Have you ever bought a videogame just for the cover?
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I will buy DOOM for the alt cover.
When I get a job, because I'm broke as fuck right now.
Nobody wants to talk about your mentally ill diaperfag artist. Stop making threads.
does cartrdge sticker count?
Zero Tolerance 2
I Bought Disega just based on a magazine ad
I can't think of anything I bought just because of the cover, but there are games I took notice of because of the cover and I liked what I saw when I looked it up, and subsequently bought it.
The cover's job is exactly that, to gain attention. It doesn't necessarily sell the game, but it has an important role in earning a sale.
I only got into the blazblue series because the cover looked interesting. It eventually lead me to check out the Persona series as well so I'm satisfied with that.
I miss lowtax and shmorky's videos
Don't really know anything about 40k, those space muhreens just look so badass, and it was only 5€.
Yeah, Psychonauts
I had no clue what is was but the box was neat and it was really cheap
Banjo Kazooie
Chameleon Twist
One was good, one was bad. 9/10 Sup Forumsirgins can't tell!
Man I still regret never picking that game up. Looked like a lot of fun and gets decent+ reviews
>being a genderqueer diaperfur child molester
>speaking in a cartoon voice
>and wearing a wig made of yarn
Dark Souls
didn't regret it, GOAT
And I have regretted it since
Listening to him argue with his tranny wife was beyond disturbing.
>Oh shit, they got SpongeBob on it
>Oh shit, this games actually good
It was a different time. Anime was still a fad.
Bungie made this. It would be a few years until they would be known for Halo.
People who bought an N64 for RPG's were cucked except for Paper Mario except that came out in literally the N64's last year
Funny that Wii U's final year has Paper Mario but it's going to be garbage
Remember when its girlfriend called Lotax a pedophile and got it kicked out of the place Lotax was letting him stay and then its girlfriend was screaming at him with a knife or some shit?
Delete this for fucks sake
>that face
>that body
I don't understand
He looks like an adult man, but has the voice of a low-quality Spongebob impersonator.
He's deliberately doing it because he sexually identifies as a cartoon with a flower on its head. There's examples of his voice before that and he sounds like a perfectly normal beta male.
Skies of Arcadia Legends
Turned out to become one of my favorite games.
Same here but I really liked it.
That's how I got FFTA
What's that? A Rule 63 Pajama Sam?
For your sake, yes, yes it is.
The avatar of some creep from Something Awful. He used to do animation before he devoted himself to being a full-time crazy person.
>rule 63
wow stop pushing your narrowminded cultural perceptions of gender you cisheterobigot gabughraiber
He had awesome animations, some of the series on there were great, like Gaming Guyz. Too bad he quit it
I liked any collaborative effort between him and Kevin Bowen.
A simpler time...
I don't find his stuff visually appealing. It's well made but I dislike the style.
Turned out to be a totally different game than I expected.
Thought that it would be tactical turn based grid like Disgaea.
Instead it's real time freeroam with cool down abilities.
I heard he became a huge faggot just like every infamous Goon from SA.
PS4 port comes out today.
When I was a kid? Sure, many times.
Now? Shantae and the Pirate's Curse and Darkest Dungeon.
Most of them just became boring and started to have jobs and families and all that square shit.
I just wanted to be in the ocean.
Now I just want multiplayer
I would sell my kidney to buy daggerfall just to put that awesome box on display
>became a huge youtube white knight
>Neil Cigararo
>Fully embraced the progressivist culture, spews cringey shit on twitter constantly.
No regrets
Dark souls 2, that steel cover is sooo good
Bought Dark Souls PTE because it reminded me of berserk. I had no clue what it was about, and I didn't read anything about it.
Planty of times actually
>The Legend of Zelda Minish Cap
>Monster Hunter (PS2)
>Riviera The Promised Land
>Golden Sun The Lost Age
>The I of the Dragon
>Kirby Nightmare in Dreamland
And probably many more that I'm forgetting
This was before I started spending time on websites dedicated to gaming though
Lauren is cute.
I'd completely forgotten this gem, thank you senpai
Shadow of the Colossus. I knew nothing about it and spent like an hour not knowing what to do (skipped cutscenes like a tard) I was riding around like "Tf, no enemies??". Restarted the next day and it's definitely one of my favorite games now and I still got it for PS2 :D
That game was great but I still have to finish it after starting it three times.
Not at all, those were the worst flashtub, stop shoving your annoying kid into everything.
Loved it