>40 million PS4 consoles have been sold
>Bloodborne has sold less than 2 million copies
Simple math shows that a massive 95% of PS4 owners do not actually use their PS4 for anything. What's up with that?
>40 million PS4 consoles have been sold
>Bloodborne has sold less than 2 million copies
Simple math shows that a massive 95% of PS4 owners do not actually use their PS4 for anything. What's up with that?
It's the wii effect
I use mine for Amazon Prime, to watch X Files
and it's great for watching movies
I've been rewatching Twin Peaks with my headphones in the controller
my PS4 games are
Batman Arkham Knight
InFamous Second Son/First Light
Metal Gear Solid V GZ/TPP
Gravity Rush Remastered
Ratchet and Clank
I don't play any of them
except I still need to get around to completing Gravity Rush
> multiplats aren't games meme
pc the spreadsheet box
I wonder what games have the highest attach rate.
Probably casual shit.
Most people use their consoles to play multiplats because -SURPRISE - they're the majority of games. Also, having both a pc and a console is expensive and plain dumb if you're not a neet who plays games all day.
it actually got games now
Do the same with Wii u and netflix. It's great.
In regards to the topic: normies always buy consoles and ignore the actually good games.
>17 million WiiU consoles have been sold
>Mario Kart 8 has sold 7 million copies
Again, this not only shows that WiiU owners are playing lots of games, at least half own Mario Kart. What's the difference?
I really wish there were more multiplat games this gen that I enjoy
It feels like I'm waiting on Persona 5 as my next purchase, because my excitement for FFXV has died down a lot since the demo
Netflix on Wii U is fucking great/useful as fuck, when you don't have a TV
I haven't kept up with the threads on /m/, is it out in the US yet or do I still have to do some singapore account bullshit to buy it?
Why does Bandai hate money?
yeah, not really when you have a normal job. at least not in germany. I own a PC for basically everything and the consoles for the exclusives. I don't see any problem with that.
>200+ million PC user base
>''insert niche PC exclusive'' sold less than 30k
Simple math shows 99% of PC users love playing free to play moba shit
They do. And MOBA is still better than nothing.
Ah, it's a "multiplats aren't games" thread
>is it out in the US yet
lol no
they don't publish it in US precisely because they like money. Gundam is way too niche in the west to care, even VS Force for Vita which get US/EU release - it's digital only.
You need to either import physical or buy digitally via Singapore account with prepaid card.
Same will be for SD Gundam G Genesis, SRW V, SRW OG MD.
Creating account is not that hard, user. It's not a bloody vita.
I think he's from a 3rd world shithole where the strongest PC around plays Fallout 3 on the lowest settings for 5 minutes before self-destructing.
Everyone with half a brain uses their PC for multiplats and consoles for exclusives.
No, it's a ''PeeKeks will literally never ever stop being angry'' thread
The fuck is "peekek"?
People just use consoles for Netflix machines and re-releases of 6th and 7th gen games
I don't know, I'm just shitposting in a shitposting thread.
Ah, it's another "it's OK when it benefits Sony" post.
This. Nothing new, the PS2 was only a DVD player for most buyers.
>PS consoles
>implying all of their highest selling aren't multiplats
They haven't had a Exclusive in the Top 5 highest selling console since the PS1.
Besides, Exclusives are fucking irrelevant in sales unless it's handhelds
no multiplats
>implying any normal person will buy the shit in that image besides the console and subscription
I guess people feel like reaching today
>buying a console to watch movies
Holy fuck you have about 3 different devices at least that can do this.
I have a work colleague that bought a ps4 and plays exclusively multiplats and does exactly this.
>it's great, yeah
This delusion
What is wrong with these people?
How can there be exclusives if there's only one handheld on the market?
>mandatory camera
>mandatory move
>VR headset
None of that is mandatory though, I don't even have a ps4 and I know that
>17 million
>7 million
>at least half
Steam users are 150 million
Only 700k bought Dark Souls 3
Whats up with that?
Sony is hip and makes memes, so it's more "with the in-crowd" to have PS4 than a much cheaper and more efficient mediabox.
>Yah bro I got the PS4, fuck Nintenyearolds actually playing games hahahaha
it sold MORE than 2 million, and that was in 4 MONTHS.
>dark souls 2:
As of March 2014, the game had shipped 1.2 million copies within the United States and Europe; and according to a 2014 Bandai Namco financial report, the game also sold very well in Brazil.[61][62] As of April 2015, the game has sold over 2.5 million copies worldwide.
>2.5 + 1m from steam
3.5 million in A YEAR
>bb, 1 platform, 4months
>dk2, 3 platforms, 1 year
stop being retard
600 of those users are my anime ERP accounts
Nintendo are the meme fags, you cuck. Or have you not paid attention for over 3 years?
Thanks for the spoonfeeding, user.
Now to go dust off that PS4 for some actual vidya gaymes.
Normies have shit taste.
This is what they use their PS4 for, and it isn't pretty
He's talking about Bloodborne since that's the only PS4 game that's not a port or a multiplat
Don't meme. The Vita's top selling games are ONLY exclusive to their system except for Gravity Rush because Sony likes to fuck over Vita owners and Persona 4 Golden although it has a lot more shit than the original PS2 version
Pretending to have sources doesn't actually mean you have sources. Everyone else says 2 million.
Sony meme'd so hard they were sued multiple times.
so they're now playing overwatch
Why are people so retarded?
Pretty sure an Xbone or PC list would look like this.
Except without Bloodborne.
>Simple math shows that a massive 95% of PS4 owners do not actually use their PS4 for anything
No, it means 95% of PS4 owners use it for yearly multiplats like Madden, FIFA and CoD.
>Monster Hunter might top the 3DS list
Now I sort of want to see it.
just keep in mind that gameplay itself in Breaker 3 is not all that deep - just solid enough, main draw is customization which is pretty freaking spectacular
some niggas managing to make freaking kamen rider look alike suits
delete this
It's actually less horrible to think they're not using it for anything.
and even mospeada stuff
And there's 50M 3ds sold and MH4 sold 4 million copies
Your point?
>One version of a game released only in Japan ten times more hardcore and obscure with no marketing selling double that of the PS4's biggest title
did you read the
>bb, 1 platform, 4months
do you even know how to read?
[61][62] are the wikipedia sources for dk2 sales
you can go here if you really want to know abt dk sales bandainamco.co.jp
click on 2015
this is the source for bb more than 2 million:
I'm a simple man with a big wallet, i'll buy anything that's mecha.
Thanks again user.
What is a vita
It's OK Kaz, it doesn't matter anymore.
>Again, this not only shows that WiiU owners are playing lots of games,
No, they're playing Mario Kart 8 because the amount of good games on Wii U can be counted on one hand
Don't forget to get SRW V and MD OG then too, user.
We getting first official translation of mainline crossover SRW series in it's lifetime of existance.
And first OG since GBA SRW OG release 10 years ago.
of course it'd be better if there was western release, but if Asia English is successful we are going into motherfucking golden age without worrying about licenses and stuff. Judging by Breaker 3 - translation is pretty on point too, at least I didn't notice any Engrish, probably is there, but not much.
>Thanks again user.
No problem, I hope you'll enjoy the game
Is this why they call bloodborne a shitty game?
murder thyself
>120 million PCucks
>Undertale sell less than 2 million copies
Simple math shows that PCucks do not actually use their PS4 for anything. What's up with that?
my ps4 just sits behind my tv as a youtube machine being controlled by my phone
controller+headphones goooood
some people got a ps4 and play multiplats only, plus it is the to go media centre for all computer illiterates since the 2
>only in japan
>biggest selling title in japan everytime
>Stop saying bad things about Bloodborne or else
I bought a ps4 for overwatch but it came bundled with the new ratchet and uncharted 4
already beat ratchet and have done 40+ hours of overwatch so far so I'm getting some good usage out of it
haven't played any of the other uncharteds so I'm not sure what to do with u4
>95% of PS4 owners do not actually use their PS4 for anything
but that's wrong. ps4 is like most normie console ever. 95% ps4 owners are playing Fifa and CoD
I only use my PS4 for weeb games and there is a big lack of weeb games on the PS4 at the moment.
I have on:
Uncharted 1-4
MLB 16
Assassins Creed Swag Flag
Tomb Raider
Walking Dead 1 and 2
Watch Dogs.
No small wonder why I play my PS3, 360 and 3DS far more.
>PS4 owners do not actually use their PS4 for anything
I probably play my PS3 more nowadays.
The WiiU is better value at the moment.
Give it a few more years and the PS4 will have a good library. Just in time for the next console gen desu.
Wii u doesn't have overwatch
not wanting to open a new thread and getting all the flame, I will as my question here.
So, I am moving to a new place, got a new 55 inch 4K Sony TV and will get a PS4.
I had all the PlayStations but for life reasons stopped everything vidya related for a couple years.
Even this shitholle of a board.
Should I get the PS4 today or wait for the """""""""""""""""""""""""""""PS 4.5""""""""""""""""""
Simple math shows that not everyone fell for the "Souls games are good and challenging" meme.
Joke's on you, I use my PS4 for Netflix.
Wait. At the very least the new one will presumably not sound like a freight train after 30 mins of gameplay.
The PS4k or whatever it's called won't release until the holidays, so it depends on how much you want it one now.
Good thing Overwatch is not a good game.
pii poo has no other games
Congratulations. You're part of the cancer killing videogames. End yourself, please.
So are you saying people either bought bloodborne or are letting their ps4 collect dust? Are you always this retarded?
kek because he doesn't play video games ?
Computers are hard, so you may as well buy a DRM box for multiplats.
And thats why their getting rid of the wiiu.
What console, exactly, has better quality?
The marketing excuse is getting old, considering there's absolutely no better offer.
what do you think are good games?
As far as shooters? There hasn't been a good one in a long time.
A console is only as good as the amount of good exclusives it can offer.
Multiplats are meant to be played on PC.
So in terms of exclusives it's probably a tie between Ps4=WiiU>Xbone>PC
Sony consoles have always had a very low attach rate, ever since the Ps2 brought the influx of dudebro casuals into the market who are still around buying up Call of Duty, sports games, and your average AAA shlock now and then.
Anyone who's carefully reviewed the history of this industry knows that the Ps2 had a large part to play in ruining videogames. The Ps2 and its DVD peripheral are the reason that videogames became mainstream: it flooded the market with casuals and all the current snowflakes who want to turn videogames into something they're not. If the Ps2 was your first system, you are part of the problem.
This is PC in comparison. It's really not so different.
I want to gas all normalfags
Normies and dudebros are the actual audience of the PS4 brah.
Wait at least until E3.
Sony plans to sell 20 million PS4s this year up from 11 million in 2015. They obviously have price cuts and the PS4 Neo model planned this year if they should even dream about reaching 20 million.
you didn't answer my question
but you wouldn't be a special snowalke whitout them
>Cities: Skylines is that high
GTA V is probably the most boring game I've ever played.
Sorry kiddo, I should have been a little more specific: I use the PS4 for Netflix due to it's better overall playback ability. I do most of my videogaming on my PC, my Wii U, or the dozen other consoles I have plugged in to my TV.
I bought my PS4 specifically for Persona 5. I have plenty of other video games to keep me occupied until then.
It's the modern 360. Most people own one to play CoD or the newest Madden
But why pick PS4 when XBONE and WII U do the same things in regards to streaming?