Should I snag Dragon's Dogma: DA for 7...

Should I snag Dragon's Dogma: DA for 7.50 on PSN or just torrent on PC or just buy it on PC and support good game developers?

Please don't tell me to kill myself
That will come in due time

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If you care about the pawns on PC, buy it next sale

I don't know what the fuck pawns are
>inb4 user posts a pic of a chess board pawn

Steal it for PC, realize how dreadfully boring it is and chastise yourself for even thinking about paying $s for such a mess.

Pawns are great, buy it.

Yo, Angelo!

pawns are your AI party companions

you create your own personal pawn and the rest come in from online (other people's personal pawns)

pawns learn how to do quests ("try talking to this guy, arisen"), how to fight monsters ("aim at the wings"), and allegedly learn their behaviour from their hosts (i.e. if you climb monsters to stab them a lot, your pawn will tend to do this when someone else uses it)

you miss out on this content if you torrent it, because the only pawns available are the handful they added for offline players

They're npc companions you can customize and share with each other, they gets better as you kill stuff and adjust their AI (Inclinations)

The playerbase is pretty dead so i won't bullshit you, you're probably going to have a hard time getting hires on PC nowadays

Pawns hunt in packs, Arisen.

If the party needs adjusting, adjust it.

also if you play offline you miss out on all the sluts, lolis and anime character recreations, which are 99% of online pawns

It seems all roads lead to Gran Soren.

there might be aught of use nearby

It's a bad game Sup Forums only likes for the memes.

>/ddg/ is kill

It has but one aught, aim for it!

it's a lot better on PC

Look Arisen, a rope! Looks suspicious.

thanks anons, looks like the game has a steady 600 online player count, does this justify a purchase in the near future? yall are selling the hell out of these pawns





There's no online play so player count doesn't mean much, that said it's one of my favorite games and has plenty of neat classes to try

i think it's worth buying over pirating because you'll miss out on the real Dragons Dogma Experience™, which isn't necessarily 100% positive.

Pawns like to spam voice lines over and over, and will occasionally be absolutely useless (who teaches their mages to climb monsters?) or an active hindrance (spellcasting pawns who blind me with tornados, I'm looking at you)

the best way to play is with other people also playing through the game, so their pawns will level up alongside you, but there won't be a shortage of pawns at any level, you'll just have to swap them out a lot

it's a fun game though, and i got a good 90 hours out of it before I got bored



600 is pretty low if you want your pawn to be hired, but once again that's less people to compete with so it might even out

You're going to get RC for it, it's used mostly for inclination elixirs and "purifying" the Dark Arisen DLC gear, just ask for hires here if you need it later on

-You can use 1-5 on items and some tools to hotkey them
-Min-maxing doesn't matters at all compared to gear, don't worry about it and play whatever you want to play
-You can have multiple saves by using family share, in case you want to have multiple pawns uploaded
-Backspace deposits all items of a kind

Clearly has a mouth, though.

>using kb+m

for what purpose

>not using kb+m

Controller felt like shit to me. Keyboard and mouse on the other hand felt great.

>Playing through hard mode
>Meeting Daimon for the first time
I didn't pack enough curatives for this shit.

Console versions don't have fullscreen (black bars on top & bottom) unlike pc. So buy on pc.

buy it on psn and PC

god i want a fucking sequel

Also, don't use the DLC armor sets on yourself and your pawn

It's a drake sword tier noob trap, you can upgrade readily available vendor armor and it's better and more fashionable than that garbage, your pawn is gonna get bullied with queen's set




Buy it. The game is great.

user why