>MHX comes out in a week
>no thread about it
Let's change that. Is there anything you're personally excited for? Do you plan on changing your main weapon?
>MHX comes out in a week
>no thread about it
Let's change that. Is there anything you're personally excited for? Do you plan on changing your main weapon?
Other urls found in this thread:
m8, it comes out in JULY. Not june.
>made me check
>another monster hunter
I bet they already announced the sequel in japan anyway.
I haven't played my 3DS since Monster Hunter big guy. Just noticed they added a c-stick and two z buttons - will I need a new 3ds to play this, or does it have classic controls?
Wow, no hway! Do you get to, like, hunt monsters in this one? I bet it even has large weapons too as well also! I can't wait for this fresh, new, original addition to the series!
Most fans are hanging out in the general.
I like how you are acting like a little shit about this but this game actually adds new features to the series.
>he's not playing the translation patch
my body is reggie
How often will I need to update in order to play with US copies? It's the only thing keeping me from downloading it right now.
I bought MH4U with N3DSXL (also my first console) in Feb, played for 300 hrs and still haven't reach the end game. Guess I probably skip this since I can't even finish the old one or have any friends to play with.
what do you mean? the translation patch has ended, the guy isnt update it anymore
So how is playing as palicoes because so far that seems like the most fun part of the game ?
My nigger
Its fucking stupid, the only good thing is that you can farm good charms with them.
Shame, i guess i will have to wait for next one.
I only use them for gathering quests since they're better at gathering. they're fun at first because the whole new shiny feature thing but then you realize its better to just use a hunter
Well, it was for me, I rarely use them
>Barroth will never make a return in another MH game
>It's an OP confuses June with July episode
>tfw I messed up the date
Any ideas for some custom Quests?
It's funny, this installation changes more than any other has so far, and many people hate it for that.
Monster Hunter fans are actually autists who just want more monsters to fight, they don't care if the core mechanics/graphics/performance EVER change.
Got a link to the editor?
Also, Outraged Savage Jho
Here user
What other information can you give us future man?
Insect Glaive and Charge Blade are now balanced and so no one uses them anymore, kek.
I hope you like Greatsword and S&S Hunter:Generations.
Is there an faq on that includes which values are open event quest slots like in 4U?
It's okay
Not that Im aware off, check this:
It came out last year...
Dunno about you, but I have seen longswords, mace, dual blades and lance when playing with bros.
What are those odd runes on the cover?
>No G rank
Why bother?
In the top right? It's a sticker attached to the plastic wrap that says to link your game with your capcom account to get a hunter id.
>comes out in a week
It's been out for a year, user.
>What are Sp Permit Tickets
Fuck off faggot
They're okay
They really feel built for gathering especially with the ridiculous amount of gathering quests in the game.
Combat wise though, they're pretty inefficient, can't heal, all the abilities that SHOULD be good are really bad, and their skills simply take too long to charge up.
Palico only rooms are really fun though.
Great sword is actually finally nerfed.
It's only just okay in generations while other weapons like bow and longsword are top dog.
How can you read them?
I think you meant month, at least for the English release.
greatswrod is still good. it just doesnt mesh well with the bullshit style skills.
lance is top dog now actually. striker lance is a monster.
you're off by a month, m8 but I wish you weren't. I want to play this game now
Insect glaive is too god damn addicting
How is switch axe and sword and shield now?
Call me when Capcum switches to a new engine and adds more than 2 new monsters to the game.
How can you read English? Stupid question.
English is the primary language of the world, I don't know what the fuck your runes are
When it comes to Vita.
It would sooner go back to being on the WiiU.
Is it officially too late to get in to 4 now?
I'm going to get it whenever I finally decide to go through the hassle of hacking my n3ds. Can you still play online after hacking it?
English is my native language too. I'm just saying, how do you understand English? You studied it. Same with moonrunes.
It's not N3DS exclusive. It's a circlepad pro built into the system, meaning it works with 3 and 4U though.
both improved, more so the sns. sns can cause KOs better than hammer now as well. swaxe has some bs skills that make it so they can stay in sword mode pretty much forever.
Are there "G-rank like" armors and weapons, or are you forced to run like an idiot during the whole game with high-rank armors against the endgame monsters?
Are you stupid?
Endgame monster are high rank just like your weapons and armor.
Poeple keep saying that the Deviant monsters are harder than G-rank monsters
Next one is probably already out in Japan desu
Obviously that doesn't mean they have G-rank stats. They just mean they're as tough as G-rank monsters relatively.
Is there even a MH for PC?
I think the game is really something I will love, but my only Nintendo console is a Gameboy Color
Yes, there is a "G rank" like monsters and armors apart from High Rank.
Ember Dinovaldo
Blazing Rathalos
Silver Rathalos
Gold Rathian
Toxic Rathian
Gold Zinogre
Fierce Tigrex
One-Eyed Garuga
Tempestuous Nargacuga
Precious Uragaan
Then you have the elder dragons that are unlocked at HR60, 70, 80
Amatsu Magatsuchi
you can emulate PSP titles, PS2 titles, and Tri fine
Am I the only one here that always play these games solo?
That's not true. It's just that we're typically satisfied with weapons getting new moves to either round out their moveset, or new mechanics to change how we play them, or new monsters introducing new features. Like the fuckin' owl. It can confuse you. That's a new feature. That's very welcome.
Frenzy in general was an alright and mostly-welcomed addition to MH4, but Apex in MH4U could get tedious as fuck.
The idea of verticality itself wasn't an unwelcome one, but underwater combat was executed somewhat poorly in Tri (even if I did personally enjoy it), and the maps introduced in MH4 have too MANY ledges and too MUCH climbing. The biggest offender in particular is the sunken/volcanic hollow.
The idea of weapon family-specific features isn't too unwelcome, such as Chaos Magala's frenzy-sensitive affinity boost, or Seregios' sharpness recovery, but frankly speaking there were really too few weapon families that were like that. Personally I wouldn't mind seeing more like that in the future.
I'm one of those people that kind of enjoy the idea of what they're going for in Gen, but can see the flaws when they really stick out. Some styles completely ruin some weapons, period, and some weapon-specific hunting arts are just total ass, period.
My biggest gripe is the way that flagship design sensibilities have gone since P3rd. Zinogre, Brachydios, Seregios, Glavenus, Astalos. From a pure design perspective, they look less natural, less like actual creatures that could have been born on this world were circumstances different, than Monster Hunter monsters typically do. They're clearly toyetic as fuck and you know what that's fine, but over-designing a monster to achieve that is dumb as shit. Most of the new, non-flagship monsters are fine, and elder dragons can be handwaved away as elder dragons, but fucking hell having airplane fins on the sides of Brachydios' face, a horn that mimics his fists exactly, and that goddamn mace tail do not look elegant at all.
Is it officially too late to get in to 4 now?
>The idea of verticality itself wasn't an unwelcome one, but underwater combat was executed somewhat poorly in Tri (even if I did personally enjoy it), and the maps introduced in MH4 have too MANY ledges and too MUCH climbing. The biggest offender in particular is the sunken/volcanic hollow.
This, ledges aren't bad. Shitty map design is and for gen 4 the only good maps that properly use ledges are
Primal Forest
Heaven's Mount
Jurassic Frontier
Small Arena like Areas that are not the Arena (Ingle Isle, Sanctuary, ect) The Arena is pure cancer in this gen
any other area just makes me roll my eyes when a quest takes place in it
What the fuck, now they're moonrunes? Is this part of some god damn moon landing/alien conspiracy?
Continuing from When I got into this series, the typical sentiment was that it was the pinnacle of game over grafix, during a time when many games were prioritizing realistic grafix and dumbing down the gameplay. Sentiments like "Monster Hunter doesn't need good graphics to be a good game" were fairly commonplace. It's only now that we're exiting the 8th gen and it still looks only marginally better than PS2 in some ways and notably worse in others is the sentiment about graphics really starting to settle in.
Having a higher, more consistent framerate is always appreciated in a game like this where your reaction time is key.
And as for core mechanics changing, a game doesn't need to completely change genres just to change mechanics. Monster Hunter Tri, for instance, added the Exhaust mechanic. While for many it was the most obvious change and represented a loss of difficulty because the monster would turn into a punching bag, a more-overlooked core mechanic change was the fact that monsters had growing resistances to status effects now. They'd go in traps for shorter and shorter periods of time, eventually it'd get to the point where flash bangs wore off nearly immediately, and it'd take longer to apply paralysis or sleep or poison with each application, plus many elemental attacks started to apply new status debuffs, all features that made the game more difficult in subtle ways. All of these are, in general, very welcome features that change how the game is played in little ways.
I've seen them referred to as moonrunes for over half a decade, user. You're just late to the party.
I make sure to hunt every monster solo (without cats) at least once, so that I learn its patterns and know that my DPS is good enough. Multiplayer is a shitfest in comparison, with the countless staggers/flash bombs/traps/mounts and the monster getting distracted every other attack, making it stupidly easy to heal up.
No. It's going to offer an altogether different and much longer experience than Generations. Plus it's just over a month 'til Generations releases and you're sure to get 40+ hours by that point, while getting an idea of what to expect from Gen and being able to more thoroughly appreciate or condemn the differences.
Them? Are "moonrunes" some kind of common occurrence to people nowadays or are you just trolling me?
Japanese characters are sometimes referred to as moonrunes.
On Sup Forums.
i tried the english patch version but i just cant get into it. i know the important stuff is translated like skills and shit, but i like to know everything the npcs are saying to me. when i visited that palico farm or whatever that place is i have no idea how it works and im just pressing buttons.
its fine though because this is the one series that i want to actual support so im going to buy this on release.
They're going to near TGS. There's a MH title in development for this fiscal year that isn't Stories, and most likely won't be MH5.
yea generations ultimate
It's about time for a new mainline MH in Japan so I'd wager odds are it IS MH5.
Eh, that'd be tacky and they know it. X was the 10 year anniversary edition entry and the Japanese are starting to get tired of the G edition formula.
How do Capcom get away with being so unashamedly greedy with MH releases?
They're good games but just think of what it could be like if they didn't shit one out every 5 minutes and actually spent some time on them.
>How do Capcom get away with being so unashamedly greedy with MH releases?
No, not at all. They've been doing this shit for years, see Street Fighter II
>Taking the b8 this far
I don't understand why you're saying that.
I think he means system update because he has a jailbroken 3ds to play pirated shit.
If that's the case, you can't have it both ways, idiot. Either pirate and don't play multiplayer or don't and do.
Holy shit, next week is July 15th? This year is flying by!
>tfw no mhgenerations on vita
You're late
I was wondering where you were Vitabro.
>Monster Hunter moved to the 3ds
>Senran Kagura and Disgaea getting PC release(s)
Why even bother with a Vita at this point? Is Persona the only thing Sony has any more?
someday you'll die and so will your forced meme
post the cat
I'm sorry
something happened
because vita is a really cool console
>this shitpost is still going on
>HR700+ in MH4U
>Think that I should try to go for HR999 before MHX is out
>Play a fucking lot
>I can finally see the last line
>Suddenly the R button of my N3DS start to fuck with me
>Only works once every 3 or 4 push
>Impossible to run or GB when I want
>Give my N3DS to a repair store
>3 weeks later it come back and the R button works fine
>But now the low press of the A button doesn't work anymore, you need to push it like crazy to make it work
>Go to the repair store again and explain to it what's happening
>The guy at first try to fucking tell me that it was like from the start or that I made it fell or something
>Get fucking upset guy back off and tell me he will repair it for free
>5 weeks laters still no news so I call them
>They apparently need to order some new pieces or whatever so it will take 1 months or so until they receive it
No HR999 for me I guess...
I love you so much
Original 3DS + Circle Pad Pro > New 3DS
It's a special edition N3DS with MH4U inside (so I couldn't do shits like making charms or customs quests even if I wanted to)
Why didn't you just order new parts and look up youtube tutorials?
I played all of 3u solo, and still do occasionally. I rarely will go online with 4U.