Now that Sup Forums has finished the 8 hour DooM campaign, and enjoyed its scripted sequences and glory kills can we finally admit how over hyped it was?
Why is Sup Forums so desperate for everyone to hate this game? What's so wrong about having fun?
Dumb piratefag, fuck off
>What's so wrong about having fun?
If the fun comes from cancer then it is bad fun.
The game was good.
Levels got kind of boring towards the end, though, and the bossfights suck, but most FPS bosses suck. The secrets were also pretty easy to find
I preordered this from cdkeys actually, the multiplayer is for casuals
>playing doom for multiplayer
It's like playing Quake 3 Arena for the single player
This. MooM could have raised the bar and instead we got some halo tier faggotry.
Learn to read faggot. I mentioned single player in the OP. Sup Forums already started to realise this game was pure shit so get ready for a buttblasting fantard
No its great and appropriately rated.
You're a tryhard of the worst kind.
How was this game overhyped? It's a shining example of being underhyped if anything.
Anyway 3/10 I replied to it.
>bossfights suck
I can agree with that. They are totally awful. Instead of getting an arena with multiple tiers or at least with pillars and other cover to weave around you just have to double jump in circles.
"cancer" isn't a legitimate excuse for anything. It's just a bold way to say you don't like something, which again, is not a legit excuse.
>12 hour campaign of nothing but fun gameplay without cutscenes for storyfags
LMAOing at your life kid
Nothing to see here
>over hyped
Nobody talked about it and everyone chose to ignore it until it finally released and after that everyone was singing it's praise.
It wasn't like fucking Halo or cod where every normie shmuck is bleating out nothing but niceties about the game before it ever released.
Halo tier faggotry that didn't have pretty much anything that made Halo what it was.
Doom was a prettied up Brutal Doom with aim.
Sup Forums hates Bethesda and wanted this game to fail, because reasons, but it turned out to be actually pretty good and fun
well at least the singleplayer, I can't stand the multiplayer personally, feels like an entirely different game. Multiplayer was probably outsourced, really reminds of the shitty tacked on Bioshock 2 multiplayer.
but then honestly
>playing Doom for multiplayer
I've literally only once played the original Doom in multiplayer, and it was horrible, so it's kinda fitting
I think it's fun. I always suggest to turn off the entire HUD and aim assist, makes it much more interesting and tense.
Fucking what?
They focused on advertising the shit multipayer that everyone hated, and we all thought the game would be shit because of it.
They showed NOTHING of the singleplayer except for a scripted twitch livestream a few weeks before launch.
They didnt even send out review copies.
The game was not overhyped. We all saw the red flags and thought it would be fucking shit.
That's why everyone was surprised by how good it was.
i don't get the hateboner for this game.
i was expecting it to be awful and wound up enjoying the hell out of it
>They focused on advertising the shit multipayer that everyone hated,
And barely at that, there were no tv ads, online ads were minimal, no previews for review sites, a couple of sponsored youtubes and mainstream sites stopped talking about it within a week
Zenimax left this game out to die
It was overhyped but it was much better than I expected it to be
It might turn out to be a commercial failure in the end, a year from now when the game is declared a flop and id downsized Sup Forums will be like
>why did this masterpiece fail
>tfw no sequel to d44m, fuck Bethesda
Fuck all y'all brain dead faggots
fuck off iphone hater
It was under hyped.
Nobody was looking forward to it and zenimax gave it little to no advertisement.
And what little amount of advertising it got was entirely focused on the multiplier nobody cared for.
This game had no hype if not anti hype.
Now if you want to talk about a game that is over hyped then look no further than No Man's Sky and Horizon Zero Dawn. Nobody knows next to fucking anything about these fucking games but damn near everyone believes they will be awesome.
Those two games are over hyped. Not Doom.
Overhyped? We loathed this game until it finally came out and it turned out it wasn't that bad after all.
Now, if ID had made /this/ instead of Doom 3, maybe it wouldn't be Beth's slave.