Overwatch in Japan

Does Sup Forums know if Overwatch has been successful/popular in Japan?

Is it quite common to find threads and posts on 2chan about it? What are they usually about and does anyone have any examples?

I am guessing the user base would most likely be on PS4 with a few users on PC...is this true?

Has anyone had experience playing with any Japanese Overwatch players? Did they work as a team, speak to each-other, pick according to the right scenario, etc?

What do the Japanese think of Hanzo and Genji?

...and finally....do the Japanese have favorite character/s?

That is all.

Other urls found in this thread:


By memory square localised it and it is ps4 exclusive in Japan but that's all I could tell you.

Overwatch is pretty fucking ass on PS4 so I imagine it has flopped in Japan.

Been living in Tokyo some time.
Started playing Overwatch release day here.
Servers are mostly Koreans, but you find some Japanese too

Dumb overwatch poster



>Playing fast paced-fps on console
Enjoy aim-aids you stupid gooks.

I've seen Japanese porn of Hanzo, Genji and Roadhog.

Don't nips almost exclusively play Jap games with the occasional Western Medieval RPG? Know they love Oblivion for whateber reason


I do see a lot of Overwatch art from Koreans, but do not see so much from Japanese. I guess it makes sense since Korea is basically Blizzard HQ.

All I know from what I have heard from Sup Forums is that the Japanese on 2ch call reaper a chuuni lord or some shit, and there were some other things but I don't remember.

Anyway, how are the Korean players? Are they pretty serious when doing casual matches or do they mukbang while sniping?

Are you on PS4?

Japs don't like PC because 100% of them are commercialcuck drones so FPSes never really caught on there.

>the Japanese on 2ch call reaper a chuuni lord
top fucking kek
FYI "chuuni" means "middleschoolers who act badass and pretend to have magic powers and post on deviantArt all day"

I actually refunded the game in beta. Tick rate doesn't cut it for me. Still interested in the game, just wish it was mechanically better.

Thanks, I guess.

I guess making a separate thread for this instead of derailing another is shilling? If anything I have my gripes with the game...just wanted to know what my fellow Nipponese felt about it.

I don't even own a PS4 but the Japanese gobble that shit up.

Looks more Japanese than Dark Souls 3 desu-ne

I don't even give a shit about OverPOZ but I think Roadhog is so damn cute.

I do as well, fellow weirdo. He's like the first reason I wanted to play OW.


>mfw wireless internet is such shit that you can't even play training mode
I should've gone cable years ago, in a few days the suffering will end

I find him repulsive though all the fanart is definitely cute

Now its hard to dislike him because he is my best pick for self-reliant "carry"ing.

>Going to 2ch and acting like every post is the word of god when it's really just full of nip shitposting and they generally have absolute cancerous taste in vidya anyway

that pic

I've only played ps4 version and it's been great. If you just mean you prefer m + kb setup then that has nothing to do with the version of the game.

The japanese are too cultured to pay heed to blizzard trash.

Who are you quoting, user?

All I wanted to know is what the Japanese think of Overwatch. Why you gotta make this a big deal and act like we are west-hating weeaboos when we aren't?

Hiro is gonna make a separate bored if shit like that keeps coming...

>Can someone tell me what the nips think of a game so I can form an opinion of it based on that?
>Whaddya mean I'm a weeb? Look up weeb in the dictionary, pal.

Do people actually do that? Just because they make shitty moe fanservice cartoons and JRPGS does not make them the god of all opinions. They have pretty shit opinions 24/7, moreso than people in the west. I hope there is not actual anons on Sup Forums who do this. Because they need to kill themselves right away. Anime is cancer.

You are clearly shitposting.

But I have nothing better to do at 7:30 am so...

Like I mentioned above, I refunded the game in beta. The tick rate is horrible and it ruins the game for me. Some other mechanics aren't so great either, but besides that the game is alright.

I don't NEED some Japanese fuck's approval to confirm my own views on this game. I just want to know what they think of it. I guess that is highly illegal, user? Should I report myself to the local police and spend the rest of my days in a cell because I asked what some asians thought of a fps game?

Anyway, what do you think of Overwatch?

>I hope there is not actual anons on Sup Forums who do this
...and then the picture is just a poorly translated 2ch shitpost.

Sure buddy, act like it's just a huge coincidence that you chose to ask for Japanese opinions. Why not Chinese? Why not Korean? Why not Ukrainian?
But like you said, you're not treating the Japanese as having more important opinions than anyone else. No sir.

I'm not much for TF2 style objective FPS games, but it's got great waifu/husbando potential.

Well the video game industry is largely dominated by Japan as deliverer of the biggest consoles and content to them.
Its perfectly reasonable to be interested in what they are thinking of the western made shit.

There's this japanese streamer I watch from time to time when I'm bored at night and the servers look quite populated.

I think it's been pretty successful due to their crazy love for FPS, I recall coming across multiple nips in BF4,although a lot of admins would kick them off their server due to their ping.

Being that said, I haven't come across any japanese players(atleast from what I know) in NA. I've only seen a few malaysians/chinese players seep into the server. Those guys weren't very helpful, usually opted to go on their own and ultimately get blasted by the enemy team.

>Mfw one of them picked mercy and rarely healed/buffed us
I don't know if they do this for the sake of trolling or what but that shit is pretty annoying.

>Sure buddy, act like it's just a huge coincidence that you chose to ask for Japanese opinions. Why not Chinese? Why not Korean?

>Anyway, how are the Korean players? Are they pretty serious when doing casual matches or do they mukbang while sniping?

Did you even read the thread, or did you come here to shitpost?

I don't ask about China cause they have their own rip-off games they play. I don't ask about Fake-Russia aka Ukraine cause Eastern Europe is a literal cesspool and I would be glad to never associate with any one of them my entire life. Koreans eat anything Blizzard so I already knew the answer.

I asked about Japanese in general cause I knew that fps isnt generally accepted well in their country, yet this game was published by Square Enix in Japan and the game has a lot of "Waifus", so I thought that there was maybe a chance for this game doing alright. Obviously PS4 would be the dominate console of choice there, but I wanted to know if there was a PC scene at all and if the players were any good.

Why you got to try to derail the thread like this? I just want answers, not your dumb comments.

I feel they'd mostly play Overwatch at internet cafes because most Japanese don't own top of the line computers in their homes. They're more about laptops and old XP machines, plus smartphones and tablets. Mostly smartphones and tablets.

>I've only seen a few malaysians/chinese players seep into the server. Those guys weren't very helpful, usually opted to go on their own and ultimately get blasted by the enemy

Probably didn't help that they had shit ping or shit internet.

That's interesting though, I've played with some Japanese dudes in Killing Floor 1 and TF2 in the past, and they were all pretty great and chatty with everyone. Almost seemed more inviting than a lot of the regular servers I would go to, but that's probably cause they have low number of players and have to rely on each-other to keep the community alive. Pretty serious at times, too, but like I said...when a community is small you got to keep it strong.

Now that I think about it the only person who has added me in game had a bunch of nip or gook characters as his name

But I never accepted his friend request.


Probably desperate as fuck to play with someone cause no one else in 50 miles of their home own a computer.

Roadhog is cute.

Maybe they will be able to play that Chinese Overwatch knock-off which is going to be released for smartphones?


Based on what I've seen it seems reasonable popular - mostly because of the Pixar look and the cute girls. They also did a great localisation, hiring high profile Japanese voice actors. Not to mention that the animated shorts seem to resonate well with the Japanese audience.

Genji and Hanzo seem pretty divisive though. I've seen someone comment in Japanese that they don't represent 日本 (Japan in Japanese writing) but JAPAN (deliberately western letters and caps), implying that they're more an amalgamation of things the west associates with Japan and Asia in general, but not typically Japan, which clashes with how a Japanese sees his country and what he finds aesthetic.



>JAPAN characters instead of 日本 characters

Oh fuck

Why the fuck does junkrat remind me of rick?

The hair?

Roadhog looks like Pacha in this one. I'm diggin' it.

Don't you dare post that fucking meme.

Yup. Plus they are both crazy as dick

I can see this.

The trailer for Genji and Hanzo felt way more Chinese than Japanese in my opinion.

Then again, most of the characters barely represent their actual countries well.

I dont know what the fuck youre talking about anyway.


why the fuck does soldier 76 remind me of bernie

>Japs are divisive about Genji and Hanzo representing Japan in a western perspective, than from a local one.
This seems like a non-problem considering nearly every hero is the incarnation of a stereotype.

youtube.com/watch?v=JVbefLwsVFw ??????

Well their American characters aren't exactly accurate representation of America either.

>army man
>school shooter

I think its pretty good.

fuck that got me


Exactly what I was thinking

>arabian character
>bombs her enemies

They did an awesome job.

>I've seen someone comment in Japanese that they don't represent 日本 (Japan in Japanese writing) but JAPAN (deliberately western letters and caps), implying that they're more an amalgamation of things the west associates with Japan and Asia in general, but not typically Japan, which clashes with how a Japanese sees his country and what he finds aesthetic.

Big fucking deal, considering how much Japan makes up or gets wrong about the west, and has done so for decades.

he really is a one man apocalypse


>implying that they're more an amalgamation of things the west associates with Japan and Asia in general


L is real 2041

Yea i've been forced to play it on ps4 as all my friends got it for that, and it's been surprisingly good. I thought it would be shit on console.

>or do they mukbang while sniping?

>you will never fuck a cosplayer dressed as Roadhog
Why even live?

I get it now!

I dont want a cosplayer dressed as Roadhog.
I want Roadhog.

japan is kawaii

I don't.


dat ass

...Rock paper scissors.


I see.

would anyone wanna rp cute RoadRat shenanigans

>tfw my fiance and i look like irl versions of junk and hog
he got da belly

I remember a 2ch comment saying "Does America know how to make a Japanese character that isn't a ninja or a Yakuza?" That made me laugh.

>PC Gaming

Where is your frog?

I thought shilling was a bannable offense?
Can we please have these overwatch marketers ip area banned?

Yes, japan loves shit.

It's literally GOD TIER on every system.

Yes and no.


Why would you shill a game that is already successful? It's like trying to pass ads for Facebook™, what's the point?

He looks like the devil.

Some hentai artists have been tweeting overwatch art so It's popular on the only subject that matters.

fuck off

What the fuck is going on in that picture?

Junkrat is about to blow something up.




Who is school shooter?

straight up not true

when I play with friends, its on PS4 and its been fucking great