remove chat and add emotes like in hearthstone
Solve the toxcity problem in this game in one sentence
trying to fix the toxicity of league of legends is like trying to cleanup a nuclear oil spill in the great barrier reef in an hour.
> Wah words from total strangers I will never interact with are hurting my e-feelings.
> Muh Cyberbullying victimbux
> Leggo lejens
You haven't played DOTA before, have you?
That game is popular because it is by FAR the easiest Moba to play.
That, and the shitty artstyle is appealing to kids.
Here's how to solve the toxcicity problem (and not 'toxcity' you dumb fucking highschooler) that LoL encounters:
Don't play it.
Don't fucking play cancerous MOBAs at all.
Just turn off your all chat and communicate in pings.
Hire riot lyte back because hes done his job so well
i aint him but this is probably the pinnacle of 'dont play the things i dont like' mentality
you probably post this a fuckton
First time I post in a LoL thread.
>remove the idea that shit-talking is "toxic" and is an inherent part of a competitive environment
I've actually had friends who enjoyed the game quit purely because they didn't want to play with randoms due to how terrible this community is.
While I didn't follow I can understand where they're coming from, I personally don't give a shit about what people say but they genuinely just couldn't be bothered to play the game because they didn't want to get flamed if they didn't play particularly well (or hell, even if they did but the team still lost). It's just not worth the hassle to some people.
i dont give a shit what people say to me, but when 2 teammates start argueing any hope of winning dies. Happy teammates perform better.
unfortunately its just the moba model that pisses people off. Theres no way to make a classic MOBA and not have it be rage inducing.
Nuke Riot headquarters.
you can't
People still play this?
Why would you want to?
If you never did, why make a thread about it? Seems like a thinly veiled whining thread.
Why bother?
Just stop giving a shit about assmad teammates, and cooperate with whom you can. It's a game, nobody is forcing you to be competitive. I've had fun in plenty of games I ended up losing.
Also, you can just play with friends. You can make friends, right?
>people say mean words to each other in lol
>they start whining about toxicity and give up
>people say mean words in dota
>ever starts talking shit and working together just to tell them how much better they are
prove it :^)
Add more communicative tools like all the alt+clickable shit in dota and a premium voice comm system for ranked. Miscommunications are one of
the biggest sources of frustration. And frustration leads to "toxicity".
Reminder that all chat is disabled by default and there is a mute function.
How the fuck are people so dumb.
My advice: stop being a little botch. Stop getting upset becase people said mean things to you on the internet. The worst thing about toxicity is not he butthurt it causes. People throw/AFK because someone talked shit to them. That is the problem.
Remove bad players.
It's fine how it is. Stop being such a thin skinned faggot
Remove the report system
The whole system is shit because it all comes down to some faggot saying "/all 9x lucian ty" or "enjoy your report"
Just remove it all together, let people shittalk each other
Just permanently remove all chat. There is literally no way to use all chat without being toxic.
Put a mute button under each players hero and you're done.