Will it surpass The Witcher 3?

Will it surpass The Witcher 3?

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i hope so

Only if it actually comes out

It's CDPR. It's gonna be amazing.

Proof me wrong.

will this surpass The Witcher 3?

>console parity
gee whiz

Easy, witcher 3 was storywise the worst of the three and they will only continue to be worse not better as they westernize themselves and start adding themes from lazy western middle-class like sjw'ism.

Come touch me like I'm an ordinary man

nice b8, I like to b8 too

That's an opinion I can accept but for me W3 was the best game in the whole series.
>start adding themes from lazy western middle-class
because of that one B&W joke about women in the 13th century?

I love Gwent, it's the only RPG mini game I've ever enjoyed

Graphically obviously but in general I doubt it.

SciFi>Midevel>Modern>Fantasy>Tolkien Fantasy

But it was, tell me one thing that was done better regarding the story in Witcher 3?

Looks a bit like Severina in that pic.
There's porn of her.

Yeah, CDPR certainly panders to SJW's. Like children getting killed and children selling drugs.

hopefully, witcher is garbage

>will a game with a cool cyberpunk setting surpass a meme fantasy game with shit gameplay and combat?
Gee user, I dunno



Most likely since Witcher 3 was embarrassingly bad.

Maybe the main character in this game will be an actual likable character instead of some white haired useless asshole.

Sup Forums here
>adding themes from lazy western middle-class like sjw'ism.
Please go kill yourself. Calling out political shit where it counts is one thing but when you scream sjw every time I can see where Sup Forumstards are coming from. Also no Witcher 3 is not sjw.

Well if Sup Forums says so...
How's that shithole doing, user?
Haven't been there in months.

based poles also gtfo back to your containment board

too many bait sjw threads

So is there actually any sign of a release date or more info in general? I really like the concept but there's not a lot around

Wild Hunts's story was the worst because the talent that wrote Witcher 2's amazing story had little to do with it and it was a new team.

One of the guys who wrote Witcher 2 was instead working on Cyberpunk, so I have higher hopes for this games story.

Every day gets better the more ground trump gets.
Sorry OP I forgot that the mention of Sup Forums will trigger people hopefully I didn't just derail the thread.

ok then freind

>Every day gets better the more ground trump gets.
That's good to hear.

>also, not triggered at all


you didn't really set the bar very high

The DLCs set it pretty high.

Story and character wise it did. Where side quests felt impactful even if short term and minor characters feel fleshed out.

Gameplay side of things, they will be complete opposites. I can't wrap my head around an actual cyberpunk open world game on the scale of Witcher till I see it.

It's going to be the game of the decade.

I look forward to Trump destroying everything. I'm glad it will be over soon

Yeah why not

Do you think there will be a Ciri easter egg?

its made my cdproject red and will be on pc

it doesnt matter how good the actual game is. just like witcher the pc/euro drones will march out and ASSURE you its the best game of all time

I mean fucking christ they already have been actually, We have 1 screenshot and 1 trailer of just still images that tell up absolutely fucking nothing, yet pc/euro retardeds immeaditely went berserk like OMG CDPR DID IT AGAIN THEYRE GENIUSES GOTYAY

Bu then you just wait til E3 in a few days when other companies introduce new games with nothing but a few screens or a single gameplay-less trailer and Sup Forums will go apeshit about

Fuck this place. Fuck CDPR. Fuck pc faggots. Fuck europoors. Fuck you.

From her mentioning the world of metal wizardry she teleported to right? I fucking hope so. Holy shit.

witcher 3 is garbage it's really not a good metric for quality.

they never made a good game. your turn

Holly shit hype.


The same people wrote w2 and w3 and its expansions
Wild hunt was changed for the American market

>You're not allowed to like what I don't like


If it has same quality+quantity RPG mechanics, sure. Don't care of story much because after witcher 3 shit-story, only bioware could do worse.



I don't like that it's inspired by the board game. There are like no games that do the old cyberpunk novels justice. Too many lame indie games that just make a rainy city with neon and call it a day. I hope to fucking christ they do it right.


Coincidence detector threads have been pretty fun.

I'll be extremely disappointed if Pondsmith doesn't voice a character in the game.

>2/3rds out of their games are complete shit tier
>their best game is only "serviceable" tier

What a track record

>One of the guys who wrote Witcher 2 was instead working on Cyberpunk

Oh great, it's going to be a political snoozefest

>will this game that we haven't seen a single screenshot or gameplay video or know anything about be better then Witcher 3?

Hmmm.... could go either way.

You guys are so fucking pathetic clinging onto this vaporware of a game that we DONT KNOW

they're working with fucking pondsmith and the cyberpunk genre is more interesting than fantasy since not a lot of AAA games actually explore it properly

>someone spent valuable time on this planet to assemble this image to show those faggots who like that game I don't like

Sorry for ruining your lies m8

It's probably going to be a shitty action RPG.

want more? or maybe just stop shitposting and accually play the fucking game.


>witcher shills spamming the shit out of GOTY Fallout 4 with bad reviews

Why am I not surprised?

based cdpr

maybe the reason the ratings are low is because people were actually disappointed with the shit tier game bethesda produced after fallout 3's success?
is this not a possibility in your eyes?
do you always have to blame others for your shortcomings?

I accualy made this screen when some F4 fags were showing W3 bad scores with covered user score mate.

>Witcher 1
>Shit Gameplay , Serviceable Story
>Witcher 2
>Shit Gameplay, Shit Story
>Witcher 3
>Almost Ok gameplay , Serviceable Story

Pretty sure it's because unlike The Shitter 3, Fallout 4 is intended for mature audiences instead of prepubescent teens that only care about seeing boobies and cutting heads off.

You do know that you have to be 18+ to be on this site right?

>literally admitting to fabricating shitter 3 good scores

You're pathetic.

>this human bean unironically believes fallout 4 is better than witcher 3 because it doesn't have any boobies

>Fallout 4 is intended for mature audiences
got an actual good laugh out of that, nice work

>This human being unironically believes Witcher 3 is better because it has boobies

Witcher kids are so eager to jump up and defend their shitty game it's almost like they know it's shit and have to justify it's existence every waking moment of their lives.

It's no coincidence that the fanbase was born among the PC Master Race, user. They were cancerous fucks on the level of Souls fans long before the Witcher 3 came out.

Wut mate ?

are you idiot? I said the opposite thing.
By MADE i ment "I took" a screenshot. English is not my native language , if you dont belive me , just look it up on metacritic you moron.

>fallout 4
Pick one. This proves you did not play witcher 3 at all. This is not game for kiddos. Has fucking heart touching quests that leave you with depression if you make wrong decisions

Whats up with that pose?

mfw dark souls is fucking shit tier


let's hope they crafted a good gameplay this time around

Maybe one day Todd will make PC gaming great again.

>implying metacritic even matters
>getting depressed over video game choices


>Please stop losing your fucking minds over something for which we have no information


Personally, I grew out of this kind of toxic hype after Skyrim. Maybe you should think about growing the fuck up?

>getting depressed over video game choices
This only shows you didnt play real game yet m8.

Grow up before responding to this because Witcher 3 is an Art.

>This only shows you didnt play real game yet m8.

No, it only shows that I can tell the difference between reality and fiction, which apparently you aren't mature enough to understand.

Let me guess, you started crying as soon as Geralt saw Ciri and he thought she was dead? There is literally nothing in that game that would make a well adjusted human being depressed.

Fallout 4 on the other hand does the exact opposite and pulls people out of their depression and even saves their lives. I don't think you can say that about your Bitcher 3.

Can you play as a qt cyborg girl? Not interested if not.

I would have argued that the Baron and his stillborn daughter was a sad moment if they didn't use that hilariously awful fetus monster model as the ghost. If the spirit turned into an actual child or something like that it might have meant something, but as it stands I busted a fucking gut laughing as the luminescent avatar of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome rose from its shallow grave.

>No Mass Effect 3
>No Dragon Age 2
>No Dragon Age: Cisquisition
>Praises Skyrim

top kek

I don't get why there's one guy in every witcher thread that attempts to shitpost it to the ground. Is it the same guy every time?

How can one voice be so butter?

>Will it surpass The Witcher 3?

How can something that will never come out surpass anything?

>no mass effect 3

That game got 10/10's across the board and only got bad user reviews because babies like you were crying about the ending.