Borderlands Pre-Sequel

Any specific reason why this game sucked so much ass in comparison to the other 2?

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I believe it's because the endgame of Borderlands 2 was much much better. OP8 is a really good challenge, whereas this game doesn't have any overpower levels, and the endgame isn't as good.

So is the borderlands thread for the month? How do I specc gaige to be useful? This is what I'm going with right now.

made me laugh more than it should've

What's wrong with it?

Just the context of the post, not the build itself

Oh I see, ha. I'm sorry OP but BL2 is more fun than the Pre-Sequel, mostly because of the fact that the classes are more fun.

Lack of content.

For a single playthrough is good. The problem is when you get into a second, and you have to do every single sidequest to remain in a playable level.

It was short and there wasn't too much to do once you beat it
Not as much in the way of expansions, but the finall boss/es of Claptastic Voyage were a blast to fight
The balance seemed better, UVHM isn't a total chore since enemies don't magically regenerate HP
Claptrap is fun

For every step forward they took, they took fifty fucking steps back.

They un-fucked the endgame scaling, but then they didn't bother with endgame content at all.
They re-balanced all the legendaries, but then made you incapable of farming them.
Skill trees were streamlined, but half of the skills themselves were retarded (multiplayer-only trees for Claptrap and Aurelia, 5 different stacking mechanics for Jack)

Get rid of Explosive Clap and take Make It Sparkle instead.
Explosive Clap doesn't scale into endgame- whereas shooting Deathtrap with an element makes Robot Rampage deal full elemental damage on each attack.

Why is two gaiges the most fun thing ever? Once the stacks hit full, it's just spray everywhere wildly, and watch everything melt.

At least Claptrap's multiplayer tree has a lot of stuff that can be used solo, Aurelia's is almost totally worthless without another player

the very first NPC you meet is a lesbian, and 5 minutes into the game they explain to us that the term "friend zone" is misogynist

I don't understand it either. 2 fucked up a few things from 1, but overall I felt like it made the actual gameplay a lot better and more fun. Then this was just total garbage, on almost every level.

One of the main things wrong I felt was that the Raid Boss was just the Final Boss again. Shit was lame.
It also had only one expansion DLC, and while the Claptrap DLC was ok and actually plot relivent, they really dropped the ball.

Decent ideas, but Burch's writing was absolute dogshit, Janey's single character trait was I'M A LESBIAN DID YOU KNOW? MEN GET OUT BECAUSE I ONLY WANT VAG, and it made Lilth from unlikable to an insane bitch, though that's more of a BL2 problem.

Short story, meh weapons, and sjw pandering, since pretty much every character needs to hint/remind you that they're gay.
>Hammerlock is gay, but not the central point of his character in bl2 - good
>Janey constantly reminds you she's gay, becomes central theme of her character - ugh, I get it.
The zero gravity and oxygen thing was interesting, but gets old after a while.

So whatever happened to Anthony Burch? Did they fire his ass or something?

Yes, then he got cucked and his ex-wife took their Wii-U

BL2 was furious and fast
Pre-sequel was SLOW
fuck anyon,e who thought that low gravity crap was a good idea

>Explosive Clap doesn't scale into endgame
Really? That fucking sucks, what do you think about the rest of the setup?

Overall not bad- depends on what kind of playstyle you really want.
Like, if you really want With Claws to be useful, get all of the melee damage buffs and then Sharing is Caring with a Roid Shield, otherwise it's not worth speccing that deep into Ordered Chaos.

This is what I typically run- gives me a decent mix of gun damage + elemental damage with the Slayer of Terramorphous mod HTTP://BL2SKILLS.COM/MECHROMANCER.HTML#515050100300550003150511415150121010

fuck, messed up link

In my opinion, the humor seemed forced.

I was replaying it to see if I missed anything that was entertaining, but the voice acting is so shit, they speak in such bland tones without even trying to make it sound decent.

is the only story dlc worth a play? i played the main campaign through and it was shit

Cause it was just a quick cash grab for gayfox

Jack's stacking skills are fucking awesome if only for the numbers you can get

>1-shoting Iwajira with a headshot dealt by a Jakobs Shotgun

The Claptastic Voyage was a lot better than the core game. Glitch weapons are fun as fuck.

No strength of five gorillas? I figured with Robot Rampage you'd want to have that to maximize as much damage as possible. Also one thing I love about Gaiges skill trees is that if you're smart enough you can get a massive reload speed boost which makes raising anarchy stacks very useful.

I think it was a joke, because immediately after saying it, Torque goes "H-haha, am I right ladies?!" in which Athena tells him to shut up.

Dialogue wasnt as good as bl2 dlc but i liked it just as much as bl 2 if not more.

Ice weapons FINALLY. All the moon shenanigans. But if suffers from something I call BL1 syndrome where the areas all kinda look samey.

Its worth it for the story though if you liked bl2 story

Yes, he's gone. BL3 will have BL1's writer which only slightly better.

Literally every character you meet for the first two hours lets you know they are homosexuals several times and one sends you on a mission to murder a male for hitting on her.

It's better

Better scaling, better characters, better movement gimmick, more balanced

Writing sucks like always though, as does the fact that it's pretty much all recycled from 2

I'm not a fan of Strength- it's not bad overall, but when I play Gaige I rarely melee.
Like I said, your mileage may vary. Roll with whatever you find fun.

the game was ehhhhhh, but I did like playing as this bitch

Gameplay wise it's a bit better.

Story and character wise, no.

I will but I'm just picking your skill list apart to see your reasoning. I tried at first when I set my list up to get as many upgrades for deathtrap as possible but now I don't think that's necessarily the way to go.

I actually liked this one more because I played it with the patch that unfucks the weapons drop-rate installed, unlike 2.

Lesbian here, can confirm Pre-Sequel sucks. Being a lesbian, I can say that. Have I mentioned I am a lesbian? Because I sure am a lesbian. Boy (not that I'd want to go near one, being a lesbian and all), I sure love me some vagoo. Because I'm a lesbian.

Lesions are hot when it's two attractive women. God doesn't have a problem with them.

>Janey Springs is going to take Scooter's place now that he's gone


Deathtrap's not bad for mobbing, you can go a lot of ways with that.
I only go Make It Sparkle / Robot Rampage because they're broken in a good way- Robot Rampage deals multiple strikes with reduced melee damage, but it will apply the FULL damage from Make it Sparkle with every strike, pretty much one-shots most mobs.

I go deep into Little Big Trouble just because I like dealing heavy elemental damage, mid-way into Ordered Chaos for the 1050% gun damage lategame of Anarchy, and then I just top it off with BFF because the low-tier skills are pretty good.

Yeah I think BFF and anarchy tie really well into each other with the ricochet skill. I like how you can break the game with Gaige. I had to move my reload button to the other side of my keyboard though, I kept doing it by accident.

Tales of the Borderlands is canon?

Why wouldn't it be? It takes place after the other games and even references events from them.

I don't know I just thought it was filler until BL3. Zer0s voice is pretty fucked in it.

>mfw Lilith dies in BL3

>enjoyed Lilith in BL1
>BL2 and onward re-writes her as a vapid slut who ruins everything
it's not fair

Thank god, she's such a bitch

This. Favorite character in 1, ruined in all other games.

Not really, the other option makes him trll a monolog on how mysogionistic he was and that he was sorry, it was really stupid

well BL2 already got boring because it was too long. was just the same mindless looting and shooting again and again. no wonder nobody cared about BL:PS. if they make BL3 less repetitive and improve on some things it could be good again but honestly I doubt it.