It's happening

It's happening

Okay. What's the point when Hearthstone exists?

Its not Blizzshit.

picking up the leftover shekels

You guys realise that gwent as a whole is a stolen concept from the board game called Condottiere?

I'm waiting for this hearthstone clone called shadowverse just so i don't have to deal with blizzard shitty balancing so the joke is on you

The cancer has grown. Truly these are the dark times for the industry.

a literally what? nobody heard of condomtiere

Well apparently at the CD Projekt hq they did.

ownder of condottiere here, it's not as good as gwent. gwent would be more fun if it was properly balanced.

WOG turned Hearthstone into utter shit, not even arena is enjoyable now.

It amuses me to hear about this game, because to me, Gwent is just a region in my country.

>It's a bidding game

Literaly worst kind of card game, they should have copied ascension instead

it's fun to play in the context of playing a game inside of a game but Gwent itself is terrible, it's pretty much a solved game

Just a little tip in case you didn't know. There's actually more card games in existence besides Hearthstone, and I'm not just talking about Magic and Yugioh.

the fuck
old gods was a great expansion and in arena it actually leveled a lot of the class playing fieldm (not all obviously, rogue which was already extremely strong got better)

Sounds shit.

Are they porting over the excisting Gwent and that's it? Total garbage I am not interested in.

Are they overhauling Gwent, balancing it, and adding a fuckton more than 200 cards? Perhaps I might be interested.

Nice, another welsh fag.

They did it AGAIN. Another GOTY by CDPR. Incredible.

I figured this was inevitable. I know there are a lot of people who cared more about Gwent than the actual game, even

it's just a card game, sperglord. every kind of cardgame has a bazillion variants.

>Yfw the Gwent game sells better then Witcher 3

I am seeing a lot of these kinds of posts lately-- why do you choose to flaunt that you are ignorant of something? Or like, you assume everyone is stupid and prefers to be stupid

I don't understand the appeal of Gwent at all, I tried like 3 matches in-game and found it so stupid I never played it again in 300 hours of gametime.

Also cheap 2D game board, would've liked it more if it was shown in game engine.

Would make more sense if it was f2p. They could easily make money off it.

fuck off child

They're obviously going to rebalance it, it would be extremely stupid and bad PR not to.

a standalone version would obviously nerf spies.

I like Gwent but it really wouldn't work as a multiplayer game.

They should have just made a Gwent DLC with new cards and new tournaments and leave it at that. The multiplayer card game genre is already saturated as fuck.

Isn't the whole appeal of Gwent that it's within the world of the Witcher and you're playing against people to get other cards, breaking down an AI's strategy as best you can until you win? What's stopping everybody from going to a single strategy that's the best and never using another one?

As soon as you add actually playing other people into the mix Gwent is gonna go downhill real fast.

>Blood & Wine was legitimately better even by itself than other full-priced games this year
>They thank you personally for believing in them

i have such a massive hardon for labor-of-love games, where you can just feel reverence and care radiating from many details of a game

They're not even closely the same game


Yes? Can I help you?

>have a bunch of "draw x cards"
>automatically win


who says this game is gonna be anything like gwent in tw3?

gwent in tw3 was a minigame. if they're going to make an actual game out of it then they will probably be reworking a lot of cards and introducing a lot more variety.

cardstone is already rng as fuck

Lots of negativity in this thread.

I'm 100% on board and will preorder the fuck out of this.

>I like Gwent but it really wouldn't work as a multiplayer game.

Yeah, because that's totally not what people were doing for a while.

I wonder if they will stick with the idea of regional decks. It seems like each deck might be significantly limited if so.

Pretty stoked.

>white people are so fucking stupid they think every card game is EXACTLY like hearthstone and that other cardgames can't exist

shake my fucking head

I agree with you, shitskin, but I'm a smart white guy.

Filthy fucking nigger

Nigga, working at CDPR is absolute nightmare for the devs. A labor-of-love is something someone works on in his closet for years, not an AAA game.

they are most likely going to adjust some rules and balance certain cards for multiplayer
dismissing it straight off the bat is very ignorant desu

When you've played games long enough, you're able to tell the difference between paycheck games and games designed from a place of genuine interest.

what's the point of Poker when Hearthstone exists?

>What's the point

There was a report about working conditions at CDPR, and it was not nice. I would look it up if I were you. Might have been in polish though.

They successfully emulated the result then, play the damn game and see for yourself.
Every little side quest feels hand-tailored in comparison to any other game on the market.

Gwent as a P2P competitive game is going to require a lot of readjustment and adding in way more cards. It works in the context of the solo experience of TW3 and the progression of your deck, but it isn't designed for playing against others. I'll keep an eye on it, and I'm curious as to what kind of format they'll use for it. Will it be F2P with P2W aspects, or cost like $10 and be fully developed and have expansions and booster pack sets?

i think going for f2p in the card game market would definitely be the wiser choice but we'll see

I hope it P2P and not P2W. If it went the hearthstone route I would probably kill myself.

Working conditions in Poland are not nice in general user.

That's exactly the reason why they put up with those conditions and endured them. Not for money, but to make something they wanted to make.

posts marysues
probably posts obamas
get out of here you cuck.

that's just Poland, overall.

>working conditions at CDPR, and it was not nice

That report is absolute bullshit though, they most likely compared it to western offices instead if comparing to I don't know EVERY FUCKING OTHER SHITJOB IN THAT SHITHOLE COUNTRY.

>we want the hearthstone audience

If they partnered with WOC to make this a physical card game I would shit my pants and buy fucking cards weekly

There are physical cards
Google it

they've got to drastically change the game to turn it into a legit pvp game, in its current form everyone will just use northern realms or nilfgaard decks loaded with spies and decoys