Come on PCbro
Wake Up.
We lost Persona 5, that very thought still fucking burns me as I write this. But Understand this, We Got Exclusive indie video Games coming only to The PC
And Guess what?
We sweep through that, We Will not only make up what we possibly lost in Persona 5, we will have cut into sonys lead.
This is war, My brothers and Sisters, and wars are not won by one battle, one moment. We will lose battles, we will lose games.... but we will win the war.
This Campaign is focused on one thing, and one thing only, Fixing Vidya. Fixing the Corrupt journalist, Fixing Sup Forums, making the REAL games, Forcing peasants to the PC. And we have to work hard for it.
GIANT BOMB and the DNC have written us of as a Insurgency. Damn Right we are an Insurgency, We are an Insurgency fighting for the future of our children, our families, our very way of life. Corporates like Goldman Sachs, and Nintendo want to keep us down. And we are down, right now.
What matters is this.....Will we stay down, let the world Die around us, because we lost by a little bit in Persona 5. We were no matter what going to lose persona 5, I wish it wasn't that way but the DNC and Reggie's foothold on the west is strong.
We Have to Stand, to give this goddamn world a fighting chance, Nintendo won't change Anything, Sony will make it even Worse. We have to win this or Our very way of Life is Gone, and I am not being Dramatic. Miyamoto wouldn't dare change a thing to keep his Pals in Wall Street Happy, and Sonyggers will Accelerate us into another War. We Let that happen we won't have another Chance, there isn't another 4 years, there isn't a "Next Time" There is only Now