how the fuck do you play as D Va
her main gun is shiiiiiiit
in order
-----power gap----
Everyone else
Abuse shift. Run into people for bonus damage, melee, then shotgun them down to finish.
Don't treat her like a tank. Shes a flanker/harassaser/assasin.
Zip around, kill mercy, shift the fuck out asap and get a health kit.
Widowmaker is too strong
Mcree needs damage reduction on fan
kinda similar like winston, fly to weaker enemies, shoot them and fly away.
>"Tank" champion
> best way to play her is not like a tank
I can tell this game has impeccable design
she is something of a tank. She can bumrush turrets and kill them quite quickly while being a distraction, use defense matrix to absorb ults (including reaper and pharah), and throw her mech into a chokepoint to clear it out.
it's just, you can't play her like Reinhardt. She has to keep flitting about the back lines when not doing the above.
You mother.
I literally scrolled past 4 overwatch threads.
She has a lot of health and a defensive ability. Not as a pure a tank as reinhardt, but still holds to the niche. Variety within the broad classes is good.
Widowmaker and Mcree are pretty op.
>mfw i just got the Whoa There trophy
No one cares you moba nerd. This is a game largely about shooting people in the face.
Primarily her role is to give free ult meter to the opposing team until she gets buffed.
Literally this
Then I'd have to say Reinhardt or Mercy's ult (Literally the only reason to use her because it goes up so damn fast)
A good Lucio by far
People think McCree is good because they are shitters, he can only flashbang/do a ton of dmg with fan hammer if he flanks you (in which you deserve to be punished) or you get too close to him (in which you deserve to be punished)
that's roadhog
McCree only needs a nerf to fan and/or to his roll reload and then he'd be alright. You can hit Widowmaker with 10 different nerfs and she'd still be overpowered.
xd yeah! a character with a guaranteed free kill sure is balanced because u desrverd it!!
You fucking idiots try to act superior but don't realize how fucking poorly balanced the game is because A) you're a blind fanboy or B) Play the broken character
You probably also think widowmaker is completely okay how she is right now too, faggot
You are
Having a hitscan OHKO weapon is ridiculous compared to the other characters, her ability is broken as fuck giving wallhack to the entire team while recharging quickly and not giving a notification to the other team, and anything that is supposed to counter her like tracer, assuming they even get close without getting seen and shot, just get hit with the poison mine while widowmaker grapples away.
Her only real counter is another widowmaker, and she's such a huge benefit to the team that having at least one is pretty much a necessity.
>two widowmakers
Literally all you need for offense on any payload map. It's completely broken.
>Kill other tanks like zyra and winston up close
>Roadhog does shit damage to you because the way armor works
>avoid carries up close
>Die, but not really
>Just run backwards firing your gun with oversized projectiles at enemy
>5 seconds later another mech
The only BS is how big her headshot hitbox is, but she is really the anti tank tank. Also her E is hilarious against some ults like pharas, does jack shit
No one is OP
If you think they are then you are probably shit
But fuck McCree, he's a cunt
I don't care if I die to a McCree that does flashbang > FTH to a low health character.
I care if I'm a goddamn tank and I die immediately to Flashbang > FTH > Roll > FTH without him having to do any headshots at all.
His FTH is getting nerfed anyway. Good.
Widowmaker is beyond broken, if you don't realize that you probably "main" her and your opinion is shit and invalidated.
Make widowmaker have 150 health, then anti snipers will have a decent chance against well protected ones.
I don't play mcree but really his only annoying thing was flash bang, they should have just made it a flash with no stun and made it last slightly longer.
I hardly play her beyond shitting on other Widows and Bastions. Her charge needs a small nerf on the sniper and ult then she's fine.
She needs to not be able to fire as quickly + longer charge time.
I used to think it was Bastion, then I played for more than an hour. I used to think it was Genji, then I played for more than five hours. I used to think it was Mei, then I came to my senses. It's not McRee, just don't challenge him 1v1 and he's easy.
Widow has passable health, deals a shit ton of damage from anywhere, can get to most locations with her ult, has literal wallhacks, also has a machine gun. Widow is OP, anyone who says anything else has no idea what they are talking about.
I remember reading the only reason Widow doesn't have 150 hp is because in a hypothetical sniper battle, it would be bullshit if one widow got a headshot, the other got a bodyshot but they still killed eachother.
Her RoF is fine since it does fuck all damage at anything not 100% but the charge is way too fast.
This desu
As genji it pisses me off to no end to almost kill Widow, have Mercy super fly over and heal widow.
I have actually gone up against that but with a turret protecting both Widows
The only reason you whiny shitters think any character is OP is because you're bad at the game. Once Mcree/WM gets the nerfbat, you will move on to bitch about another character, and when that one gets nerfed as well, to another and the cycle will repeat.
The game is designed around team-play and counterpicking classes, not going at it alone like you do in CoD/Battlefield, but even when you have the advantage of a Winston's shield, double health and armor + 6 sec cd leap, you still can't beat the scissors with your rock, because you're bad.
her body shots shouldnt deal 150 damage, that one shots 2 (3) characters, and drops most of the cast to 25%
They could literally just solve that with 151 health but I guess that would look sloppy.
>Flashbang doesn't work on shield, so you let a McCree flank you or you put down the shield like a tard
>Not hooking McCree before he can even get close to you
git gud
What's his counter?
Games where one class gets picked every match on both teams, sometimes even two, means there is an obvious balancing issue and if you can't realize that I'm sorry but you're a fucking idiot and know literally nothing about what you speak of. Using >bad as your excuse further validates just how fucking retarded you are.
flashbang goes over a shield and stuns Rhine
Widow > McCree > Everyone else
If you honest to god don't think McCree is way too strong you're retarded.
He kills tanks way too fast and his stun is ridiculous, instant, and hilariously easy to land.
Any one
But if you want it even easier 76 cause his heal
Pharah and widowmaker, that's about it. But if he's above pharah he wins. Junkrat is so easy to play and so fun it's not right.
Is that your whole argument? "you are bad at the game"? Then what about competitive matches with 2 or 3 McCrees per team, are they bad as well?
How 2 Make Overwatch Great (Again)
>McCree's flashbang is now an actual fucking flashbang,no stun, just blinds whoever is hit for 1.5 seconds
>Widow has a slower charge time on her sniper and Ultimate.
>D'Va can now walk normally while shooting
>Zenyatta buffed to 200HP
>Tracer's blinks now take an extra second to recharge
His stun is not ridiculous.
Genji can put his reflect up about 2 shots into his FTH, which not only saves the genji but kills the Mccree because they're holding still when they FTH so that every shot hits.
His stun isn't that good.
>tfw Roadhog
>tfw you go full hog and blast people into outer space
>tfw you grab tracer, mercy, pharah, reaper, zenyatta, genji, hanzo, Torb, everything else during their big moment
>tfw you grab monkey man and one shot him from full health
Didn't know it was possible until yesterday. Every single pellet must of been a headshot or something.
>His stun isn't good because one hero can counter it slightly!
Fuck off retard
>Using Genji as an argument against flashbang
Jesus fuck nigger, flashbang doesn't require a direct hit, he can get stunned if you throw it to the ground/side/above. Even if you reflect it, Genji's reflect last a second longer than McCree's stun, so you are unable to attack before McCree gets out of his own stun. His stun is godlike.
Roadhog is honestly too good, he's not super broken but he's too damn strong for a tank. 600 health and he can wombo combo just about every other character every 6 seconds or so? Shit's bonkers.
I fucking love pulling tracers and blasting their boyfaces away as well as pulling widowmakers and hanzos off of ledges and pharahs in the air and just one shotting them.
If they nerf roadhog at all i will quit this game. He is literally perfect.
>actual flashbang
>missing the "bang" part that concusses
You're not very bright.
Never said Genji reflected the flashbang, or that genji is the only character to beat his FTH...
I'm saying Genji can act after the stun before he is killed by the FTH, meaning that EVERY hero can act unless they have less HP than Genji, which is Tracer and Mechless Dva...
His stun isn't that good.
Why would I pick Dva to do this when I could just pick multiple other heroes that do the job far better?
mercys ult needs to charge slower. right now it's a contest to see which one can spam the most rezzes. the contributions from the rest of the team barely matters.
she needs it to not be worse then lucio in every way.
>I'm saying Genji can act after the stun before he is killed by the FTH
You DO realize FTH can deal 420 damage, right?
Okay, how do you counterpick a widowmaker that has a pocket mercy? How do you counterpick dual McCree?
Pretty much.
Nerfing Mercy would be full retard.
Ah yes show me the part where the bang is actually visible on screen
Thank Christ the devs don't listen to retards like you
she should get a buff elsewhere to make up for it, but using an ult and having it charged to 100% again in 1 minute is ridiculous
he also has a huge head hitbox and is a sitting duck for a smart Pharah, and his arch Nemesis, a decent Reaper. A really good Hanzo or Widowmaker will also kill Roadhog fairly quickly.
So far I havent seen too many of those that have been a problem.
How to make Mercy better
>change her beam so it can heal other heroes around the one she's targeting at a reduced rate
>make her ult take at least 2x longer to fill up
Then she would have an actual purpose and her increased healing wouldn't make her ult more broken
Ahh the oh so wholesome git gud argument
>Heroes with 200 or even 250 health can react after being stunned into FTH
No, they cannot, unless someone like reaper or Mei get lucky with FTH rng.
Read the last sentence in my post and tell me how relevant the max damage that FTH can do....
Genji can act BEFORE the FTH is complete, meaning the flashbang doesn't stun for the entirety of the FTH, meaning....
His stun isn't that good.
She is still a better choice if you want to neutralize an ult, over the other tanks. It's just personal taste.
Zenyatta is low-key OP, I bet he gets buffed into crazy town in the future
Just give her 145 health and 5 armor or something
dual mccree is weak to a flying Pharah or Widowmaker/Hanzo
widowmaker with pocket mercy is extremely weak to a reaper that pops up behind them or goes around them. have to pay attention to when Widowmaker has her ult up though.
Lucio and mcree are the only acceptable answers. but other things do need a tune down like widow makers charge time and how fast mercy gets her ultimate
Winston is a flanker too.
lowering her fire rate by adding a reload animation like sniper in tf2 would be a fair nerf
To be fair to lucio, it would make more sense that the damage buff be aoe (not same bonus) instead of the heal. The heal shouldn't be changed.
a few counter points
Hes slow
lackluster at actually "tanking" and provides minimal support to team HP pool isn't that great when no one can miss you and you have no
Outside of hook one shots your ability to stay in sustained fighting is pretty poor
>Her only real counter is another widowmaker
Winston absolutely destroys her. If you are or have a competent Winston on your team there is fuck all their Widowmaker can do to stop the monkey dick.
But you (or the guy I responded to) just said she isn't a tank.
>McCree is weak to character who are countered by hitscan
>Widowmaker/Mercy is weak to a character with limited flanking ability and limited chasing ability who has to kill her and her pocket healer solo while she is damage boosted and has to hope she doesn't have her anti-flanking ult up while also getting past her team
Lmao, no. Stop.
fucking formating, sorry
Hes slow, poor at tanking, really large so hp pool isnt as good as it appears, and he sucks at sustained fights.
his tanking aspect is probably the gas can heal. It can stack with other healing effects and has a extremely short cooldown. He can survive a hanzo ult depending on where he was standing if he uses the gas can.
Winston gets bodied if the Widow has a Mercy amping/healing her, which is the meta of competitive right now, with the only real counter being using it yourself.
Reinhardt really is the only tank isn't he?
McCree is pretty bad. He can pretty much only do damage in melee range and he has no movement to get there.
>mcree is weak to parah and hanzo
>mcree is weak to widowmaker
debatable at long distance, mccree wins up close
>talks about design
Gtfo you lol shitter
600 health is a lot of health, his ult pushes everything away, his weapon does a ridiculous amount of damage, his chain one-hit combos almost everything, and his heal is ridiculous and you can stand there and use it while multiple people are attacking and still get away when your teammates come. He's a really really strong character but like you pointed out he can be taken out fairly easily if you're competent.
>what is teleport
must be a lot of bad pocket mercy/widowmaker then
it isn't that hard to kill them because the mercy is sitting there like they are afk and the mercy is paying attention to the scope.
i would argue yes Zarya is closer to him then the others, but neither Roadhog nor DVA want to play like Rein
fire a scatter arrow at his feet, fairly good chance of mccree dying instantly
>Mcree is f-fine guys you just suck hahaha.
Can't wait for him to get nerfed so you'll know how much of a shitter you are.
>It's fine if the mercy is bad
This doesn't make it a counter, any normal mercy would be looking around for a flank while they amp, heal.
Teleport isn't going to help you chase a widow/mercy if she even feels the need to zip away from you, which she won't, because she'll just kill you because she's being amped/healed.