How is it 2016 and there still isn't a decent N64 emulator?

How is it 2016 and there still isn't a decent N64 emulator?

Other urls found in this thread:

>emulate dolphin
>use virtual console

There you go

just buy an everdrive

Why would someone make an emulator for a console with no games?

p o o r l y c o d e d

How is it 2016 and there still isn't a decent Seinfeld game?

Does this actually work?

It sounds both retarded and smart

well meme'd

but seriously rare pretty saved the n64

Project 64 works fine for the most part. I can play Mario party online with people

Every Rare N64 is outdated trash especially Jet Force Gemini


Doesn't Mario Party desync because of all the RNG?

of course it works.
But not every N64 game is on Virtual Console.

Perfect Dark did not age well though I agree with your point.

DKC 2 is still fun to play.

What's the deal with emulators? Why's there an emu? Why's he late? Did he miss the bus or something, trying to fit that neck in the doorway. Maybe if he was an emusooner he'd be better off

I like you.

Is this some meme I'm not aware of? Been happy with Project 64 for years.

Nintendo made some crazy hardware that isn't easy to emulate.

>Project 64

A lot of people don't realize how many problems P64 has because they only want to use it for Mario 64 and OoT. It works fine with the most famous games but has tons of issues with a lot of other ones.

Yeah, however the complete documentation of it is on the internet for about 20 years already.

The installer is bundled with malware

Has anyone ever made a compatability wiki for n64 emulators?

Dolphin has one, I'd like to know if I should bother playing an N64 game of if it's just gonna fuck up halfway through

Usually those games are shit so who cares.
Other than first party games why would I even bother going back to the N64?
Even then the Rare games didn't age well(especially PD/GE007).

Not all games work perfectly well on dolphin aswell but Melee(let's be honest it was the reason to own a GC) does and most people don't complain.

Because only losers still wants to play N64

>Not all games work perfectly well on dolphin
No, but it's compatability is insanely way higher than N64's

It also now tries to trick you into installing malware whenever you install it. That alone is reason to boycott it.


Surprisingly good.

>Architecture of N64 makes it harder to emulate versus most consoles
>Lack of games outside of Mario and Zelda that anyone would give a shit about

And I would think that anyone who's talented enough to create a functional emulator would be more focused on a PS3 emulator, Wii U emulator, etc.

>Try to play yoshis island
>Half the graphics don't even load

PC truly is the master race.

I cant believe it's 2016 and people still try to claim "It's because the rest of the games are shit"

People who make emulators have never done it to emulate games they want to emulate.
But you're right about the ridiculous architecture

>Need to upgrade PJ64 versions for whatever reason (I think it was that 4 player OoT patch)
>Speed through the install like always
>They added a load of adware between versions
>Spend a half hour going through all that shit and removing it
>Surely the forums must be outraged
>Any complaint is immediately silenced with dozens of sycophants trying to justify it
It's times like that which make me appreciate anonymous imageboard culture, despite all the baggage this format brings along. Fuck forums.

You mean Yoshi's Story? Emulate the Wii version

Most of the programmers young enough to put a huge amount of their time into something that's free and possibly illegal are too young to have played the N64


It is better than using any n64 emulator out there. Just shows how good Dolphin is. You can probably find N64 rom injects for games that were not released in virtual console but not all games work (every rare game, for example). But every game that had problems with graphics like Paper Mario and Yoshi's Story can be played 100% without problems.

Best option would be using a Wii U and loadiine for injects. I can play Banjo-Kazooie without any problem like this. But no netplay, of course.

>space station sillicon valley still doesnt fucking emulate well

>mooom someone on the internet just used a big word

When a console's library is shit outside of a handful of games, then there's less demand for an emulator for it. Why do you think we still don't have a good OG XBox emulator when we've had a good PS2 emulator for years?

emulation is really fucking hard mate

>tfw Everdrive master race

Fuck off, dad

These pretzels...ARE MAKING ME THIRSTY!

Too hard for you? Here you go, bub
>synonyms: yes-man, bootlicker, brown-noser, toady, lickspittle, flatterer, flunky, lackey, spaniel, doormat, stooge, cringer, suck, suck-up

The one good game was ported back to PC.

>when we've had a good PS2 emulator for years?

to be fair aside from first and second (IE rareware) party games the N64 has maybe three games worth note.

Because it's the current year and PCs are still shit for gaming.

>except for all these good games the n64 has very little good games

If first and second party games were all it took to keep a console afloat the dreamcast and the Wii U wouldn't be also-rans in their generations.

>we've had a good PS2 emulator for years?
>good PS2 emulator

both of those consoles failed for different reasons though