Are triggered
Black people > everyone else
care too much about something nobody else cares about
oh wait I meant
... freak out that a protag of a game is a different race than me.
>get mad when a black main character is forced against historical accuracy
>fake future setting
>get triggered by black MC anyway
No, the phillippinos are the most powerful race.
i'm really trying not to give a shit about the colour or gender of main protagonists in videogames but holy shit, every single game now has either a female main character or a black main character.
it ends up being a bit too fucking forced if you ask me.
What did he mean by this?
Force this, nigga!
*Unzips Alabama Black*
We would be the Top leaders of the worlds biggest nations and no one would even notice.
Remember when people didn't throw tantrums over racism on Sup Forums? I don't either
Black people > white people.
So why shouldnt they be protagonists
Looks like they are trying to cut their losses with Aiden from the first game.
Sounds like the new main character is gonna be basically the opposite of him.
... are looking forward to this game.
And people say Sup Forums doesn't need purging.
Really makes you think, huh?
i actually liked aiden as a character he was basically a depressed edge lord
story was shit though
You're right, let's go back to the 30-something brown haired angsty white male with a troubled past seeking revenge with a permanent 5 o'clock shade beard that literally every single game has. Now THAT doesn't sound forced at all.
aiden was an edgy piece of trash anyway
To be honest with you senpai, it would have made much more sense for the nig to be in the first game because nigs are like 40% of Chicago.
San Francisco doesn't have many blacks. It's almost entirely White and Asian. If you needed a nonwhite, you could have done a pooinloo or a chink.
>complaining about a black protagonist
>not complaining about the fact that there's a FUCKING SEQUEL TO THIS SHIT
Does it matter?
Are they trying harder to appeal to the basketball american audience? Serious question.
I love your tears.
I bet you're mad about ghostbusters. please tell me how mad you are about ghostbusters. I'm already half erect thinking about it
hes from oakland tho which is 80% black, so its very accurate actually
It's hip to put in minority characters but keep the shitty writing.
The problem with Aiden was he was a HUGE asshole, not a good person at all. Which in itself isn't bad.
What's bad is the game tries its damnedest to convince that hes actually a hero even though ALL the evidence points in the opposite direction.
He ruins his sister and nephew's lives so he could get revenge, forcing them to go on the run
Blackmails a 16 year old kid into a situation that should have gotten him killed. (and this is also an example of the game just trying to convince you taht hes a hero. The kid got caught and realistically SHOULD have died, but 5 minutes ltaer you get a call saying he somehow escaped even though he was in the dead center of the gang base at the hands of his crazy boss, and then after that call he is never seen again. Basically so they can say that Aiden didn't send a 16 year old to his death)
Is a complete asshole to all of the people helping him.
And yet the game regularly tells you that everyone in the city thinks hes such a great guy doing what he does even if the Man doesn't like it.
I'm not gonna lie, i simply hate those kind of games not because of historical/demographic accuracy and complex politics, but because niggers are fucking disgusting and i don't want any of them in my videogames
Why do we hate black men?
Is this going to be Black Lives Matter: The Game?
Oakland isn't 80% black tho
Oakland USED to be 50% black, but hispanics and asians moved in and kicked all of the blacks out.
Who is mad about ghostbusters?
It looks like it's not worth $15 to go see. Stop looking for conflict everywhere
what the fuck is wrong with its nose
Not saying that I expect the writing to be that great, but we haven't even seen anything for it yet.
Hi Rugg.