What games have incest? No not blood related shit.
What games have incest? No not blood related shit
Trillion: God of Destruction. The protagonist's sisters, cousins, and niece are all possible love interests.
Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones
Wasn't Fire Emblem full of it?
It's time for a Story thread again, isn't it?
Fatal Frame 5, one of the main characters is the daughter of a pair of sibling.
It was my impression they weren't bloodrelated, but they just called him that shit.
>not blood related shit
You don't know what incest is
>not blood related
I knew they were brother & sister, but I never actually realised it was incest.
That was odd
Everytime I see kirino I must fap.
>What is reading comprehension?
>What are double negatives?
He said "no not blood related shit" as in "no stuff where it turns out the brother and sister aren't actually blood related".
>not blood related
I'm not sure you know what incest is, user.
You guys are literally retarded
>write sentence extremely poorly
>claim others have poor reading comprehension
maybe learn how to into grammar, you dumb nigger.
The best incest game is how people obsessed with incest actually expose how loveless their real family is.
i genuinely don't understand what you mean
>write retarded op
>get called out
>ya'll niggers just don't understand me!
wew! If you want to expect reading comprehension from others, how about you get some basic skills in writing first? Those Kindergarten kids are getting ahead of you user. Keep up little man!
I love summer, it makes me want to burn everything down
>not blood related shit
You must have a miserable life
>how people obsessed with incest actually expose how loveless their real family is.
Funny enough it's the opposite for me. My mom is caring as fuck and so was every other part of my family really yet.
learn to write a proper sentence, asshat!
Learn to use capitals
>not fe4 where the incest is explicit and also nonconsensual which results in the birth of the antichrist
Learn to use punctuation.
Learn to use punctuation.
>No not blood related shit.
How are people misreading this?
>For a second I read the OP as " not blood related shit." instead of "No not blood related shit."
>I wonder if that happened to anybody else
>This whole thread
Sup Forums is like a version of me who did all the wrong choices instead of just most of them
Not true I have siblings and parents I get along with well and like incest. I like the thought of incest, but not with my own family. Though I'm sure parents would send me in for mental disorder if they found out I'm into incest.
>learn how to write properly on Sup Forums
American education or ESL
It would be better phrased as 'No non-blood related shit'
Learn to use punctuation.
Learn To Use Capitals.
Because they are reading it as "No, not blood related shit." When someone doesn't use punctuation properly, you tend to fill in the blanks yourself and it's not always correct.
>doesn't understand basic English
>thinks he can compare OP to kindergarten
The proper way to put it would have been "No shit where they turn out to not be blood related".
Or at least "No not-blood-related shit".
They didn't hook up though
Tales of Berseria maybe
Didn't the ending of FFT have hella strong incestual overtones?
C-calm down...
Sup Forums - English
>Got called out
>Try to save face in an anonymous website
She just turns on a switch somewhere in my brain that makes me rock hard at her sight immediately. I can't explain it
>faggot op tries to make thread about stupid bullshit
>entire thread breaks down into fighting over op's shit grammar
never change, Sup Forums
Everytime I talked about my family to my friends, they would ask how hot they are... It's common
they are putting a coma after no
>Fail to comprehend basic english
>Shitpost about it saying you're right