What do you think of ass n tiddies in vidya games user?

What do you think of ass n tiddies in vidya games user?

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Not enough

A pale imitation of the real thing.

You're gonna get grounded.

That's a big butt.

I wish they were more

nice drumsticks

For some

i adore them

Nothing matters. We're all going to die anyway. I'll never have sex. Why do chads make our lives miserable. Stop posting female bodies on here. I hate you all

Jesus christ, I do not remember dat ass being that big in the game.

Holy shit.

I like that Overwatch has a variety of butt sizes. I think I might masturbate to one of them right now.

go ahead user i allow it fap away

spelling 'titties' with d's is childish. grow up user.

Underage detected


>We're all going to die anyway
Why drag it out then
dumb frogposter



Titties are awesome.

which metro?

I don't like when they get in the way of gameplay but otherwise I don't give a shit. Nice bonus if they're there, no problem if they're not

There should be more of it. Video games will never be taken seriously until we get over this childish fear of nudity. Personally I blame american puritans.

I like it, theres something gratifying about being able to play a game thats fun with T&A as well, its like having pancakes with ice cream added on top

that's a fucking disgusting dish

>People in that thread joked about how retards would screen cap that shitty post
>user proceeds to do just that

I like them.

that seems like a strong reaction, I'm talking those sweet pancakes and vanilla ice cream, not a lot, maybe one scoop.

I wonder how many children that user went on to love tenderly

Sup Forums would be cured if we could somehow remove all virgin losers or at lest let them get laid
any non virgin does not give a fuck about asses and tits in video games, they care about the gameplay
and games are about the gameplay

Gameplay is important, but sexy is a nice bonus.

video games are not sexy, real girls are sexy

Fuck off

Can't it be both?

How do I fullscreen this shitty game?

I've been in more than one relationship, and I've fucked multiple chicks.

I still have fun with ass and tiddies in video games.

My best friend has two kids. He still likes ass and tiddies in video games.

tl;dr you're a moron.


There doesn't exist a big ass in video games as comparatively massive as big tits in video games.

Last light

lett me guess, you only date fat and ugly chicks right?


>lett me guess, you only date fat and ugly chicks right?
If that makes you feel better. Tbqh you sound bitter as fuck fampai. You should get that looked at.

This ass is from Metro Last Light right?


are you running it on your native resolution?

All men are pigs.

>If that makes you feel better
I knew it, anyone with a decent looking gf will not care about video games tits

Jill has the best backstory in all of video games

I played REmake right when I started jacking off so she's really responsible for me fapping to vidya

but not all pigs are men, otherwise they wouldnt be able to reproduce.




it's okay, I guess
don't really care if it's there or not

think people losing their minds about it is stupid, though

Never dropped a game as fast as this turd. Thank god I pirated it.

Cringe attempt at making the game more adult, if I wanted to fap I'd watch porn


I want one but I dont want to spend $950 on it.

thats not normal user, you don't put ice cream on pancakes

Man you cannot seriously be this dense.


they'll melt
and mix with the butter


If you're teaching something, being good at that something would help a lot. That image's not atractive at all.

truly patrician tastes

are you sure? I just did a quick google search and there are heaps of pictures of pancakes with ice cream on them.

>she might have a penis

My dick.

oh no, you put the ice cream on instead of butter, otherwise you would be eating buttery ice cream.

Sarcasm undetected, tiddy boy

they're souffles and crepes


Nothing wrong with ice cream on pancakes ya dingus

only one picture was a crepe and the rest were definitely pancakes

>boob physics in vidya is still shit
not even boob simulators like DoA have it right


I love lewd stuff in games. As long as there is a good game attached as well. Unfortunately lewd focused games don't tend to be good.

I've been looking into this game before trying it out and apparently 1920x1080 is the highest it supports. It sounds like it has enough problems that I'll wait for a patch.

>hairy man ass


There isn't enough quality ass n tiddies in vidya.

UNF girls having their boobs bounce when taking off their clothes is my fetish

Why is there giant dick bulges?


Remember that ass?

most boobs actually do that, except very small ones and fakes.

Fine, if they're not the emphasis of the game.

I'm all for butts and boobs but I'm way past buying games because of them

that's not a fetish
that's a turn on

Perhaps you could post more examples yes?

Illya a cute

their vags are quite big, kinda like a fleshlight underneath two watermelons

10/10 animation.

what game has a fully modeled asshole?

no can do friend, this is a blue board and I have a static IP.

i agree

Prince of Persia: Warrior Within
Great combat. Fond memories.

These things would be an absolute nightmare to keep clean and not ruin rubber.

That material collects dust and lint like nobodies business and when it gets wet it gets all goopy and sticky,

fetish is anything that arouses someone, even liking breasts is a fetish and has a name: masophilia.

I think they're neat


