How good are you at fighting games
How good are you at fighting games
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thanks doc
>Sup Forums
>fighting games
Fantastic. Some may even say the best? There's no one out there that plays fighting games like I can. The fighting games I play? I'm fantastic at them. You should see the way I play fighting games. Nothing like it.
Decent, though that's mainly because I can do a Shoryuken unlike most of Sup Forums.
Im a PRO gamer
I'm quite good. I practice them everyday.
You could even say i have a DAILY DOSE of them
>Everyone proceeds to talk about Street Fighter
it's no fun guys.
On arcades
Not at all, but I like fighting game mechanics enough to play against easy or medium difficulty coms. I have zero desire to git gud and join a community though.
Only ever played super casually with my friends (Injustice, USF4 without really caring about tech or long link based combos), but started putting in a concerted effort more recently with GGXrd and SFV. Made it to silver so I guess I'm doing okay, but my new friends wreck me so hard
Better than average
Nowhere near as good expert
Hell even my little brother is getting good now. He only began ranked SFV 2 weeks ago and he's already super silver.
Is this a meme or do people here REALLY struggle with a Shoryuken?
>Good enough to body people I know at most fighting games
>Shit enough to never win at online and local cabinets
I never asked for this
>No Melty Blood
Shit! I remember playing this on my dad PC. What game is it? You actually need to press numbers on your keyboard to 'insert coins'
I used to play Tekken 3 on my PS1 when I was like 12
I just smashed the buttons
I didn't even know what combos were
Don't really play fighting games now
I tried Killer Instinct because it's free but I can't see myself dedicating enough time to get good. It's either practicing alone in the dojo or getting destroyed online. Not fun
thanks doc
The best around. Nah just Tekken is my forte. Can't wait for T7 and my boy Lars even though he's nerfed as hell compared to T6.
Does anyone here think they can beat Justin Wong?
Never lost a fight no matter the fighting game
Most people struggle to find the QTE button to perform it.
>Bloody Roar, Super Turbo, MvC2, and Garou in top tier.
>Accent Core not in top tier.
>JoJo in high tier.
Stopped reading right there. You fags have criminally bad tastes.
A Rank with Dan.
How's that?
Casual with shit taste detected
Decent. I usually top 4 at local tourneys in anime games, Tekken, and KOF.
I'm alright at soul calibur but I'm terrible at everything else
This is bait
Not a bad list, but I would bump down MvsC 2 and 3 down a tier because those games are kind of a mess.
I'd bring Soul Calibur 1,2 and 3 up a tier or two because I actually find those games a ton of fun.
BR is a mega casual series, kek. So is JoJo and Super T. Nigga' your list is casual as fuck, you don't even have Weaponlord.
>likes Guilty Gear
>doesn't like Bloody Roar
Its funny because GG stole most of its mechanics from Bloody Roar
Playing and learning online is fucking boring. Fuck you, losing a whole month in order to get decent sucks, especially in this time and age with miles of videogames coming out
No friends to play with in real life
Mechanics and terminology that people use is weird as shit to the point that I don't understand jackshit
Inputs are some stupid shit. I don't care if it makes sense in an arcade, it doesn't in a controller and I ain't buying an special controller for this genre.
Genre stil can't have a good fucking online play too from what I heard
There are FRCs and Slashback in BR?
Good enough to beat most people casually playing.
But not really good online at all. If I applied myself I could probably get to silver rank as Ken on SFV, but that isn't really saying much.
I do love fighting games though.
>BR is a mega casual series
>Super T
Ya think if I sacrificed a goat to a Pagan demon I could make WB revive Primal Rage?
I mean I can get all the way to the end of Alpha 3 on my arcade machine on default difficulty as Ken, but I struggle to beat boss Bison.
SNK bosses can fuck off. I can manage Rugal and Geese just about.
Yes Bloody Roar has "FRC's" and Guard Escape
Both are a major part of the game, congrats on proving you literally dont have a clue about the game
Bad, and I usually get too mad about something and i have stop playing
Just lost to a bison who did head press like 10 times and i got hit by it everytime since didn't know which side to block (crosses over your head but still stays on the same side)
i wanna die
better than my friends and slightly better than the average person online
I love the fighting games but I cant learn combos so only rely in glappers for the masive damage and the endurance for the punish of the rival get me, I doing pretty good with potemkin in GG sign, wainting to buy the retail here in mexico for the revelator
>There are FRCs and Slashback in BR?
Yes, named Command Cancel and Guard Escape in BR, both appeared in BR before GG.
>SC5 that high
>4 nowhere to be seen
Bloody Roar doesn't have FRCs at all, and guard escape is not Slashback. You're retarded.
I'm solid enough to win pretty consistently and fight on the hardest AI for any game I dedicate to. But I'm bad enough that I lose over half of my online match ups. Feels bad man.
>4 nowhere to be seen
Good enough.
It's the best one
Reason why there isn't that many HIGH level fighting game players is because too many games don't even teach you how to play.
You either gotta boringly overanalyze everything yourself or find some other nerd to show you and teach you shit.
Tell me, what fighting games have a good tutorial? You can only name like 2 right?
>Bloody Roar doesn't have FRCs at all
LOL yes it does.
>and guard escape is not Slashback
You either dont know what slashback is or have never played Bloody Roar, the only difference is rather than "parry" animation they dodge, mechanically its identical.
Um, Im pretty good at Melee, the most skill intensice fighting game of all time.
Name one thing the other games did better
>Yuri DP combos in KOF XIII
I fucking hate DP motions
OT: I'm working on execution, I'm trying to go big in KOF XIV but I know I will still get bodied by Chinese and Hispanics
Command cancel isnt like FRC, at all. It's more like regular RC than anything.
And a 2f parry with no hitstop, guard stop, or animation that costs and generates meter is a lot different then a 7f parry guard that has an animation.
my autism will not be sated until MvC 3 does down a few teirs. also I wish more people played darkstalkers on fightcade
I'm total shitter and it took me ages to do ''ok'' sometimes.
Not bad. I can smash scrubs easily, but I tilt pretty easily against good opponents. I'm a silver in SFV, and I can usually tangle with golds well enough, and since I've switched from Alex to Guile(I love Alex, but he's just so garbage right now, and Guile is an old favorite), I've been destroying.
Budokai 3 shouldn't be that low, its still fun as fuck and while you can find ways to break the game (Frieza's Space Ship), anyone is capable of this or you can just agree to not use them.
Agreed, Ultimate Marvel vs Dante is still one of my biggest regretted purchases.
>Finally get Dante in a fighting game
>He's broken as shit, and I feel guilty for using him
Truly this is suffering
Anyone here have the link to that broken 3d fighting game on YouTube? I remember it was a funny video that showed a 3d fighting game with characters flying all over the screen due to it being buggy
>Command cancel isnt like FRC, at all
Do you even know what a FRC is? It's when you cancel an attack, during a very specific window before it connects, and is usually used to negate the recovery from a projectile, like Sols Gunflame.
Had the nerve but notCapcom games so high.
i'll bite
>Mechanics and terminology that people use is weird as shit to the point that I don't understand jackshit
most things make sense and are set up for the easiest way to distribute information. the only thing I might agree with you is calling L-H punch/kick short, jab, fierce etc
>I don't care if it makes sense in an arcade, it doesn't in a controller and I ain't buying an special controller for this genre.
it makes plenty of sense on a controller, try not winging it when you need to hadouken
im ok at fighters. like better than average but below pro lvl
>Command cancel isnt like FRC
Yes, yes it is
>It's more like regular RC than anything.
FRC and RC are practically the same thing, and BR has Command Cancels and just frame Command Cancels.
>And a 2f parry with no hitstop, guard stop, or animation that costs and generates meter is a lot different then a 7f parry guard that has an animation.
LOL Guard escape has no hitstop and generates meter etc, the only difference is the window which reflects the overall framedata of BR
>Do you even know what a FRC is? It's when you cancel an attack, during a very specific window before it connects
Literally Bloody Roar's Command Cancel
I do alright. Definitely the best locally and I do well with just about any Capcom fighter, including derivatives like Skullgirls. Getting used to King of Fighters and Tekken, but still mostly stick to Third Strike and the JoJo Arcade game on Fightcade or MvC3 on 360. Still need to get more fundamentals down to do better online, but I hold my own well enough to keep it interesting and understand enough to learn each time, so I have fun.
Its disgusting really, I'm sure someone can prove me wrong but I've never NOT seen Dante on a team in any competitive UvC3 matches.
And don't even get me started on Skrull or Phoenix.
Tried looking for it but nothing
I stick mainly to 2D, non Anime fighters. Pretty mediocre at those. I have my core fundamentals and my inputs are good when I play often. I can beat the people I play casually with consistenly. Online is hit and miss, and I have too much anxiety to fuck with playing in tournaments.
As far as Anime and 3d fighters I don't worry about them as much. I have a lot of fun with Guilty Gear, P4A(U), and Tekken though. Not nearly as good at those though.
>Play Marvel
>Don't want to play a character because they're broken
Fucking lmao, play another game. The whole point of marvel is literally to fight broken shit with broken shit. What are you even doing?
Jesus Christ.
Do you even know what a Command Cancel is? It's when you cancel an attack, during a very specific window before it connects.
Thor is a fucking jobber in MvC, save that "capeshit is OP" attitude for the Death Battle threads.
This is a Capcom fighting game, there's a reason Vergil and Zero sit on top of the tier list.
Does anyone here play blazblue? I need some tips on beating iron tager with tao and noel(my mains). I know his weaknesses and all but I can't beat him with tao or noel because they have no defensive moves and they barely have any range besides like probably a couple projectile moves
Difficulty : very hard mode
This is amazing. Does anyone have that pic of two graphs conparing learning traditonal fighters to learning smash? For traditonal it was learn how to do all this shit then for smash it was learn to press a, learn to press b
Horrible. I usually just button mash.
What the fuck are you even saying? I'm not talking about the canon you dumbass, Marvel has always been about horrendously broken characters with infinites, unblockables and damage out the ass. You pick something disgustingly broken and you try to beat someone who is using something else that is disgustingly broken.
Don't even bother playing the game if you feel bad about using a broken character, it isn't for you.
I'm really shit except at Tekken where I'm just above really shit with Hwoarang and Lei
Just wondering, how can I play the old JoJo arcade game?
I've been trying to get it through some sort of emulator but no luck. Any tips?
If you're so great at fighting games then how do you explain dodging THIS
Fightcade, you dunce.
You don't dodge shit in rainbow edition, you just spam your best move.
Sweet, thanks.
You can get it on PSN and XBLA
>No Samsho 2 or Vspecial
>No Fatal Fury Special or RealBout 2
>VF5 in the same tier as UMK3
>No Waku Waku 7
>Last Blade 2 that low
>SC2 that low
>Accent Core not in God tier
>no 98UM or 02UM
>no XRD
>All that Bloody Roar dickriding
Absolutely Disgusting.
Not any more, you have to use Fightcade.
the only reason people even use dante is because he's one of two characters in the game with an anti air assist, which is a big fucking deal when the games meta can be boiled down to "be above the other character and then attack them"
he was the best character in original marvel 3, but they sagely nerfed him to the point that without guitari assist nobody but fans of the character would bother
>No Ballz
pissed on and thrown out the window
Oh. Why'd they remove it?
>using broken characters against broken characters
Doesn't that make the game actually balanced if all characters are broken?
Or is there characters that are useless like in sf?
Like sakura, man she's just terribly underpowered compared to ryu or ken, game developers obviously made her a handicapped character.
Fuck if I know, sucks though, since the main version on Fightcade doesn't have the ability to play though Arcade as Jojo.
Please someone help me. I know I'm not the only blazblue player
Potato "circle inputs make me cry" tier