FF 12: Zodiac Age

Take my fucking money.

>objectively the best final fantasy getting remastered
>auto save
>shorter load times
>somehow improving the already best sound track in any ff game

Where were you when squenix did the opposite of fucking up?

Other urls found in this thread:


Sup Forums has literally been begging for this

And now that its here everyone's going "I already have it on pc lol"

who is everyone?

hide and report all PCuck posters.


if you like it so much why do you fastforward through it?

Honestly I hope they clean up the voice audio.

I don't think you know what objectively means..

I begged for Vita

Didn't get shit

Remember me Sup Forums?

Never played 11 but it seriously just looks like FFXIV . But singleplayer.

spotted the 7 fan

try again

I still can't believe it.

no. i don't need to further expose your poor taste in vidya.

>says the one who likes a shitty star wars rip off

>tfw have to farm Seitengrats
>tfw can't use the ps2 loading sound to know if the chest is on the airship deck
Fucking hell this is going to suck. Without the sound trick its going to take forever just to get one of these bastards.


No, it's not that I already had this on PC.

See, this is only 1080p 60fps, with shorter load times.

I had the Zodiac Job Edition in english on PC years ago, in 4K 60fps, with non-existent load times, and a ton of graphical options and enhancements.

Oh, and I already owna copy of FF12, so I just downloaded all that for free.

So uh, enjoy your inferior experience? Enjoy buying the same game twice?

You fucking sucker

>no for PC




Kek, misleading shots where the emulation looks blurry because the effects with quickenings are set up improperly

Here's a clear screenshot, although it could look much better

I guess the remaster looks slightly better in some places, at the expense of higher resolutions, lots of other options and features, instant load times, etc.

You console cucks will never win. It's just sad. You have to warp every argument to somehow seem like you're getting ahead.

It's never too late to change.


Don't get me wrong I'm hype for this as I sunk 350+ hours into FF12 but
>best soundtrack

Not even close

So will the voices still sound like they were recorded in a garbage can?



ps2 = pcsx2 there

...you realize the left is rendered at like 360p right?

you complete dumbass?

you realize that game was heavily compressed? you play with a compressed ISO :')

...that literally isn't running on PCSX2, that image is a flat out lie. You people are pieces of shit.

I know how you feel, OP
but there is no excuse for IZJS not having a fucking respec option.

it's is from PCSX 0.9

Emulationfags: the game you're emulating isn't natively 1080p. You can only do so much with upscaling and texture modifications. Having a native 1080p FFXII is fucking boner-inducing.

>playing it on a computer
>not playing games on their original hardware

Fucking disgusting. Next you're telling me that you played Takeshi's challenge on an emulator and not an actual Famicom.

Thank god they got rid of that weird washed out look the game has on ps2. shit hurt my eyes to look at for too long.

Looking forward to seeing Fran in crisp HD

>likes 12
>claims other people have poor taste

Give it a year or two

No, several months


Lower polycount in some assets, blurry as shit textures, glitchy shadows, temperamental emulation system, stretched UI, almost impossible to mod or switch assets
Accept it faggot, a true port is ALWAYS superior

Combat is more fun faster.

As long as the the textures have been redone and it's isn't just being Upscaled, im all for it. Easily the best field/town music in the series.

XII, not XI

We've had FF12 in native 1080p for forever.

It isn't just upscaling, you are literally wrong and don't know what you are saying at all

>objectively best final fantasy game
>when XII is one of the worst

nice meme

You're just going to buy the PC version anyways

>XII is one of the worst
nice meme

PCSX2 hardware mode is capable of adjusting INTERNAL rendering settings, not the same as upscaling. The port will only win out if Square actually made brand new HD textures.

>the widescreen mode with Progressive scan on PS2 was native 1080p
>n-no! that's not what I meant! you need to run it on PCSX2 and...
yeah totally

this new remaster > anything you can pull out of pcsx2 even with the best graphics card in the world.

pcfags are insufferable.

>thread of console players posting carefully chosen misinformation with a forced smugness to justify getting hype over something

Carry on. Feels good being in the master race.

Well they seem to have given the characters individual fingers in battle, so I'd say yes.


>these mental gymnastics to "prove" this game was already 1080p back during the ps2 gen
>it's native, I swear! all you need to do is run with an emulator and crank up the settings, it's still native!

>>the widescreen mode

...ff12 has native widescreen retard

...and pcsx2 does have native 1080p, literally just look

As someone who played FFX remaster, trust me when I say this: You don't want new textures.

>thread of console players posting carefully chosen misinformation with a forced smugness to justify getting hype over something
except it isn't

>Take my fucking money.
Keep it bro, don't waste it on this trash.

>objectively the best final fantasy getting remastered
HAHAHAHAHAH oh god no, it's worse than FF II

doesn't make it better

>auto save

>shorter load times
impatient autistic child

see above

>somehow improving the already best sound track in any ff game
it's still the weakest sound track in the serries

>Where were you when squenix did the opposite of fucking up?
they can't unfuck FF XII, it's a constant fuck fest of shit.

Seriously, FF XII is the worst FF.

sorry but if you are denying that this game has a widescreen mode in the settings menu, then you're definitely shitposting and never played this game. this evidence is enough.

into trash it goes

Or you know, by being a real PC game were you can play at 4k and mod in any texture or or music
>inb4 you can run pcsx2 at 4k and mod shit
Yeah, show me one ps2 game running at 4k

I mean I'd say I'm surprised, but we know about this a while ago.

>tells truth on shit game
>get called a shitposter
thanks for validating my facts.


>FF XII is the worst FF.
nice meme

>facts needing to be validated
you were doing so well

>most "adult" FF in series
>worst FF

It's literally the internal resolution.

It's literally running the game in pic related in 4K natively. Internally.


I'm know I'm being trolled here, but I can't let this go

But can I uninvert the camera?

I'll buy it because I've never played FFXII.

>tells truth on shit game
except it's not

you seem to be mistaken, the meme is FF XII is good when it's shit.

I still am

it can be adult all it wants to, still the worst FF, worst character, forgettable story, too much shit thrown at you at once, and you can set the game up so it plays itself.

>original ps2 resolution
>or use scaling
>or use scaling
>or use scaling

>playing the inferior version with shit audio

Don't worry, you'll be able to pirate it when the remaster comes to PC too.

Except it is the worst FF game

Final Fantasy I - 35/40

Final Fantasy II - 35/40

Final Fantasy III - 36/40

Final Fantasy IV - 36/40

Final Fantasy V - 34/40

Final Fantasy VI - 37/40

Final Fantasy VII - 38/40

Final Fantasy VIII - 37/40

Final Fantasy IX - 38/40

Final Fantasy X - 39/40

Final Fantasy XI - 38/40

Final Fantasy XII - 40/40

Final Fantasy XIII - 39/40

Final Fantasy XV - 40/40


Except it isn't the worst FF, it's one of the best.

What the fuck

Why does the environment in the Vaan comparison at 0:33 get considerably worse in the PS4 version? Did they accidentally use an emulator screenshot or something?

Except it isn't the best or anywhere near the best, it's the absolute worst dogshit of the series. I know a lot of people that would rather play fucking FF II or even FF XIII over that shit that is FF XII.

Face it you fucking retard, it's shit.

>implying a compressed ISO will be better than the uncompressed one on PS4
Nice try.

you forgot they also gave XIII-2 a 40/40 and compared it to CT

The worst FF gets a remaster? Who fucking cares


I think Matsuno also got a 40/40 on Vagrant Story as well.

Yes, I know you don't know what it means.

Allow me to post another picture to teach you things about emulation.

'scaling' =/= 'upscale from original resolution the game ran at'

The internal resolution in this example would be 3072x2688, the native resolution multiplied six times internally.

That is the 'native' resolution when running with these settings, scaled to the dimensions of your screen.

SCALED TO YOUR SCREEN (and/or adjusted windowed viewing mode)

No "upscaling" from a lower resolution is taking place.

Huh? When did IZJS release on PC?

Except it is the best , it's the absolute Final fantasy that we need in this series along with FF9, FF6 and FF7. I know a lot of people that love this game and the Ivalice lore in general. They played more than 300 hours in FFXII and they will play it again with the remaster because they were waiting for it for years.

Face it retard, it's fukin' good.

yeah, but Vagrant Story deserve it.

>When did IZJS release on PC?

Why is this called the Zodiac Age instead of just "International Zodiac Job System"?

This triggers my autism.

IZJS was translated years ago, and people played it on PCSX2.

Maybe this will revive FFXII doujins. Way too few of them.

>ORIGINAL PS2 resolution
>n-no! it's not scaling! the emulator is wrong!

My dick has been waiting years for this. I hope it comes to steam too. I am so happy right now

Because it's an improved version of IZJS.

how can you autistically say that shit? I was fucking board with it a few hours in. It was boring as fuck, there was too much thrown at you and shit like that fucking zodiac spear that was locked out to me even if I wanted to slug through that shit.

I guess if you have fucking autism it's good. I seriously don't see anything remotely redeemable with this shit game.

Sup Forums is an 18+ site.

I’m Captain Basch fon Rosenburg of Dalmasca! Don’t Listen to Ondore’s Lies! Basch Lives!

because they needed to put Zodiac somewhere in the title but couldn't simply focus on the job system, or else people would think that's all they added.
"International" is useless since everybody knows this game will be localized and the same version will be sold in both JP and NA/EU, it won't be different aside form language.
It might also be called Zodiac Age because Square probably plans to release other Ivalice games in CURRENT YEAR