Is there any good reason NOT to add her to the next Smash Bros? I mean, she's pretty much guaranteed a spot at this point.
Is there any good reason NOT to add her to the next Smash Bros? I mean...
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>reimu in smash
Don't kid yourself.
Taiko is the closest I think it'll get.
No way in hell ZUN would allow that, but he would allow her to be in mario marker.
>You will never be super friends like Reimu and Marisa
I don't think there's much of a chance, no. She's not really part of any major company, which is how Nintendo picks pretty much every third-party Smash character.
Miku has a better chance than Reimu, honestly.
>super friends
The announcer will pronounce it wrong.
The sad thing about this, OP 100% stands behind that claim and wants her in.
Literally who?
Another touhou is coming our way!
did we get the actual Gold Rush anyway?
what's up with all the 2hus on consoles lately
Fuck this.
I'm out.
Anyone who makes a big deal out of that is a fucking idiot and is best ignored.
What if they add Pocky and just make her a glorified Reimu clone?
They both do the "swing the magic Japanese prayer stick" thing and "shoot a shitton of fucking cards at motherfuckers"
I think there would be an interesting place in Smash for a character that plays through keeping her distance and gradual but fast-paced long-distance damage grinding.
She could have decent speed, and excellent recovery(given that she flies), but true to Touhou form she could be KO'd very quickly.
It's truly a bizarre situation that the original games don't really stand a chance of localization, but we get the fan games- and on consoles/handhelds no less.
I don't understand ZUN sometimes. Where exactly is the doujinshi spirit or whatever in these ports?
Good, stay out. You've ruined Doremy for me and I'll never forgive you for that.
Hey, if the Touhou fanbase is anywhere close to being as dedicated as Sonic's league of autismos then the fangames will always always be better than the main series.
>ywn get a facefull of Reimu's tummy
Well, if you say it like that, maybe I stay here.
Touhou is reclining, but not because another fanbase popped up or Touhou is getting unpopular. It's big companies literally abusing Touhou for the capitalistic desires.
Cloud and Bayonetta show that pretty much anyone can get into Smash with enough popularity and fan demand.
She has a chance only if she placed high in the japanese ballot and ZUN gives permission.
Doesn't ZUN hate Nintendo?
Even the AVGN, formerly known as the Angry Nintendo Nerd, hates Nintendo now.
>PS Vita
>It's big companies literally abusing Touhou for the capitalistic desires
I want Youmu more, but imagining the butthurt about another anime swordsman is horrifying.
Don't reply to him.
There's nothing wrong with porting a game to another platform, holy shit I hate you
The"big companies" need ZUN's legal permission to do this.
This isn't a doujin thing.
>even Nintendo still makes games, but that's debatable.
I kekked at that.
Not much else going on in the thread.
It's this or ERP shit.
I don't care. Don't reply to him.
No. I want to hear more. I mean holy fuck I literally laughed so hard that I crapped my pants.
Reimu is in smug mode, she knows.
is raymoo even the most popular 2hu
i thought japan usually liked the main character the least
I guess you're right.
you thought wrong then.
His "that's debatable" was really vague. I wonder if he meant games that he liked and wanted to play or games in general.
reimu got a boost in popularity after she came out as a cold-blooded murderer
The main protagonist from Symphogear.
that's debatable
Reimu's always been consistently popular, but that's because she's the protagonist.
Most popular according to Secondaries is Koishi, who dethroned Flandre so hard she might as well be Red Koishi now.
>implying Reimu can suplex spaceships
I doubt it, though iirc wasn't ZUN at a Nintendo show or some shit recently?
>Is there any good reason NOT to add him to the next Smash Bros? I mean, he's pretty much guaranteed a spot at this point.
Bitch would probably bomb it or some shit and call it a day.
Daily reminder that the poll was easily hackable.
In fact, Koishi had 25k votes more but after a throughout check they found out those 25k votes came from the same IP.
Only god knows how many legit votes where in the poll all together.
I wouldn't mind. Though I think the problem would a voice.
They could just do a Mega Man and make her mute, using SFX from the mainline and fightan games instead.
That works
I think he criticized the company for its recent bad decisions and shit.
And ZUN does like having 100% control of his games. He even rejected Steam IIRC.
I wish everyone in this thread was dead.
Even me?
Especially you, you fucking meme spouting secondary.
Go to bed Doremi.
>He even rejected Steam IIRC
You're remembering wrong then, ZUN likes steam but he wants to translate the games himself, and I was right ZUN made a deal with Nintendo in regards to band brothers, you can play Touhou music on the 3ds game or some shit
Reimu is overwhelmingly the most popular character in the series
Then this thing with SEGA.
Outdated pic is outdated.
The blonde is cute
godammit don't jinx it
its shit like this that got cloud put in
>all the people that thought Wolf was guaranteed because Star Flop Zero development
>all the people that thought Dixie was guaranteed because Tropical Freeze
>all the people that thought Waddle Dee was guaranteed because "he's clearly a 4th main cast character!"
>all the people that thought Dixie/Waddle Dee/Tetra was guaranteed because "muh super safe, no effort picks"
>all the people that thought Medusa/Sceptile/Ganon was guaranteed because "muh patterns"
>all the people that thought Azura was guaranteed because Lucina
>all the people that thought Crash was guaranteed because Skylanders Supercharge and Universal's Nintendo theme park
and don't get me started on indiefags listening to twitter shitters.
Ike's the only pretty boy we need
How is Tetra a no effort pick though, is this referring to how much work it is to make her be playable or what.
>big tits kanako
into the fanon meme trash goes
should've put a slash between that part
since the ballot and her announcement in HWL, people thought she'd be a safe addition because how kid friendly she looks and outsource stuff from basically "Zelda fanfiction" (the musou) in her moveset
don't forget the 5 smashboarders that thought Sylux was inevitable because talks of a Metroid Prime NX game that's not even a thing yet.
also, kumatorafags.
Thats some pretty big reaching then, but thats to be expected from rosterfag threads
Oh, thanks for the update, I don't follow Touhou at all so I only had that older one.
ZUN is 170th?
Is that Hisasi's art?
Everyone knows it's going to be Reisen.
Sagume being 14th was a surprise.
Finally, I was honestly thinking of buying the JP version until I saw this.
The + version on PC was never cracked and it seems like it'll never happen anyway.
Right now I've been trying to get good equipment to beat the Watatsuki sisters.
Weaponized moe is their weak points.
I don't know if you could call this weaponized
Posting Sagu-nee
Posting Sagume in a Touhou thread!
I'd really like to see the Smash formula used by other companies for similar mass-crossovers. There was a Cartoon Network one, and TV Dream Fighters Mix or whatever it was called, that had Snake, Optimus, Japanese Barbie, and the kid from Beyblade among others.
Like what killed PSASBR for a lot of people was where they chose to deviate from the Smash formula with Supers-to-kill. Had they just played it straight and welcomed the comparisons to Smash, the game would absolutely have been more accepted, or at the very least, defensible in some regard
Party-style 2D beat em ups need to become an actual genre, not just Smash and a bunch of cheap copies.
Shee looks like an ugly Ryuko
>being better than maingame Touhou shmups (aside from a few titles like TD).
I will fight you. Seija is CUTE.
>Party-style 2D beat em ups
the fuck kind of name is that
just call it "platform fighting" game
I thought it was Sagume
You need glasses user.
Ultimate Jump Stars
Digimon Rumble Arena 2
Comparing the handful of furries to the global phenomenon with no rival known as Touhou, who's number of derivative works can only be compared to religions.
Seriously, if you could magically round up every picture, doujin, game, and piece of music ever produced related to Touhou (which is hard, a lot of things never got scanned/uploaded to the internet) it would take more than your natural lifetime to see/hear it all.
Raiko is the best touhou character ever and she deserves more attention.
Jump Ultimate Stars is alright but it plays more like a weird MUGEN mode than anything. I had the game on an R4 and it was a fun timewaster though. got repetitive after a while
the only digimon game i've heard good things about is Cyber Sleuth
>Raiko is the best touhou character ever
Since no one replied to my thread I'll ask here.
How's the community for this game? Decent, or is it one of those where 5 faggots who've mastered the game just play each other and the occasional beginner?
>mfw they get based Mai Nakahara to voice Reimu just like in Musou Kakyou/Midsummer Day's Dream
Is there any good reason NOT to add him to the next Smash Bros? I mean, he's pretty much guaranteed a spot at this point.
Koishi is the best touhou character ever and she deserves slightly less attention so I can post her on this specific thread and claim she needs more attention.
There used to be a pretty wide variety of skill levels on Sup Forums, until a handful of attentionwhores and one incredibly persistant troll burned it all down. I've never been to the IRC channel but I assume they've still got a lot of people too.
Some who've played the game probably still go to touhou threads here, and games occasionally happen.
Soku still has a massive community, there are still constant netplay threads on /jp/ and daily ones on Sup Forums. And that's just in the west.
HM and ULiL turned a lot of people off. It looked cool but never felt like a fighting game and HM was clunky as shit.
>won #1 in the popularity poll
>needs more attention
She should go back to being an autistic little sexy bitch back in Old Hell.