Overwatch has lost any chance of being competitive

overwatch has lost any chance of being competitive

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Did anybody honestly believe it could be competitive in the first place?

Are you retarded or just pretending? All my casual friends think this is the next CSGO

> competitive
> implying that nobody is actually competing when they play Overwatch, and that they're not trying to win

yes Blizzard.

With 20 tick? The amount of Genji deflects that I've seen fuck up is astounishing. Will be a shitty competitive scene.

Good. Tourneyfags are cancer.

When you say a game can't be "competitive", what is that implying? Like, are you saying that means it can't be a good game?

>Activision-Blizzard game

Is that webm from a longer video?

idk nigger

a shooter determined by cooldowns and stun effects never had any chance of being competitive

it is boring to watch, because the actual core gameplay is overshadowed by retarded, flashy, game changing 'press button to win' effects

sc2 still has a scene doesn't it?

What do you faggots mean when you use the word competitive.
Both teams in the game are competing in order to achieve a goal.


Dead as fuck. Blizz needs to fix their shitty ladder first.


not even in korea? or did they just hop back on to bw

korea is all over dota 2 now since their team is pretty fucking good SC is dead.

>All my casual friends think this is the next CSGO

I think all of your "friends" are still in high school, just like you.


>20 tick
pffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffft haha

>tfw my friends aren't trying to win, they are having fun, so they won't swap to something we need or hold their ults and wait for me
"Why don't you join us user, better chance of winning in a group!"


>tfw no longer in highschool
why do I even still play videogames?


If they made it competitive I'm sure the competitive mode would actually have good hitboxes and normal accuracy


does genj deflect in the direction he is looking or back at the source of the attack?

>tfw friends like this
>I actually want to try and win this time
>fuck off tryhard
I hate how every vidya term has lost all meaning

Well of two party games can make it to Evo. I say way not.

>I'm sure the competitive mode would actually have good hitboxes and normal accuracy

Competitive mode won't even have 60 tick. THE GAME IS FUCKING SHIT


there you go

I knew the hitboxes were wonky but I didn't realize it was THAT wonky. Fuck.

>they'll just fix it for competition
You know this is blizzard right, they wouldn't change shit and the issues would require a different game

imagine being a commentator trying to explain this blatantly obvious auto aiming, and other silly shit during a live game

It's so infuriating.
I bet they have mains too right? And haven't even played all the cast?
Just tell them you'd rather be a tryhard than a diehard


Aim assist, fuck huge hitboxes, 20 tick.

What idiot pulls this casual shit and labels it an "Artistic Choice"?

That's worse bullet magnetism than halo 5, holy fuck

stop playing this shit, you cucks

it's okay when valve does it to their competitive game.


when has tf2 ever been competitive


>this is your argument
Kill yourself.

How old is TF2, again?


I dont know. As Pharah player this pretty much kills it for me.

they're adding it.


Almost 9 years old

painfully unfunny.

>game from 2016 should not have progress over older games

>one weapon used by a single class

you sure showed us


a competitive sniper would never use a projectile weapon over a hitscan weapon

>all my casual friends

wow I sure care about their garbage opinion

overwatch is as casual as games come, it's a fucking joke to have "esports" in this
just like hearthstone

I don't know how anybody thought this could be a TF2 replacement. The number one thing TF2 had going for it, besides gameplay, is how unique the game was in terms of art, aesthetics, weaponry, and even some of the FPS features.

This game has generic Crysis armor plate #267372 aesthetics, boring weapons, boring stages and no real interesting backstory or support. It's about as DOA as it gets

>it's okay when valve does it to their competitive game.
No, it's fucking not. Why would you think it is?

>last week:
>omg why isn't this quake where's muh rocketjumping? shit game.
>this week
>omg why isn't this CS? muh pixelperfect hitboxes. shit game.

more like authistic...


>flames have to touch you directly to hurt you

Two actually.
The same as the Overwatch ones.

that was the point.

It is. Only autists on Sup Forums care. Nobody else does.

Direction he's facing

> tfw you realize people play these games for competition because they're too unathletic to play sports

Those are hitboxes from a 1999 game.

Thanks consoles.

Missed because of that thigh gap.

There is a difference between arrow deviation and movement and bullets litterally tracking to targets. To prove my point try landing two arrows in TF2 in the exact same spot. There will always be deviation. Then fire two shots in OW above the head and watch as both slam into the target at the exact same angle and direction

haha epin upvote

>comparing a 1999 game to a 2016 one

also that game is far, far, FAR faster than Overrated will ever be



>that was the point.
So the point was "Valve's games have shitty hitboxes, so it's OK for Overwatch to have shitty hitboxes as well"? Because that's fucking retarded.

that obviously isn't a real gun but bullets from real guns actually have a parabolic arc where the bullet travels higher than a straight line from the muzzle before undergoing bullet drop

the more you know

Non-athletic you fucking mongoloid.
If you're going to shit post, make sure you're using proper words.
Do you expect everyone to be outside, playing football?

Just kill yourself.

to be fair, it could be just putting the shot on the legs to mask the fact that it's a hitbox. If that was happening when you aim outside the hitbox near the legs, then it'd be a concern. Though that's prolly the case.

Blizzard and retards

20 tick rate
Competitive? Stupid as shit

What is worse is a lan connection , A straight Ethernet cable connection makes no difference compared to a plugged in phone using LTE

I promise anyone if you played game using a Ethernet cable and one using you phone + personal hotspot your not going to lag at all because the game is locked hard behind this retarded tickrate

I meant that it's all ok, or none of it is.

when was this done though? they changed the arrow hitbox a lot

this is Quake Live hitbox.

>implying blizzard isnt gigantic enough to change the whole FPS standard into 20 ticks

this is what you ask for, every next MMOFPS will be 20 tick from now on. you cant defeat blizzard


It doesn't happen in like 20 feet though

and what game is it based on


Koreans play LoL not DOTA

What was the point of bringing TF2 into an Overwatch thread?

The hitboxes aren't pixel-perfect so there's not enough of a skill ceiling for autistic tourneyfags who play 20 hours a day to truly rise over the common pleb. So the game can't ever be played in a competitive setting.

At least post relevant images, killcams are not representative of what the player sees. It's like posting webms from a source replay

haha, damn!
i want to watch that fight, just seeing her smile as the other girls fists are doing nothing

TF2 is not even competetive like CSGO , much older and is nothing like overwatch and I enjoy both

You fell for the fucking meme hard


>muh pixelperfect hitboxes.
it's 2016, hitboxes like this aren't acceptable

This one seems like it was a flick shot, but the poor tickrate on the kill cam didn't catch up with it.

He doesn't. It's a thing people say ironically around here to emphasize how it ISN'T okay despite companies believing they can get away with it.

you are right but I wanted to enjoy some shitposting on Sup Forums by posting that little bit of trivia

thats their statement
>we don't want to change the game because 20% off our userbase are poorfags

>We can capture the esports with WoW arenas! well fuck
>we can capture the esports with SC2! fucking shit guys
>no wait we got it this time, hearthst-FUUUUUUUUUUUUU

>people said the same shit about hots
>they'll just push their way into the moba competitve scene they're blizzard haha