Didn't anyone noticed that there's no "Only on Playstation" on the US cover of Persona 5?

Didn't anyone noticed that there's no "Only on Playstation" on the US cover of Persona 5?


With a PC version, there's no need to worry about dual audio since a simple mod can fix the issue few minutes after the release of the game on STEAM.

Other urls found in this thread:



Ps4 falseflagger

I don't know which is more retarded, Persona 5 on PC or imaginary mod that creates new dub in game.


You can post as many golden faces you want, doesn't change the fact that Persona 5 is a timed exclusive and it's coming to PC.

You should be grateful since this way we will be able to play the game with japanese voices.


Could you stop with these stupid false flags please.

>it's another sonycuck thread pretending other users want their games

Why PCucks are so desperate for PS4 games?

>imaginary mod that creates new dub in game
He is right about that though, undubs are pretty easy on any open or hacked platforms.

You just need to swap the voices, I know that for console players this sounds like a miracle but for us, PC players, it's a very simple thing.

even so, he has a point. they strictly don't put the "Only On" titles that aren't exclusives. Opens them up to lawsuits if they do.

So, a PC release or NX release can't be ruled out.

I have a feeling this isn't even falseflagging

Come on PCbro

Wake Up.

We lost Persona 5, that very thought still fucking burns me as I write this. But Understand this, We Got Exclusive indie video Games coming only to The PC

And Guess what?

We sweep through that, We Will not only make up what we possibly lost in Persona 5, we will have cut into sonys lead.

This is war, My brothers and Sisters, and wars are not won by one battle, one moment. We will lose battles, we will lose games.... but we will win the war.

This Campaign is focused on one thing, and one thing only, Fixing Vidya. Fixing the Corrupt journalist, Fixing Sup Forums, making the REAL games, Forcing peasants to the PC. And we have to work hard for it.

GIANT BOMB and the DNC have written us of as a Insurgency. Damn Right we are an Insurgency, We are an Insurgency fighting for the future of our children, our families, our very way of life. Corporates like Goldman Sachs, and Nintendo want to keep us down. And we are down, right now.

What matters is this.....Will we stay down, let the world Die around us, because we lost by a little bit in Persona 5. We were no matter what going to lose persona 5, I wish it wasn't that way but the DNC and Reggie's foothold on the west is strong.

We Have to Stand, to give this goddamn world a fighting chance, Nintendo won't change Anything, Sony will make it even Worse. We have to win this or Our very way of Life is Gone, and I am not being Dramatic. Miyamoto wouldn't dare change a thing to keep his Pals in Wall Street Happy, and Sonyggers will Accelerate us into another War. We Let that happen we won't have another Chance, there isn't another 4 years, there isn't a "Next Time" There is only Now

>imaginary mod that creates new dub in game
How is it imaginary? Japanese version does exist, and even if that doesn't get PC release, people can rip the voice files from the PS3 version and then apply it to PC. Undubs of games also exist on consoles, but game being on PC would mean that console wouldn't have to be modded for it to be playable.

But I'm not OP, and do doubt that PC release will happen.

>You just need to swap the voices

Actually you need to sign petitions. I know for PC players this sound like a miracle but for us, console players getting game is a very simple thing.

I seriously hope so. I refuse to play it dubbed.

this is decent pasta

It's not even that weird on consoles. Pretty much any game of note with JP voices available has gotten undub, whether they had PC release or not.

Depends on how they did it when localizing you stupid falseflagger. Sometimes were lucky and literally just replacing the sound file, other times requires a lot of editing to make it fit because they changed filenames or whatever.


Let's not get ahead of ourselves.

only on playstation is meaningless
Several ps3 games with it got ported to steam

Games that are rated RP tend not to have the 'Only on PlayStation' logo. Wait a bit till the release closes in and we'll find out then.

I dunno, even if filenames/paths are changed, it's not hard if hacker is dedicated and knows what they are doing.
For example, MangaGamer ported the Higurashi to new engine for Steam release with entirely new script, but within week of release somebody always makes voice patch for their release. This is applying PS2 voices to script of version that originally didn't have voices at all.

>Exclusive indie video Game
Using indieshit as an argument.
You pride yourself on having the most powerful gaming hardware, yet you are bragging about indie exclusives.
You did'nt loose P5, you never had it. The persona series has been exclusive to sony platforms since it started on the PS1. This is the 5th game in the series, why would you expect to change now?

Why are you taking a copy pasta seriously

>The persona series has been exclusive to sony platforms since it started on the PS1

Not really.

Are you really replying to pasta?
Am I getting meta rused?

Autism is one hell of a thing user

literally never ever

Reminder the last time Persona was released on PC was in 1997 in Japan only.


How can you be so sure? In the entire post on Playstation Blog Hardin doesn't mention that Persona 5 is going to be exclusive to Sony plataforms.

Recent japanese games are selling way more on PC than on consoles lately since console players only buy garbage like Call of Duty and Assassin's Creed, Persona 5 on PC is just a matter of time.

Do you really need to say ps1? I think ps is implied or Psx is the correct term

The cat is a dude though.

Stop making these shitposting threads. The only on playstation tag is fucking useless. It will not indicate a port never happening and the lack of it does not indicate a port happening.



If you are going to use something like Neptunia as example, that's simply because it gets regularly put on sale for like 90% off. Sure, that might happen on PSN as well, but digital sales on PC are much larger than on consoles.
Then again, publishers of games like that have said that they are happy with PC sales, so who knows.

So they need to stamp on your forehead saying "THIS IS ONLY ON PLAYSTATION PKEK." ?

Nothing I just wanted an excuse to roll for the cat. Looks like I got worst girl instead though.

PS3 games don't you mean?

The way they handled was dumb as shit. Rather than moving Morgana up, they should've moved her down and right.
There's plenty of space to fit her face next to Protag.

Does anyone actually know the specifics of what these logos actually mean?

So far I can assume:
>No logo can mean anything from "planned multiplat" to "just keeping our options open"
>"Playstation console exclusive" means there's a console exclusivity agreement for some unknown duration, PC/Mobile version is planned or possible at any point
>"Only On Playstation" means it's completely exclusive to Sony platforms for some unknown duration

All of them should just be Makoto desu(to be honest)

someone post the twitter post already.

Was this actually done because of censorship, or did they just not want to cover too much of it's face? Seems kind of pointless otherwise.


you can't fix something that's not in the original game nigger
why are Pcucks so dumb

But... there is JP audio in original game?

>Consolefags have to sign petitions just for undubs

It's literally so that the rating doesn't cover Morgana's face Mike Wazowski style

Japan don't have "Only on playstation"
West boxart is placeholder
there is no Japanese PC version

>PCfags have to sign petitions to get PS3 games

And you don't need it to port the voice files to the PC version.


Lol you cant be serious

So what?

I was thinking this is the reasonable explanation or excuse they could pull.

It's all false flaggers though, everyone who's into weeb shit already has a PS3.

they even took our world of final fantasy sony bros

just look at the box


Yeah, remember those "Nights of Azure to PC!" threads people were making because KT didn't stick it on the promo images (This is despite it being a Gust game)? Lo and behold, come release, it's actually there.

Plus I don't think a lot of people realise that in Japan they never use them at all, even for first-party stuff. If this was more widely known, it would've cut down on a lot of shitflinging threads.

You're more or less right, yeah.

I dont think that it will come to pc but if it does i will be kinda happy and at the same time not, happy because i would be able to mod the shit out of it, and even people can create interensting stuff, im a sony console guy mostly but if this came to pc i would not stop thinking of the possibilities that the game could offer me, but i dont want the models getting ripped out of the game


Hope my rig can run it at 60 fps, I havent updated it in a awhile

You shouldn't really be calling anyone else dumb when you don't know what you're talking about.

You just get the Japanese audio from another source, in this case the hypothetical Japanese PC release, or failing that, from the Japanese PS3 or PS4 version (not possible until the PS4 is hacked). Then you do whatever conversion you need and replace the original audio files. Maybe make a launcher or something that automates the process and lets you swap between.

You sonnygers keep your weebshit no one wants that thit on pc.

God damn browser games lol, isnt there a p3 for mobile or something like that too?

>the fact
I mean, you hope/pray all you want, I don't mind :)

They don't put "Only on PlayStation" for third party games that are exclusives by the publisher's choice WITHOUT any deal with SOny informed, you desperate mustard rice PCuck.

None of those are persona games idiot


Give an example?



>They don't put "Only on PlayStation" for third party games that are exclusives by the publisher's choice WITHOUT any deal with SOny informed
actually they do, it's just that this is still a placement box, see image for reference

If there's going to be a PC port they'd better announce it at E3 so I know whether or not I have to buy a jailbroken PS3.

Do PCucks have ANY exclusives?

After yesterday's XCOM 2 announcement I can't think of a single good game that has came out this year that is PC exclusive.

Can you?

pls not furry

I played undertale before everyone went crazy nutso and I actually enjoyed it. I don't think the crazy hype did the game any favors.

They don't announce planned PC version precisely for that reason, they can get people to buy twice that way.

They lay claim to a vast library of Steam Greenlight and Early Access shekel collectors.

They can't even claim the indie pixelshit is theirs anymore, since decent indie devs are no longer stupid enough to market a quality product exclusively on a platform populated by the most unabashed, entitled thieves in the hobby.

The only Indie games PCucks get to keep to themselves are decent games ruined by a cancerous fanbase, like Undertale, or derivative garbage made successful by their cancerous fanbase, like Stardew Valley.


Total War: Warhammer off the top of my head. I don't think that's likely to ever go multiplat. But exclusives aren't really important for PC anyway.

Normally I'd meme you but I hate Atlus USA more than I do PC beggars at this point.

Nintendo is done just fuck off

Biker chan pls


>Quantity over quality
Garbage opinion

Yesss my destiny is sealed

Not sure how you gleamed that from my post. I didn't say anything to do with that.

after all the posts, still this delusional

Nigga, I am just getting the Japanese version of the game. Grab the 3 volumes of Remembering the Kanji, a Japanese English Dictionary, and bookmark Jisho.org.

Read all the books and study as much as you can from the dictionary and Jisho.org as you can between now and September (you fags have nothing better to do over the summer anyway), maybe grab a book on grammer and shit too if you are having a tough time.

Use the Japanese P5 website to gauge your ability. If you can understand the website and the text on that without much trouble by September 15, then congrats, download the Japanese version of the game, since the PS4 has no region lock. You should be able to manage playing it completely uncensored and understanding pretty much everything. Persona is "press X/O" to advance text and dialogue anyway, which means you can take as much time as you need self translating if you hit a tough sentence or two. The record feature will allow you to rewatch the anime cutscenes and shit until you can follow along with what they are saying.

Persona 5 will be the ultimate practice towards helping you solidify beginner to intermediate Japanese in your mind. Hell, even make it head cannon- you are a transfer-exchange student from America.

To be fair it probably won't be long until Atlus starts releasing games on PC
Might take some time yet, but they'd have to be literally retarded not to do it.
With all the weeb kusoge trash released daily on steam now and people are buying it like candy, Atlus would have to hate money not do to it.

i think you convinced me, i love this japanese va cast too much for no dual audio

I own a PS4 you moron. I didn't say Persona 5 was coming to PC. I just said if it was, they wouldn't announce it early. See GTAV for the most obvious example.

Maybe if you retards didn't shitpost so hard over temporary victories, ports wouldn't be such a big blow to your egos.

>if it was
>not delusional

not 9 or 0

It's called a hypothetical situation you fucking moron. You're really grasping.

Doesn't Sony own some rights for P5? LIke music or something?

If they release some of the first personas those are going to make good money out of them, just because everyone is going to go apeshit about persona being in pc Though

Persona 1 is the first game on that list.

Or they could have just done this.
But you know spoiler:they wanted to censor the cleavage.