3 > 4 = DmC > 1 >>>>> 2

3 > 4 = DmC > 1 >>>>> 2

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>4 = DmC
Its more like

4:SE > 3(Modded) > 4 = 3 > 1 > DmC > 2

3 > DmC > 1 > 4 > 2

DMC5 when?

>4 = DmC

kill yourself if you believe this.

I don't know why 1 is so underrate by the fanbase. It and 4 are the only two I think where the speed you press the buttons at contextualize the action, which is pretty cool.

Same thing happens in DMC3 you retard

i haven't played it, but isn't 1 'bland' in the weapons and movelists in comparison? not that it makes it a bad game, just that the sequels succeeded it successfully. Like MGS > MGS2

You like the smell of your own armpits, dont you?

Because Dante isn't a CUHRAZAY! annoying turd like DMC4.

3 > 1 > DmC > 4 > 2


Some of the moves you still see in 3 and 4 were already in DMC1, it has a decent amount of different moves, at least for the time.
I wouldn't say it's "bland", it's just dated and you're not supposed to play it the same way you play 3 or 4 as you can't do huge combos or anything like that. Throwing your enemy in the air and shooting the fuck out of them in midair is as "cuhrayzy" as it got back then.


1 is my favorite game in the series.
Fuck the style sponge enemies in 3 and 4

1 isnt good. at all. not any better than 2, just when 2 came out you were older and able to recognize the game was shit, even though it really wasnt any differnt than 1

3>4>1>who cares

is DmC4SE any good? Does the new characters improves the game in any decent amount?

Yes, because I use deodorant. I bet you think armpits smell always bad because your are used to be around the indian boyfriend of your mum.

yeah bland was the wrong word to use, dated is better. That's what I figured, game is on my list of games i still need to play.

Vergil is a lot of fun to play with.
Dunno about Trish and Lady. Haven't tried yet.

DMC3 > DMC4SE > DMC1 > DMC4 = DmC > DMC2

It depends. Are you a DMC1 MUH ATMOSPHERE fag who plays action games for level design? Then you won't care for it, as very little new actual content is added. You're still playing the same missions from DMC4.

Are you a normal person who understands the combat is the core of the game? Then yes, it adds a metric fuckton. I haven't gotten around to playing Trish yet but Vergil is boss and I'm enjoying Lady quite a bit. and of course 3 new characters adds a ton more to bloody palace.

What about DmCDE?

Never bothered to play it.

Besides, it doesn't have El Donte, therefore it ain't no Definitive Edition.


but are trish and lady as deep as the other characters? or they are half-assed?
also, did they improve/updated anything on nero and dante?


I've played it, see

he starts talking about 4se at the 5 minute mark


Silly user, they don't show pachinko games at E3

Even Capcom haven't sunk as low as Konami yet.


3 >= 4 > 1 > SHIT > DmC = 2

Your opinion is wrong

fuck you talking about?

What are the real odds of a DMC5 at E3? It been too long bros.

If not, wait for TGS.


pick one

>people still don't know


No, you're just an idiot.

>he stars
At least admit you are shlling your own channel.

Everybody knows Capcom doesn't have money. Nowadays they take tiny risks for more reward like Monster Hunter.

Trish is mostly just a rsskinmed Dante, very few moves of her own, defonitley the worst character. Lady also takes almost all of her moves from Dante, but she has some uniquity to her in that she's the only character built around guns. Also, a fully charged Kalina Ann destroys bosses.
I wish Lady's DMC4 design was better.

I#M new to dmc and bought the HD collection for PS3. Why is 2 always considered so bad?

who in their right mind believes this garbage?

fuck off brit. your faggy opinions hold no weight.

It's rather easy and has some really terrible sections. The bosses are lame, enemies feel braindead and the animations aren't as refined. Dante's devil arms are the same sword but slightly changed and the guns are overpowered.
There's more, but that's the gist.

but is it worth playing?

not really.
Had more fun with Lucia's campaign than Dante's


DMC3:SE with SS mode > DMC1=DMC4:SE>DmC>DMC2

Say what you will about NT and their shitty treatment of the fanbase, but to this day DmC is the best action game developed by western devs gameplay -wise and Vergil's Downfall I can even call really good (although Itsuno's team helped with that so I'm not sure if it counts)

Depends. I think it's worth it just to see what all the dislike is about, but it's definitely not as good as the others, including the reboot.

1 and 4 are the only good dmc games

3 is the best*

WHY THE FUCK DOES no one like 2? You people even prefer DmC: Devil May Cry to it? What's so bad about 2?

Haven't seen taste this bad in a while
1 > 3 = 4 > 2 > DmC
4 has a lot of backtracking and reused shit but the gameplay is near perfect and has interesting environments, 3 only has Vergil and almost as good combat. DmC was thoroughly shit and even with 2's flaws I still thought it was better than it.

"that enemy": the game

>4 = DmC

>4 = DmC

>fixed cameras even in combat zones
>slower and clunkier

I didn't hate it but it was obviously half Resident Evil, half something new that had potential to be amazing

It managed that in 3. If the reception of 2 is anything to go by I'd say they were also finding their footing during that as well

go kill yourself fucking retarded kid

This is literally the last time I will ever open a DMC thread because the "fanbase" is simply too autistic and retarded

DMC could ( and should) have been a good series after 3 but oh fuck if DMC4 isnt one of the most laughable games ive ever sunk my time into: its a fucking garbage tech demo which loses in "depth" to a DMC3 mod- and even still the "depth" is like a shitstain that Ninja gaiden 2 left on the porcelain after eating a greasy pizza

you actually have to be a genuinely autistic (and fucking stupid) kid to think that being able to infinitely stunlock retarded AI punching bags is "deep" or good game design

the only good DMC games are the first and to an extent the third one, and atleast DmC fucking tried something new without retarded controls like choosing what the B button does by pressing the DPAD first

bye bye fucking retards, I wish I could fucking cut your heads off with those l-le e-e-epic vergil katana moves

oh and im a grill btw, have fun being virgin neckbeards

Too easy
Dante has no personality


I don't know how anyone could think differently. Considering the non-SE versions of the games is silly.

I agree that DMC4 had the worst level design but the gameplay is rock solid and we mostly spend our time in Bloody Palace anyway.

haha I missed you and your barneyfag level of rage

>not playing turbo legendary dark knight mode
Literally a casual, enjoy being autistic.

People who were actually there to witness the sequel to the greatness that was DMC1 felt betrayed by the complete shift DMC2 was, the rest is just parroting what they hear.

DMC2 actually introduced some stuff people that people love, like some of the gunslinger abilities that were further explored on DMC3

This is why I have troublegoing back to DMC3. The gameplay is amazing but most enemies and bosses are a fucking chore.


That's pretty much my opinion too. Although I wish they added at least one new enemy in 4SE just to make it feel that tiny bit more complete.
But there's still hope for DMC5 right?

>4 equal to DmC
>DmC better than 1
Absolutely disgusting.

1 > 4 > 3 > ninja theory >= 2





the gameplay in DMC4 is fucking trash

completely throws out all the concepts of DMC1 and DMC3 (which built off DMC1 in many ways) for DUDE INFINITE AIR JUGGLES LMAO

every single enemy is annoying as fuck to fight, people bitch about some of the annoying enemies in DMC3 but you still have to actively fight them (even the angels that block everything still let you constantly attack their shield and break them quickly)

every single enemy in DMC4 spends half the fight either running away or in some sort of "you can't damage me now lol" mode

not to mention it's horrible as fuck boss fights, a dante that's at the same time completely nerfed and completely overpowered from DMC3 so he's boring as shit and it being way easier on DMD

the only character that feels like the game was actually designed around them is nero (who spends the entire game pressing the god of war grab button and using his broken as fuck charge shot/exceed moves), dante feels weak unless you use the few insanely broken things he has and the special edition characters feel like cheat mode

Unless you're an autistic retard that thinks juggling a single enemy with unlimited HP and posting totally sikkk combo videos is what devil may cry is about DMC4 is a trash heap of a game

>literally being this bad


It's rated pretty well, but sometimes it is hard to talk about it because it is plagued by Kamiya fanboys who like the game for everything but the gameplay.

But it's still great, just a different flavor of great from the other games.



Let me guess, you put over 300 hours into DMC4 just to say it's bad.

I hope DMCV gets announed at e3 so capcom has a reason to release a proper PC port of dmc3


i think doing siccc combos is fun user.

DMC/character action game fanbase has been taken over by morons that think juggling is the only thing that matters

If you can't post webm's of you beating up a single enemy by keeping them helpless in the air for 30 seconds (something you spent four hours practicing the timing for) then your game is trash to these broken brained people

Things have degenerated and forgot that what made the combos in DMC3 so impressive was that breaking out that combo in the middle of a fight wasn't easy.

Now people just juggle a single enemy in hacked bloody palace anymore, and since DMC1 doesn't really have juggles besides shooting them in the air a whole bunch people say the game is "clunky"



You clearly have no idea what you're talking about, especially in regards to DMC1

Can I get a reply with intelligence, please?

then play a fighting game, the skill ceiling is way higher and you have more options. shit you can even play marvel vs capcom and do sikk combos AS DANTE

>Can I get a reply with intelligence
That would require you to actually post something smart

>Can I get a reply with intelligence, please?
you first.
Autism isn't intelligence.

What juggles does DMC1 have besides shotgun climb and just keeping them stuck in midair with pistols/air raid

I guess you can just launcher over and over, but compared to DMC3/4 it's way more limited because while you stand on the ground juggling one enemy you're gonna get stabbed in the ass by something else


I put forth an argument

is some weird attempt to shame me and I don't even know what is trying to get at when half my complaints was that DMC4 is too easy

Even my moms Indian boyfriend knows DMC was the shittiest game in the series. Seriously how bad at videogames are you to think DMC was better than 4? I bet you cried when you realized you had to be GOOD at the game to feel cool.

Fucking millennials.

