Alright, time to decide!

Alright, time to decide!

Which one is better?

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One will take it from behind and like it.

I like overwatch more just because no random crits

I thoroughly enjoyed playing both. I think they're great games.
I would have to say that TF2 is (in my opinion) a lot better.

>le random crit meme
you can disable them

Jeez, wait for the dust to settle a little bit before making this thread

I like TF2 more simply because it has more user options.

>changeable UI
>custom server support
>the ability to freely ban anyone from my servers without going through any blizzard hoops
>the ability to freely restrict classes, map sizes, or even weapons
>can instantly permaban a child from my server without needing a major vote

Can OW even compare?

At least in TF2 you can enter a server with it disabled, if you don't want something in overwatch then you're fucked.

TF2 obviously.

Nobody plays on no crit servers though.

the amount of stuff locked down in overwatch is really going to hurt it in the log term

Tracer is a lot better than Spy.


Take a wild guess.

Spy is too easy to notice. He's so useless

In a 1v1 tracer would probably win every time, unless the spy's a particularly good shot with his amby. Or, Tracer seems like a gullible bitch so he could probably just disguise as Winston or something and kill her ass.

That's exactly how the huntsman works, faggot

>being wrong

how are they remotely the same?

But that's the exact same as the huntsman's hitbox.

Only because the ones playing spy are generally retards. A good spy with dead ringer is literally hell incarnate.

Sure it is.

the problem is hitscan in OW works this way too

tracer because a chipper brit is better than a smug frog
t. Canadian

Okay that's arguably pretty stupid, but it's not like TF2's hitboxes are perfect. Look at the engineer's waist which occasionally allows bullets to pass through harmlessly.

The huntsman does have a dumbed down hitbox but it's not nearly on the same level as Hanzo. It can't hit behind corners,for starters.

As someone who plays both TF2 is more skill based.

Overwatch is about knowing when to press Q and what hero to play as.

A cast of 8 white men and a nigger have more personality than 21 different archetypes.

TF2 glorifies gore and doesn't take itself seriously. The dialogue never leaves a bad taste in your mouth.

OW takes itself very seriously, and not a drop of blood is ever spilled. The dialogue is pretty awfully written as well. With characters like tracer and reaper, Blizzard must be either incredibly detached from society or they expect their target audience to be 8 year olds.

Both require team coordination, but as a whole overwatch is much easier to play for someone who isn't good at videogames.


Seriously senpai?
It's not the same. You can't hit people around corners or through walls with the Huntsman.

Shooter of the year folks.

The huntsman uses collision hitboxes, as do rockets, pipes etc. Hitscan weapons use a separate, more detailed hitbox

In OW it doesn't matter if you use hitscan or projectile, the hitbox stays the same.

TF2 doesn't shove down my throat the requirement of having friends to even remotely enjoy the game.

I see what you're getting at and I agree, but you might as well just say it outright instead of dancing around it.

>I like TF2 more because it's a PC shooter while Overwatch is a consoler-centric shooter

If you're talking about retarded hitboxes in tf2, there's the flamethrower which will hit anything even if you're having a seizure. But even then it's arguable because they're fucking flames and the pyro is a noob filter.

I dpn't see the problem with that statement either, and it probably exemplifies what I'm saying.

>TF2 let's me be in charge, while Overwatch constantly holds my hand

>the ability to freely restrict classes, map sizes, or even weapons
Is there a stock-weapons only server somewhere? I tried searching vanilla servers but they're all about pre-nerf changes or no hat modes.

There are some stock only servers, they do take a bit of searching though.

>The game grumps have done videos about Overwatch.
>Markiplier, a guy who usually plays shitty jumpscare and adove flash vidya, and has tumblr as his fanbase has made a video about overwatch
You will be playing with both the people who like this channels and blizzdrones. And that's a fact.

>We have discussed a lot of times how Overwatch has far less content than Tf2
>B-b-but it has just launched!
So what? We are talking about which one of them to play NOW, not 9 years ago.

What about the appeal of the characters?
>Overwatch shorts: Bland as fuck. They seem like the trailer of a shitty movie. A guy who used to do sfm animations even predicted the dragons one
>It's like if the characters were from different videogames. They share no simmilarities with eachother at a basic level. ANd no, that's not "them being unique", is the game not having an overall art direction.

>Tf2 shorts accomplish perfectly what they were made for: Give a chickle while introducing the class to the player.
>Characters have the same artstyle.

I really could be going on and on. Tf2 is just better which of course doesn't mean OW isn't fun at all. But it's just an objectively better game overall.

I didn't even talked about the game mechanics.

did tf2 really come out in 2007? it feels like much later than that

October 9, 2007, my friend. It's been a while, isn't it?

I have 4000 hours on tf2. Obviously I adore it. Still I feel that Overwatch is a progression on everything tf2 does. It is the closest we will get to a tf3 and it is awesome. Every minor gripe I hear about overwatch or negative comparison to tf2 can be addressed with the answer that it is brand new. If you remember vanilla tf2 when it first released you will realize that overwatch is bound to improve and become more versatile in time also. You can't really compare a game that has a 9 year head start with a new one. That being said overwatch is incredible even in its present form.

>he doesn't know bout randoms headshots in Overwatch

The one with waifus.

>Opinion discarded

People like you is why the game has become so famous.

>implying TF2 doesn't have waifus

I want to cum inside miss paulin

While I love TF2, it is admittedly casual in the sense that I could never take it's competitive scene and general high level play serious at all. Then Overwatch came along.

I like both games a lot, but I LOVE TF2. TF2 will represent an era in my life. Meanwhile, I honestly see myself being done with Overwatch by the end of the year unless Blizzard release a fuckton of maps and provide the tools for users to make and play their own.

I have 2300 hours on tf2 but haven't played it in months. Is it still fun?

Yes. Just try to go to the right servers and you'll have a blast.

4000 hours in tf2 reporting in.

i'd rate tf2 9.6/10 and overwatch 9.2/10, they are both great.

tf2 wins because of customization and mods

>TF2 before F2P

>TF2 after F2P

I came back after three years and it's the same desu, just with more silly congas and dances

The problem with competetive TF2 is that it is very difficult to get into. The game flow in 6s is very different from pubs and it takes a lot of time to get used to it. Also you have to actively seek out leagues, pugs and lobbies.

I hope that official matchmaking will ease people into playing comp tf2.

matchmaking is fun when it works which is like 2% of the time, though its still in beta

>I've never played TF2
Nobody fucking plays on nocrit servers. You may find one populated every now and again but the majority of your time will be spent in pubs

>Game came out 9 years ago
>people debate whether or not it is better than a game that came out this year

I think that goes to show the longevity of TF2 and the mediocrity of Overwatch

Seems like you've had shitty luck there browsing your servers,dude.
Of course people play in them. And I'm not even the guy you were replying.
Keep searching, user.

I totally agree with this.
Shame you are a frogposter.


Typical frenchman.

TF2 was meant to be played 12v12
I dunno why they dumbed it down to 6v6, bar that you need to pay fewer people.

i tried it again recently and i'm going to be completely honest with you
i had a blast. it's easily the most fun i've had in a while

This is pretty stupid but honestly genji is such a fucking faggot to fight that i'm glad he has huge hitboxes, would rather fight tracer.

Because in a """""competitive""""" scenario 6v6 is easier to follow and makes coordination not impossible

tfw devs said they are looking into a server browser and possibly private servers

There goes half of your points TF2 fag

I just found 11 vanilla nocrit servers by putting in the "nocrits" tag into the server browser. And that's in the EU alone, NA should have way more servers.

12v12 is a clusterfuck, there's no way that it would work as a competetive format. Since Valve didn't really support comp TF2 the community tried out every possible team composition and picked 6v6 as the best one.

If you have 30 minutes of spare time, I recomend you watch the final map of the i55 upper ladder finals. It really shows why 6v6 tf2 can be amazing.

>Tfw we may get a basic thing on our shit game
I want to play with Markiplier and his friends!1!!1!ONE!!!!

Competitive mode will be for groups only.

Where did you get that from?

>random headshots
Your aim is just bad user-kun

Right now? Depend on if you want fixed heroes or custom.

At launch? Overwatch has way more content than TF2 at launch.

Not really?

TF2 was beta tested for 8v8.
>implying 12v12 competitive fps is at all feasible

>when your game is so shit that the devs have to "look into" something that should have been in the game since day 1

>People actually believe this

Why are people trying so hard to make TF2 relevant still? Even Valve has given up on it.

>le no content meme xd
Give it 2 years and OW will have more worthwhile content than TF2. And I mean actual content and not a shitty hat economy.

Except for all the MM testing servers that were filled to the gills

its already in beta and it doesn't require groups though

>Even Valve has given up on it.
Yeah, that's exactly why they are shipping out updates every couple of months that add new maps and weapon rebalances. And that's also why they are adding 6v6 matchmaking this summer.

TF2 still has an active playerbase 1.8 mil players. Valve still makes a shitload of cash from this game, there's no way that they will stop producing content for it in the near future.

Also, Valve hasn't given up on it at all. They implemented the matchmaking beta not-so-long ago, and currently they are working to get a full release on it, contacting with people from the current Tf2 comp community (b4nny).

So, yeah. If you don't really know about both games but just about one, don't try to post why the one you know about its so much better.

TF2 looks like a solid game compared to Babywatch.

>shit game XD
>7 million players
Please go on about how shit the game is Valvedrones

TF2, despite having several problems of its own. Which says more about Overwatch than anything.

>Using sales as a way to determine the quality of a game

get out

TF2, obviously.


>Something people wanted since release is just now being put in the game
Yea man check out that 1.8 million player base which even if it were true wouldn't compare to OW's 7 million and counting

sadly each update makes the game run even worse even on really good pcs I used to run tf2 all right on my toaster now its so back and forth, ill miss the old days

Overwatch is a disjointed mess because it's just Titan assets that Blizzard wanted to reuse so they could recoup their losses on a game that never launched, so they slapped together a babby-tier shooter and called it a day.

>What are adds?
>What are youtube channels promoting it?
>What is literally everyone on the internet talking about it at all times?

Club penguin also has a fuckton of players. Does it mean it's a good game, user?

>Le Tf2 is dead maymay
Yeah, because at one point no one played the game, right? Oh, wait... people kept playing it.
Active in the last 2 weeks, not currently in game.

>being this retarded

>OW's 7 million and counting
I lol'd
the anime image is a cherry on top

I totally agree. It should have been built from the ground.

>implying it's a maymay

just disable steam cloud and then reinstall the game m8
this fixes all problems with the game

I'll admit that both game are great in their own right.

Although personally I feel that TF2 always has something to master. There's a progression to get better. Sure this is to some extent in Overwatch but most of the characters are linear and only have one play style.

While I do enjoy Pharah because she's closest to Soldier, she feels pretty stale playing with both of their mechanics. I enjoy rocket jumping in tf2 and strafing to dive bomb enemies. That shit is satisfying to pull off.

I just personally enjoy tf2.
Pic is my Soldier loadout.

Overwatch launched with:

>Infinite ammo
>No community servers
>Wall hacks
>Awful huntsman hitboxes for literally everything
>Poor balance
>No advanced movement options
>Barely any advanced mechanics at all
>Press X to Awesome buttons
>MMO/MOBA style ability cooldowns
>Bad characterization and lame writing

You don't fix that, this is how the game is supposed to be.

He used the scatter arrow to ricochette off of the wall.