
>this was public so our team starts to shit on the widowmaker the rest of the match
Felt good. Snipers on attack can fuck right the fuck off with their delusion and misguided elitism. YOU'RE the one being useless doing nothing but trying to rack up your KD score a mile away from the point. Switch to a more useful class the Tracer could actually benefit from when trying to push.

>this anecdotal thing happened to me once

yeah, you're shit fuck off

They should have made Torbjorn's ult turn them into tiny Bastions.

>It's not the good part of him at all
I like when people say this. It's not like there aren't people out there who are good at Torbjorn. But just let literally every POTG where the Torbjorn kills maybe one person while his turret kills multiple. Or POTG's where the Torb is sprawled on the floor dead while his turret kills multiple people.

I've had a case where I got hooked by a Roadhog, was ready to embrace the sweet release of death, only to find out a turret dealt the final blow.

The turrets reaction time is so ridiculous, it stole the final blow from a Roadhog when he pulled me into view.

>The instant-lock on
This is the only thing that bothers me, it shuts down flankers too damn hard. Place a turret next to a Widowmaker and you've already given the opposing team a major headache (given it's in a location where a Junkrat can't easily lob up grenades and Pharah will be easy snipes trying to get the turret)

>bitching about engie turtling 9 years late

This is almost sad to watch.

>Played attack
>against 2 bastions, 2 bjorns, a widowmaker and and a reinhardt

So almost the entire category of defense? At what point do you accept sucking?

Widowmakers are all scum. All of them.

>Game is KOTH
>Get one Widowmaker on our team
>Roll my eyes and count ourselves down a player (KOTH and the map are offense-style)
>Rest of our team is comprised of useful offenders, tanks, and a Mercy (I was McCree)
>But of all people, it had to be the fuckboi Widowmaker with a mic
>We roll out of spawn and he opens by sighing and saying "I wonder how many of you will get on the point"
>They end up capping the point and he says "Yep, figures"
>Commentary goes on like this for a little bit
>"I almost had him, and no one moved in to take it" (typical Widowmaker that can't hit shit wow surprise)
>"Am I playing with a bunch of middleschoolers or something?"
>Open up my mic and say "You're the one playing Widowmaker when we're on the offense, buddy."
>"Mhm. I am."
>He says nothing else the entire game
>We lose the round
>He switches to Soldier 76 next round

What a shitter. To top it off, at the results screen, I had the gold medal for both eliminations AND objective kills on my team which tells me the rest of us were pushing while he did jack shit. For all of his crying he didn't even show up on the card screen, the Mercy and I did. If I disliked Widowmakers before, for being bad, that guy all but confirmed to me what attention-seeking kill-obsessed scrubs they are.

>Supposed to use the charge as an offensive tool
>It's shit
>End up being a pointhumping shield with your only useful skill being shield and melee hit

That's the main thing that bothers me. 21 characters in the game and 3/4ths of the time you'll see multiple Bastions or multiple Torbs. It's tiring.

A Reinhardt seems like he's designed to be a character to let your team safely push behind his shield when on attack, but it's more effective to pick him for defense and shield turrets/bastions. It doesn't help that anytime I pick Reinhardt none of my teammates actually take advantage of my shield and just run everywhere else, leaving the entire enemy team free to shoot on my shield until it breaks. And then some fucker writes "our RH was shit and never pushed"

>Hes never put turret-Bastion on a payload turning it into a literal mobile death machine

Absolutely viable on attack

>setting up as bastion on the payload

i dont care if its easy to counter, i love pubstomping with this

6 torbs is the ultimate pub stomp team. maybe trade one out for a mercy or rein

Widowmakers are always disgusting people who think they're the MVP for getting gold medal for kills with the most OP sniper ever designed, so they feel entitled to complain about everything because THEY HAVE A MEDAL

It's because the only skill he has that's good is his Shield, and even then, it's not that amazing.

His Health pool is pathetic he literally dies to one Macree spam.

He's literally a walking shield. His ult and charge are some of the worst skills with the worst hitboxes in the game.

One pharrah to destroy all three thank you for ruining the game by making it a 2 minute stomp I actually wanted to have fun and give your team a chance v_v

If I play soldier I try to stick to Reinhardt like glue, killing all their shit from safety.

However while about half the Reins are bros and cover me properly, another half see an enemy widowmaker at the back or something, immediately charge her and leave me sitting there exposed, grinning at the enemy team.

I don't always have confidence in pub Reinhardts.

His melee actually sucks too. It only does 75 damage and it pushes people around so it makes it hard for your allies to track the same person. I like Reinhardt's overall design but I'd really love if he was rebalanced so that his shield was slightly weaker but everything else he had was stronger. His shield is amazing but the rest is pretty meh.

Yeah, I meant that his design seems to imply a pusher but he's used defensively instead. He could use a buff or a redesign of some sort.

But really, it's not like he's bad if the team actually uses his shield. But if they aren't you might as well just switch to Roadhog or Zarya.

thats basically what it does

>literally just played a match with Bastion and Trob
>Keep trying to do this but no one is covering me
>Tank switches to S76 30 seconds before the end of the match
>"Had to switch to Solider to do your job"

I was on fire the whole match and got all the gold medals but no, definitely wasn't doing my job

>How to fix Reinhardt

>+ more armor
>Melee stops his charge animation
>Melee does 100 damage
>Fire Strike no longer goes through shields, instead has splash damage
>Quake actually hits people it's supposed to hit

Right now he's more of a support than a tank.

I can't wait for competitive mode to come out so we can request for some kind of MMR or league placement just to show these poster just how bad they really are and prevent bad posts

21 characters
>Attack or Defend
>Insta-lock on :

Guess I didnt want to win this round either

>Worst character isn't Zenyatta
opinion discarded

That's one reason I fucking despise the current scoreboard. People throw blame around randomly and you get shit even when you've got 3 or 4 gold medals.

>switch to pharah

gg ez

Id like to see torbs turret range decreased, but in exchange a fire rate or small damage increase. The seemingly infinite range is fucking annoying.

Blizzard worked it the way it is currently so there's no one last on the scoreboard to inevitably get raged at.

Instead, rage gets thrown at whoever the fuck.

Fucking retard. They're both easily countered if you aren't braindead.

>Reinhardt the softest tank in the game bar maybe
>All of his hitboxes are wrong, Melee hits people from miles away and knocks them back, Quake's animation can cover people yet not hit them or knock people down behind him, Charge is literally smaller than Hanzo's arrow.

The range isn't actually bad, the problem is it's tracking is 1:1 perfect where even fucking tracer can't outrun it.

A smart Symmetra is godly on defense, at least for point A but they better change whenever they reach the halfway point.

Also when I play Genji I usually have the longest objective time and I kill potential flankers and distract the enemy team all the time so the rest of the team can pick them off, but they rarely take the opportunity. Genji is a good character, but he does attract a lot of bad players who care more about getting kills than to win.

Oh? How?

Honestly the range on it is the ONLY good thing about it right now. It piddles out damage, dies to a strong breeze, and Torb repairs it for something like 40 HP per swring. It's only good with uncoordinated pubs but so is everything.

What a cunt

Junkrat. Less safe but Pharah when they are distracted.

>but in exchange a fire rate or small damage increase
Agreed, this way maybe Genji could actually kill them with deflect

>"Prepare to atta-"

Team locks in:

Aaaaaaaaaaand exit match.

Yeah I know. They want to baby people instead of encouraging them to git gud. I really hope they implement an alternative scoreboard for ranked.

>Shit vs Armor
>Manlet and beep have tons of fucking armor.

Turrets should also only have 200HP regardless of level. That thing feels like I'm fighting a tank.

move doesnt imply full movement speed.

a shitter with marginal intelligence and semi steady aim and fuck up a bastion.

being able to move, albeit slowly/some other malus, would seriously help him remain useful as battle lines shift

Dog shit map design alone ruins the purpose of countering. Fuck off.

Armor doesn't do shit against direct grenade hits

>>shit vs armor
Junkrat is never shit, bruh, particularly against stationary targets.

The turret shits on inexperienced players but if you have half a brain it should not pose a problem
It's pretty shit game design and I hope they manage to level it out

It's hard to get the medal as Widow because you aren't racking up assists. All your ellims are solo kills.

Trob is fine on attack, slowly push with Turrets. Or use it to hold the contested point for your teams respawns.

Of course they're easily countered. But what do you do when they have three Torb's + a Bastion and so forth? If you eliminate one turret, there's another one. and the fact Torb can create a new level 2 turret to replace it in 10 seconds to undo the pain it took to replace the first one?

You're ignoring the fact that if there's more than one, it nullifies a lot of the counters pushes.

>Your team's sniper: Hanzo
>Your team's "tank":
>Your team's "healer": Symmetra or Zenyatta
>Your team's damage dealers: Reaper and Bastion
>Their team's sniper: Windowlicker
>Their team's tank: Reinhardt or double Winston
>Their team's healer: Mercy or Lucio
>Their team's damage dealers: Double Mccree, or Tracers if KotH

90% of pubs are decided in the picking stage. The team with the most retards using the most useless picks loses.


Wut? He has widows ult on command and can crush any character except tanks with a single headshot.

>reinhard softest in the game
>road hog has no armor
>zarya has no armor
>rein has 200 hp in armor
>considering their abilities rein still soaks up the most damage

> being soft when she has 500 hp which 400 is armor and a second life with 150hp and considering abilities has a low cooldown block everything and mobility to health packs which armor multiples how much health she picks up since armor reduces damage to begin with

>charge being smaller than hanzos arrow
>Quake's animation can cover people yet not hit them or knock people down behind him


My Team:
Me(50), rest 30's and 20's

Enemy Team:
Nothing but level 80's and 90's

>Get steam rolled each time.

Why does this keep happening?


i have a winrate of 83% with 39 won matches with symmetra..
i wouldnt add her in that list..

I understand what you're going for here, but you're implying that some characters should just never be picked and that everyone should use the same setup every time because it's effective.

I hope you're not encouraging people to follow the dogshit meta, user. I hope you're not trying to sap the fun out of the game by implying there's only one correct way to play.

>Learn how long it takes for Bastion to unload a full drum
>Charge at him once he's down to his last 10~ rounds
>Slam him into the wall as he panics deciding to go recon or reload
>Slap "Well played" on the wall behind his corpse

I'm getting sick of losing streaks too, especially when Sup Forums keeps bragging about their W/L ratio. I just keep getting paired wtih retards who don't know how to win. I can't remember the last time I didn't get gold or silver in objective time, no matter what class I'm playing.

>I just want to move in turret form
>Moving in a form you do at least 400DPS in

There's no fucking fun in always having a fucking retard pick Zen or Symm to make the "healer needed" tooltip disappear. The enemy ALWAYS has a fucking Mercy, and you have a subpar subhealer that only picked the Zen to get kills or see his cool highlight intros.

They need to fucking make more hard healers, or simply remove Zen and Sym from the healer pool so people actually pick fucking healers in pubs.

How are people even level 90

do idiots still not realize that you hard counter Widow with a Winston, Tracer, Genji?

I'm not even good but git gud lads