Was DaS3 casualised?
Was DaS3 casualised?
no. you've just gotten better. try DaS 1 now, it's easy as shit
i dunno i got my ass raped more times than i can count by regular enemies so unless i just got worse it seems harder
Yeah, it was way easier them two and 1
Anybody here play DaS3 before they ever played DaS1 and then afterwards play DaS1? If so which game did you think was harder?
Jesus christ, did you wieners just get this game? This is like the eighth post I've seen about dark souls 3 this morning.
How would they even casualise the Souls games? Make circlestrafing even easier somehow? Because that's literally all it took to beat the previous ones.
No. I bkught it out of curiosity. Never played any of them before. I couldnt beat the 1st boss.
start with DaS 1, it's a much more beginner friendly game and costs 4$ during sales
I came from Das1, didn't play blood borne or ds2.
I thought dark soul 3 was harder.
the pacing was different and enemies were alot faster and shields are almost useless.
Also they restrict you alot more in DS3 not as open world.
Depends on what game you're comparing it too.
It's certainly much more difficult than 2 with healing crystal cancer removed and more diverse bosses. When compared to one it was mad easier in some regards and more difficult in others.
A new player will have much more trouble if they start off with the later games due to their speed.
In a way, yes (Dev messages EVERYWHERE, rolling OP as fuck, paper thin boss health in general)
In others, it's just more incompetence as usual (Devs expected people to half their estus and ash flasks 50/50, no one did, everyone is invincible always for it)
Kind of sort of but not really? I mean it's easier then ever to summon a flock of phantoms and most enemies are a pain in the dick to fight solo - to the point where I think they designed it to make you want to summon as much as possible - but then you're just open to invasions - which isn't a big deal since they added that stupid shit weapon upgrade matchmaking and a mob of longswords will ream any invader.
I don't know, it all sort of evens out like we just traded one set of difficulties for a different kind.
are you capable for forming your own opinion on anything?
>Was DaS3 casualised?
>paper thin boss health in general
yeah but bosses had multiple phases and sometimes life bar revivals
Is it still possible to invade/summon in DS1 on pc?
OP here. I beat it today :^). Had to wait a long ass time to get it because of life responsibilities. Sad huh?
>Devs expected people to half their estus and ash flasks 50/50
the "magic" in souls games are so bland (which could be a result of their inability to code good ai) that magic replenishing item is useless
Even then on ng and ng+ 2 flask is enough for any dedicated mage build.
faith build is shit because miyazki is a giant fedora tipper.
DaS was casualized with 2, what with no infinite invading orb and soul memory blah blah blah.
3 Just followed suit.
The online aspect is
The singleplayer isnt
I think two is still the easiest with the life gems.
There's going to be a "global reset" happening soon apparently. A community driven event where everyone starts the game over.
THIS Friday.
what platform? ps3 or pc?
btw did the demons souls servers finally close? i think I remember hearing something like that recently
Just finished Scholar right before it and thought 3 was too easy. Only bosses that I died more than once to were nameless and dancer
All of them I think, I've only seen bits and bobs because I haven't really looked into it. Google it.
Yes. I told my friend to use a longsword and spam r1 and he beat DS3, his first souls game ever, in 3 days. Only boss that gave him trouble was pontiff.
Then he tried DS1 and gave up on gargoyles.
Then he tried DS2 and he gave up on pursuer.
He thinks the older souls are too slow and clunky.
My friend is on ng+++.
I loved the game but like other games i usually only do one play through, but what's with the souls series and people doing multiple play throughs?
>but what's with the souls series and people doing multiple play throughs
because its fun just going through the game on a higher difficulty while invading and being invaded, summoning, helping, etc. i especially love going through the game while being invaded while I'm somewhere in a level. it often results in unique situations that are a lot of fun. there's no better feel than going through the whole game while embered/human and disposing of invaders as they enter your world like they're any other enemy. then along the way you can invade too, help others, maybe find a fight club, etc. then of course you can make new builds, etc. it's unlimited fun m8.
If i wanted to do a pyro build should I do it on my ng+ (Did dex build) or make a new save state?
idk i'm still brand new to the game
re-spec at rosaria and try it out.
Don't forget
>Complains about 2 healing
>While 3 has the most cancerous healing in the series
There's an issue I think because Atlus forgot to renew the Demon Souls URL, they said they're working on it.
ng+ or +++++++ isnt a "new playthrough"
most games are designed for one playthru. Or designed for infinite gameply where your power grow exponentially.
ds doesnt change that much across ng. ng+ is actually a part of the progression when you get closer to the stat cap and can use thing you cant use in previous ng.
i play them alot but always stop at ng+ because going further is fruitless.
You tell me
This is just going to be ripe with twinks destroying everyone with the same characters they've been using for years now. Then some others will use twinks to defend the restarting players, and it'll all just be a game of "who get summoned first, invader or defender".
each individual area has way better and consistent level design than the first 2 though
>playing that clunkfest after the glorious smoothness that are bloodborne and Dark Souls 3
And that somehow negates the fact you're walking in a straight line the entire game because?
Are you that braindead to be loyal to an engine?
DS3 suffers from a vast amount of problems that differ from DS1.
They are still great in their own respect.
Shit, I just beat DS1 for my first time a couple days ago (accidentally). This will be interesting with the game fresh on the brain.
>you're braindead to play the games you prefer
>can't read
>can't comprehend
Thanks for proving my point.
>got butthurt and memed on
>implying you had any point to make
>still shitposting
>still anal grieved and saying nothing of value
>he believes his own shitposting
>he said something mean to me!
>he's shitposting
thanks for ruining this board
Are you implying you aren't shitposting?
Are you implying you aren't anything but an angry reactionary shit who snaps at anything different than what he likes? You are classic meme Sup Forums and it's pointless to speak to you in any serious manner. Fuck off.
You too.
I actually find 3's healing much more forgiving than 2's purely because of the fact that estus chugging is instant so it's a lot easier to get away with panic heals. In DaS2 unless you abused life gem stacking it was still very easy to die if you didn't pay attention.
It was simplified, especially the bosses. Instead of interesting mechanics or "puzzles" most of the bosses are just super aggressive.
I never got this. I mean they're pretty much infinite but they only work at great distance AND you have to run away. Estus was slower in 2 unlike the others where the healing is greater and immediate.
probably meant to respond to
>Linear at the beginning and end, but non-linear in the mid game after the first bell
>Non-linear opening and only linear after 4 Lord Souls
>A straight corridor of levels
I kind of wish DaS3 would've at least *tried* to have more cohesive level design.
Compared to BB even the Singleplayer is casual
>this fucking buttblasted
Holy fuck hahahaha
It's definitely way more advantageous than 1's healing, too. You had to stand stock still and wait almost two seconds it feels like, but in 3 you can keep walking and it's a second tops.
>no, U MAD
I'm playing through sotfs and it's way fucking harder
>its okay when I do it
>but no one else
Mostly a case of this.
das is not linear, you can go to the catacombs in the begining instead of the parish and get raped. hell, i even got stuck in tomb of giants in one of my first gameplays
As someone already probably mentioned.
Almost everyone here has played all the souls games, DS3 is obviously going to be the easiest to them.
I've felt the game was much harder in certain moments, however I was such a veteran that I simply would think "I've been in this situation a bunch of times in the previous games" and knew what to do.
Not to mention how conscious everyone already is of shit like iframes, and build optimization. People already asses what is and isn't useless.
I've let my friends play the game, none of them are veterans, they've only briefly played the games. And both of them found DS2 to have been easier, where as they saw DS3 as flat out impossible.
I played the games in this order.
Demons, DS2, BB, DS1, DS3, and I found the games (except bloodborne) level of difficulty to decline in that exact order because no fucking duh, I had more experience each time.
The only thing I would say DS1 had that made it overall more difficult, is how open and connected the world was. So I had no fucking idea where to go or what to do sometimes, legitimately spent time wandering around, lost. It felt like a genuine adventure, DS3s level design made it to easy to remember I probably just need to tread forward in one of the branching paths and ill be back on track.
I used to think you guys would have been smart enough to notice this, but you're all so angry, so inclined to hate and nitpick that I'm not surprised you're bitching about how easy a game you've practically already played a thousand times is to you.
Grow up guys.
Thanks senpai
In some ways certainly.
All of upgrading your items for one thing is as casual as it gets in the souls series.
There are 3 upgrade paths and the game dumps all 3 requisite materials on you at what it deems to be the correct times in the game since the game is so linear.
There are no points where you can just say that you want to go to a specific place because it has your drops for your item loadout other than Dragon Shrine, simply because Dragon Shrine has all 3 main upgrade path items drop off its enemies.
As far as the online component on the host side it's certainly the most casual since there is no risk of twinking anymore which would always ruin an early unoptimized run and the host has an incredible upper hand in addition to that.
There's also no real risk to rolling anymore in terms of stamina drain so the panic option is now always the best option for avoiding damage unless dealing with someone or something that can hit you during the brief interludes that represent your hypothetical recovery time.
It has good level design, the issue is the world design.
The chart also doesn't do it quite as much justice simply because levels will connect to the previous level in sequence sometimes but the lack of any levels that connect to levels out of sequence or extensive paths that can be played in any particular order hurt the game.
I like ds3, cool areas, enemies and builds.
Just a shame that miracles and pyromancy was butchered.
You can do most of new londo at the start. With master key you can go to blighttown and some of the demon ruins. Through the calley of the drakes you can go and fighty Sif right at the start
>played for almost 100 hours
>only completed the game once
Replayability never changes.
Oh, i just remembered. Lets not forget that DS3 is the most polished one.
DS1 and DS2 where notorious for making you have to essentially fight the game's shitty hitbox and clunky controls whilst also fighting the damn enemies.
A lot of the difficulty from DS1 and DS2 where flat out from bad design/coding.
DS3 allows your movements to be much more accurate both in game and to you as the controller, you got less bullshit hits.
But no, lets just say that improving controls and movement animations, and accurate hitboxes are dumbing the game down.
Except while the hitboxes and coding were bad for sure, the 'clunky controls' were deliberate. There's probably a reason why you couldn't rush up ladders like you could starting with DaS2, only slide down them. But while it's intentional, I do really prefer the more fluid controls and systems of BB and DaS3.
Deliberate or not, it was bad, negative in everyway to the game. It was a bad design choice and they obvious learned from that. Hence why we're at DS3 and it controlling the character feels fucking seamless.
Funny how you say that. The Monster Hunter series works on similar principles of stiff, awkward and clunky controls that have been a series staple and one of the main 'adjusting points' for any newcomers to adapt to.
And then fans got completely mixed between approval and disgust as new games introduce more mobility and movement efficiency, albeit in ridiculous methods.
Well yea. Most fanbases hate change
Perhaps it worked for monster hunter, a game where positioning is key because there's only a single focus, which is the monster, the areas aren't anything complex. But for Dark souls, where you're running around a massive world, where you can fall off of places, where you have to jump and run passed obstacles and mobs of enemies, and there are enemies that don't just fight traditionally and do anime level shit to you, it does not work at all.
I get your point user, but for Dark souls in particular, the clunky movement is a bad design choice. Great for MH, not for DS.
In DS3 your character has no momentum, you can turn on a dime. Sure this "feels" better but I wouldn't say it's a better design choice. And it certainly makes the game easier.
>das is not linear, you can go to the catacombs in the begining instead of the parish and get raped.
All that unlocks is more Estus charges. You're still blocked from fighting Nito. AKA any actual progress.
The only point where the hitboxes are out of alignment in the games to the point of significantly impacting the gameplay is a low ADP run which was admittedly total bullshit.
They should've just gone back to the DaS1 equip load/Roll system.
Even Bloodborne had some hitbox issues despite its generous iframes.
The hitbox porn present in the games basically exonerates them from having shitty hitboxes in most cases.
If it feels less clunky it's primarily because the speed of actions has increased.
And you can't really say DaS3 is super polished.
Greirat introduces himself as "Greirate of the undead setlement" (subtitles) and his scavenging wares are all mixed up.
Hodrick's dialogue just straight up cuts out while talking to him and you hear minutes of silence instead.
The sum NPC dialogue is kind of halfassed even if the voiceacting and individual lines are well written and voiced (There just aren't enough lines).
Most of the helmets in the game either have an invisible player head or the eyeslits are solid metal
And in stark contrast to the previous installments in the franchise I have fallen through the level several times in DaS3 in areas that aren't even particularly niche.
Maybe "More finished" fits better since there aren't areas that are quite as bad as Lost Izalith.
Yet you could always roll on a dime, consecutively. And I do notice a delay in movement when you try suddenly turn around whilst running forward, it's perhaps shorter due to the animation and general speed of the game being faster. It definitely works much better for the world, and it's the job of the designer to compensate for the better movement, with enemies that respond to said movement better. And I feel they definitely did that in this game. Can't tell you how many times I've been caught lovely by the enemies very odd, fluid, and varied movements (like that side shield bash the Lothric knights do)
I started with 2 on PC without controller, just mouse and board. I spent like 9 hours in forest of fallen giants trying to kill pursuer and after I beat him, something just clicked and I finished it quite normally and spent like 100+ hours on DaS2. Then I played Bloodborne and after some initial troubles I got used to it and finished it with medium troubles here and there. Then I played DaS1 and it really felt so easy and I knew how to play and the only "trouble" I had were O&S, Manus, Kalameet and 4K. But the learning curve was just right and I felt satisfied not frustrated. DaS3 had Nameless, the only boss I struggled with, but I don't support the it's too easy meme. I had my struggles with certain enemies and bosses, but I never got struck and always kept moving after no more than 5 tries but it was satisfying progression (just like vanilla bloodborne).
Lothric Knights are a bad example to bring up since they don't play by the rules set out in the game (they have infinite stamina and forced super armor frames).
This. Just see the achievement tracking in trueachievements. People are getting really good at this franchise each game.
Well enemies in DaS1 were mainly balanced and designed around the clunkier methods, to the point that the AI Undead/Phantoms worked on the same rules as you and some of the knights and undead even carried limited Estus. Go play DaS1 after playing DaS3 and you can practically see, much less feel, how much slower the game was in comparison, but those enemy attack prep animations are like molasses compared to DaS3 as well. To counter the tighter controls and capability of the player, the enemies in DaS3 were made a lot more aggressive to compensate.
Compare 1's first knight to 3's. 1's is out of the way, but he can kill you in two hits at the beginning of the game. The best and most plausible way of killing him is backstabs and ripostes, which for someone who is skilled at the series, can easily do because of his huge telepgrahs, and even aside frm that almost all of his attacks come out pretty slowly. 3 on the other hand has the knight in your path right past a drake's fire, and he'll immediately bumrush you with 4 attacks in a row along with shield bashing and turning on a dime to prevent backstabs. Parrying is more difficult because his attacks come out a lot faster, but to compensate, for a Knight-class player it's more like he needs 4-6 hits to kill you, and you have much quicker Estus usage to boot while he has no Estus.
>And you can't really say DaS3 is super polished.
I'm not disagreeing with those complaints, however I was talking more strictly of the gameplay's polishing, in particular, the animations, movements and hitbox.
They're a great example if I'm just trying to explain how much better the movement and hitting accuracy is.
Also, how are you so sure about them having infinite Stamina? I've staggered them before countless times from just hitting them whilst blocking. Unless you're telling me there's something different that accounts for that.
Yeah there is something about DaS3 that even lame people just mash r1 and O and sonehow beat certain vosses.
But overall souls shifted from strategy based combat to reflex based. If you have both strategy and good reflexes, alle games will seem easy.
You're only locked from 6 areas in the game. Without even setting foot in the parish, you can:
>Fight Kellog and ring the bell
>Fight Sif
>Fight 4kings
>Fight the big flaming retard whose name escapes me
>Fight the stray demon
>Fight moonlit butterfly
>Join 5 different covenants
getting platinum requires ng2+
All of that is true. I guess what I'm saying, is that the ratio of balance between DS1s movement and Ai to DS3s movement and Ai is better on DS3s end.
DS1 had me frustrated at the game itself far too often by the character not responding as accurately as I would assume, and some times I got a cheap as fuck hitbox kill, where as DS3 had me less frustrated, because whenever I fucked up i could only blame myself in the end. I did however curse the enemies over aggression countless times. Getting staggered over and over and over again by little hits was vein popping madness. I agree that it's obvious the Ai in the game was made much more aggressive to compensate for controls that would otherwise make the game too easy. However, i much prefer this balance, over DS1s balance of clunky controls for slower, less aggro and telegraphed enemies.
iudex is harder than asylum
vordt is harder than taurus
gargoyles are harder than the tree
capra is harder than the sage although both are fairly awfully designed
gaping dragon is harder than deacons
abyss watchers are harder than quelaag
wolnir and iron golem are about the same
pontiff is harder than ornstein and smough
From here I'll try to make comparison based on the similarities between the bosses, as dark souls splits here in terms of progression
Adrich is harder than Seath
Yhorm and Discharge are about the same
Dancer is harder than
Bed of Chaos is harder than Ancient Wyvern
Oceiros is harder than Pinwheel
Champion Gundyr is harder than Nito
Twin Princes are harder than Sif
Nameless King is harder than Four Kings
Old Demon King is harder than Stray demon
Dragonslayer Armour is harder than Centiepede Demon and Firesage
Soul of Cinder is harder than Gwyn
King of hard to make comparison on some, but overall I'd say das3 is a much more "difficult" experience, not because the developers neccesarily designed it that way, but because the games systems are just so much more fluid, the bosses movesets more fleshed out, and the amount of refinement into the later game bosses so much better.
I can understand personal preferences, I won't try to argue that. And to be honest it feels like DaS1 does weird things with my inputs, i'm not sure if it's the delay on something I press when i'm already in the middle of an action or its odd attempts to chain inputs together.
>I'm not disagreeing with those complaints, however I was talking more strictly of the gameplay's polishing, in particular, the animations, movements and hitbox.
You were kind of just making the general statement.
The animations are better for the most part. Not sure if they're as good or better than the ones in 1 but at least in comparison to 2 they're better.
Doesn't really make more weapon classes viable though. Despite the animations you could still viably use every weapon in DaS2 in PvE or PvP since some movesets are simply garbage in 3 when compared to 1 and 2 and BB. Magic runs were also not terrible in either of those games.
The movements are just faster, there's not much polish.
The hitbox is more or less the same for standard attacks as it has always been with only minor improvements if any. The rolling hitbox is the main exception concerning DaS2 since it didn't correctly update or some shit, penalizing too early rolls with low ADP. Gestures, attacking with weapons and standard movement have always had more or less accurate hitboxes.
If anything has improved to great effect in the hitbox department it's not getting hit by barely grazing grabs.
The biggest issue in the game that hasn't improved in 5 games is the games awful camera system. If anything could use polish it is that.
>Ration of balance to movement
Depends on the weapon. Some weapons, as said, are garbage in PvE because of this balance since there is no poise to compensate for their slowness and lack of hyperarmor.
The addition of poise would certainly make the game better.
I think you're refering to the input buffering which is just as unwantedly present in DaS3.
the games harder but not quite as complicated to new players as ds1
ds1 has a lot more harder to find stuff and some stuff seems more esoteric, ds3 is kinda casualized
Yes, going back to 1 and 2 after 3 it's clear that the whole stamina management part is gone completely in 3 as you can do almost 10 rolls in row with average stamina while 1 and 2 will punish you hard for being overactive on rolls. While this makes fighting pretty stale and pvp boring as fuck it is kind of needed to counter to now much more aggresive enemies but i would much prefer proper punishment for uneeded rolls with more reserved enemies.