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It's Sonic.
its gonna be another shitty encore bundle
always during E3 timeframe, devs unload all their excess cd keys and shit
Find a flaw.
This, it will most likely be one game that might have a sequal and a whole bunch of shit no one wants from the dev
only one game
Anything will be better.
Hoping for something space oriented or roguelike.
can't wait
I see 5 games right there (yes i count her story because it is interactive throughout)
every week without fail.
It's Gearbox I'm calling it
There was an E3 bundle last year full of all sorts of random shit, I expect another one on thursday, so this will be another fucking nothing bundle.
not yet. But it will happen.
Did that game Wasted in the monthly bundle come with a code you could trade? I'd really like to trade for it I have a copy of nuclear throne for the PC or PS4/Vita I would trade for it
This. It's already been leaked.
10 lootboxes in overwatch for 5 dollars and a blue skin and 3 sprays for a dollar and that's literally it.
no gone home and her story actually looks interesting as a sega cd game
Humble Comedy Bundle 3
kek, has this ever happened?
im guess battleblock theatre made it
>Humble Bundle 2 weeks before Steam Summer Sale
Ayy, it better be a glorious 1$ tier or people will keeping all the spare change they can get.
It had Dr.Katz in the last one
>Not posting the good edit
>Humble Feminist Comedy Bundle
Humble Bundle is a every-fortnight thing now, didn't you know?
But that's a good thing.
Why would anything good happen?
What percentage of people just spam ITS FUCKING NOTHING without even seeing the new bundle?
my personal favourite
Humble Sonic Bundle
dr. katz had a game? guessing it was telltale?
>Humble today
>GOG sale tomorrow
>Steam sale in two weeks
>E3 next week
This is going to be a month
I do know but it's like those company that insist on publishing their trash games when a big AAA title is about to drop. Guaranteed disappointment.
Blizzard bundle
1 card pack, 1 loot box, WoW shit, Diablo 1
pay more than average
1 more card pack, 1 more loot box, diablo 2, and diablo3 garbage
Pay premium get
diablo 3, and blizzard shirt.
Not I. I take a sec to look at it before saying "It's fucking nothing!"
Like the Narrative bundle was NOTHING.
I'd be so happy with roguelike. The narrative bundle is the only one I've seen in a while that I wouldn't take it if someone gave it to me for free,
Being forced to pay $10. It's suppose to be humble bundle. All i see is one game.
literally me
If Mean Bean/Puyo had some sort of multilayer, I'd be all over this bundle in a second.
>inb4 is another shitty bundle with sjw shit in it.
Source? Also, this really wouldn't be a bad thing. I've only been through S&K.
anybody want some useless dlc keys?
x-com EU and civ 5
So no Undertale? That would be excellent.
i'd like the useless civ 5 keys, if they're the scrambled maps packs
how do i give them? just post the code here?
“Pay what you want (single combined key)
Sonic the Hedgehog
Sonic 3D Blast
Sonic Adventure DX
Beat the Average (single combined key)
Sonic CD
Sonic Adventure 2
Sonic Adventure 2: Battle Mode
Sonic the Hedgehog 2
Sonic and SEGA All Stars Racing
Sonic the Hedgehog 4 Episode I
Pay $10 (single combined key)
Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed
Sonic and All-Stars Racing Transformed Metal Sonic
Sonic and All-Stars Racing Transformed Yogscast
Sonic and All-Stars Racing Transformed Ryo Hazuki
Sonic the Hedgehog 4 Episode II
Sonic Generations
Sonic Generations – Casino Nights
Sonic Lost World
Sonic Lost World – NiGHTMARE Zone
Second Week BTA Bonus (single combined key)
Sonic Spinball
Sonic 3 and Knuckles
Dr. Robotnik’s Mean Bean Machine
In the Humble Bundle but not in the ~$12 Sonic Games Collection that most people already have:
Sonic Lost World (depending on when you bought the Collection) ($10 tier)
Sonic and All-Stars Racing Transformed Yogscast ($10 tier)
Sonic and All-Stars Racing Transformed Ryo Hazuki ($10 tier)
Those are Emails, user. Copy the code into a new Email and send it to those addresses.
>Sonic Lost World
Yea right.
I've only played S&K, I was always a Nintendo babby. Are any sonics worthwhile besides 1, 2, 3, and S&K?
well this has me hyped as shit, this would easily be bundle of the year
Ideally you could make a throwaway email with guerrillamail.com
I already have all these from the Steam weekend sale when the Sonic complete collection was accidentally put up for £5 instead of £30 about 4 years ago
Fucks sake
probably would have bought that uplay bundle if not for the FUCKING UPLAY BULLSHIT
So autistic garbage.
In case it actually is a Sonic bundle, can someone redpill me on those games? I remember trying Sonic CD years ago, running around super fast and being confused cause I couldn't see enemies/obstacles on time at that speed.
Anybody want to trade anything for a U.S. Shantae and the Pirate's Curse code? I have a 3DS code and a Wii U code.
Get fucking hype nerds
If I want the best the average should I buy it immediately or wait a bit before buying it? When is it the cheapest?
Do you have BNW? My buddy has G&K but not that and I want to surprise them.
its been 75% before, and i believe the bundle was discounted to lostworlds standard price at one point
I own none of the sonic games and I refuse to buy them even for 1 dollar get fucked Sega.
Please be good, Please be good. Don't really want a Sonic bundle but has it been confirmed?
Depends on the bundle and its popularity.
Sometimes its good to be fast and sometimes the average falls down.
Here it will probably be high thanks to all those great 10 dollar titles.
>anything Sonic
Into the garbage it goes. I'm not supporting that autistic shit franchise.
>already have everything except LW and some SASRT DLC
Fucking nothing if it's true.
Why? Vidya died with the Dreamcast.
Just email your keys fami
[email protected]
Serious talk.
Is it worth buying the monthly subscription
Humble Hotline Miami bundle.
>tfw you bought lost world
so this is what JUST feels like
>series with two games
What? Plus they just had a Devolver bundle.
Look at the previous months and make the call yourself.
Meh, fuck it, heres the code you need both X-com and civ5
So? That's 2 more games than they have in the Narrative bundle.
Shadowrun is a game.
No. We don't need another faggot shitting up Sonic threads with "waah, these games suck because I'm bad at them!"
Preparing for my weekly dose of nothing.
I don't see how it could get any worse than the last two bundles.
SJW bundle and uplay bundle. There's just no way... Right?
well thank you user, I got it, and with this I finally have the equivalent of the civ v complete pack and the xcom complete pack
what a cool man
The leak kinda takes away the point of the thread. How did it leak? Something to do with the steamdb repos?
It's shit, but given how the 1 USD are all DRM free, is it worth 0.01 USD to play ROM ironically? I find myself laughing at most things that used to upset me.
>Dr. Katz game
I can't find any evidence, though it would be awesome.
neo Sup Forums trait number 1. I'm bad and mad, so this game is boring.
>30 year old neckbeards unironically believe this.
I feel sorry for you but I'm disgusted by you.
Would like a Borderlands bundle just for the DLC. It could save Battleborn from oblivion.
Just bought the ubisoft bundle, fps fun and 3D platformer looked interesting.
i dare somebody to sit through the entirety of this
Up to whether you like taking risks or not. Almost every month it's mixed 50/50 for me wishing I had bought it. But there's usually a bunch of games I already had. I might try this month I'm not sure if hurtworld is any good though.
But I already bought the Sonic collection on Steam when there was that 75 percent off price glitch.
Don't you have and Overwatch or Undertale thread to be in?
>tfw saw a webm of Gunslinger yesterday and so I have to buy it now
I've been holding off on Starward Rogue even though I love Arcen because I just know it's going to be bundled a week after I buy it like ll their other shit.
Redpill me on Sonic games. I don't care a bout the fanbase (obviously) but gameplay experience. I got Freedom Planet from a previous bundle, and I played it for a while. It's nice, but I'm not big on 2D platformers right now.
spectre knight when?
>Redpill me on Sonic games
>I'm not big on 2D platformers
The only good Sonic games are 2D platformers
Generations is actually very good though.
But it's like 80% 2D.
Can't wait for a good piece of nothing
I wonder if key snatcher bots react to the example keys in this picture.