Hey Sup Forums, say something nice about Skyrim, and remember: No Bullying!
I liked the design of the Dragon Priest masks, and Paarthurnax was a 10/10 character.
Hey Sup Forums, say something nice about Skyrim, and remember: No Bullying!
I liked the design of the Dragon Priest masks, and Paarthurnax was a 10/10 character.
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I just like the game. It's enjoyable to play and has a lot of replay value. Vanilla combat is good enough, with mods like Skyre which add things like timed blocking making it amazing.
I like a lot of the characters, I find the turmoil interesting. The civil war, the dragons returning.
I just like Skyrim, I can't really pinpoint why as looking at individual things they're all done either mediocre or poorly but when together they just create a fun experience.
>I like to wander around in the world with a fuckton of mods.
>I don't mind the combat (I fucking liked Morrowind's so my standards aren't too high)
Fuck the quests though, holy fuck. Kills it for me ever time.
True. I had the most fun with Skyrim just walking through the lands.
Good variety of stuff to do. Spent the first week it was out off work and school to play, 3 friends did the same. At any given time we were all doing different shit. One followed the main quest from the start, one "tracked down" the Dark Brotherhood and thieves guild first, another did the main quest until he found the mage school and I just explored and did side quests. It was great experiencing for the first time, one person finding out dragons don't appear until a certain time, me finding the smithing and alchemy exploit, another learning how to become a werewolf.
I have since played over 300 hours of the game, most of it with mods. Great casual experience imo.
world is really interesting and fun to run around in
music is fantastic
combat is the first time TES combat has been serviceable
lots of great mods
Modded Skyrim can make for such a fucking rad exploration sim. Only reason I've played as much as I have
Well I did play for about 200 hours before feeling the urge to never pick it up ever again
porn mods
World is nicely designed and was good to explore
It's a fun loot hoarding simulator
The graphics still hold up imo
It probably could have been a great game if they weren't rushed for the 11/11/11 release. It's just devoid of content with substance.
I hate skyrim for a lot of reasons but
>Melee combat and bows are the best of the series
>Music is fantastic.
Best casual single player game out there. there's lots to do and explore as long as you're okay with fighting the same few enemies a bunch of times. Plenty of game breaking powers to slaughter stuff with. The quests are horrible, but it's great if you just want to explore. There's a dungeon or something every 10 feet for you to kill and loot.
It's weird.
Wasn't planning on playing it but I would play it nonstop for like 3 days. Then after the 3rd I just stopped caring about it quickly uninstalled it never looking back.
It's nice for some hours. Then everything feels empty and you lose the will to play.
But hey, the first hours are enjoyable.
>Bethesda’s big E3 reveal expected to be a Skyrim remaster
It's a single player MMORPG that's less boring than Kingdom of Amalbore and with no tab targeting
For what purpose
>still won't look like anything that a modded PC version with "perfomance" ENB can
Game was pretty shallow but at least the art design was on point
If they restore the cut content, which there was a fuck ton of, I might be interested. If its just a facelift then fuck that.
Never ever.
Xbox One backwards compatible Oblivion/Skyrim maybe
So you buy it again and it can run just as shitty as FO4
>mod support
>old mods wont work the same and will sell PC version
>$60 or $40 if you already owned skyrim
1) it's been five years. we've had successful remasters of games released within the same year (look at TLOU)
2) new generation of hardware. when think about how lolbad skyrim was on ps3, a lot of those people are gonna want to play it proper
3) bethesda has just poured millions of dollars into their new bethesda.net modding platform for consoles. they want to utilize this further than just with fallout 4.
4) skyrim sold 22+ million copies, it's one of the most popular and celebrated RPGs of all time
5) fallout 4 just released 6 months ago. it'll probably be like 2-3 years until the next TES game and Bethesda needs to give TES fans something to talk about. potentially 8 years without a TES game is too long.
>Spent the first week it was out off work and school to play,
>At any given time we were all doing different shit. One followed the main quest from the start, one "tracked down" the Dark Brotherhood and thieves guild first, another did the main quest until he found the mage school
But that are the first 5 hours, not a whole week you filthy lier
A graduate of the Starting Strength fitness program
How new
>implying anyone goes directly to objectives without getting distracted by 10 hours of exploration
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I have exactly 87 mods installed to this fucking game and its such a ridiculously different experience than vanilla, but even with all the mods it's still easy to tell how much time went into making all the shit in the game.
Also I don't mind the leveling system, even without SPERG. It's interesting at least. But yeah without mods a lot of the quests are completely asinine.
Skyrim is the best RPG sandbox game I've ever seen. Just being a hunter with needs mods and going out shooting rabbits to stay alive in such a beautiful world is goddamn comfy.
Post yfw its not a Skyrim remaster
Its Skyrim 2
It's fun game and fixed stuff that oblivion did
Fun to mod, can potentially look like a very beautiful world. Some mods can improve combat or make the game more interesting overall.
Schlongs of Skyrim is a revolutionary mod.
This is a pipe dream of the worst kind, but I want it so badly.
>play for an hour or so having a blast
>never lose much progress but lose the drive to play
there is already a mod that add back a good chunk of the removed quests/npc
>no bully
suck my dick faggot
WOW! that's a bit rude
N-No please Skyrim has some goodqualitiesiswear
I like Skyrim for the waifu mods.
I love it, my favorite TES game (started with morrowind) but only because of the retarded amount of mods, I would go with Oblivion for best vanilla TES.
It has much better necromancy than previous games. This was important for me.
It's a comfy game. The combat is true to the Elder Scrolls series (bullshit hack n slash), I really like the region (though no factions), the guilds were too short but I kinda liked the stories more than Morrowind.
I liked the daedric artifacts, the random encounters, and the DLCs were amazing
>calls someone a faggot
>is an animeposter
how does it feel being a virgin lmao
At first there's some pretty great atmosphere going on in skyrim.
It's also fun to mod but not really fun to play even with mods.
There are some really atmospheric moments, like when you walk up to Bleak Falls Barrow.
It's a pity that everything inevitably turns into a wet noodle every single time.
They wasted so much potential.
>calls someone out for posting anime on an anime imageboard
>anime imageboard
is this 2009?
While the idea of Dragon Priest masks was good, they were all horrible in terms of stats.
Still, made for a good collection, and a nice hideout/secret stash.
If one ignores the uselessness of stats, it one of the few nice features.
The good thing i can say that despite horrible Mehrunes Razor quest, upon its completion you have those four tomes, nice set of robes that are for fasion only, and access to the worshiping shrine that guarantees some daedra hearts and some gold/ebony ingots and decent loot.
Come to think of it, Skyrim is the epitome of mediocrity.