Hey, you bought the new Pokemon game? That means you're fucking stupid

Hey, you bought the new Pokemon game? That means you're fucking stupid.

No, that's not my opinion. That's Game Freak's opinion of you. You bought Pokemon, so you must be a goddamn dunce, and so for the next hundred or so hours our game's dialogue is going to talk waaaay the fuck down to you, while making as little sense as humanly possible. There will not be a single human character in our game who talks like a human. They'll all talk like Steve from Blues Clues just dropped shitloads of LSD into his eye and fell into a ball pit full of Pokemon plushies.

I am not exaggerating. As an adult, this is what playing Pokemon feels like. And I get it, I totally get it. Before you shitpost, I know that Pokemon is a children's game. Just like Adventure Time and Regular Show are children's TV shows. Just like the Lego Movie and Up and Toy Story 3 are children's movies. Why do I bring those properties up? Because they prove that you CAN write dialogue and scenarios for children that aren't depressingly stupid and condescending, shit that doesn't assume the intellect of the viewer is at perfect zero. You can entertain children without making it clear to them that you think they're dumb as shit. That's a thing! But not in Game Freak's world.

>Hey, you bought the new Pokemon game
But there hasn't been a new Pokemon game since 2014

>As an adult
You sure? Because literally every game has an unnecessary and unskippable tutorial nowadays.

Caring for the story in a Pokemon game is about the same as caring for a story in a fighting game.

>I'll take shitposting copypaste for $400

Nignog, its pokemon.

Were you somehow brainwashed by nostalgia into thinking its SMT or anything even remotely mature and that would treat its user with any sort of respect higher than a 3rd grader? How stupid do you have to be not to understand that very basic concept, that nintendo makes games for kids, pokemon in particular.

if you were a real adult you wouldnt be playing pokemon t.b.h.


>it's an "Ash is desperate and throws out Charizard who just ignores him and he has to call him back" episode

tl:dr Gamefreak thinks everybody is dumber than rocks


>Copypasting Topics from Neogaf
XY had a better story than Uncharted 4.

>Pokemon treats players like idiots but other children's media doesn't
>This makes me mad

Is what I got out of the OP.

Jesus, Uncharted 4 must be a trainwreck then!

OP's point is that they don't have to, as other games/shows/movies intended for kids don't treat them like brain dead morons.

You're completely right.

I ser this post in neogaf

>I don't do anything post game
You guys probably play Call of duty campaign on easy and never go online

Do you guys even play online? I rushed through ORAS just so I could get to the battle resort and make me some Mons I could take online

>other games
Literally even games for ADULTS treat them like morons. Every game has bullshit, retarded, ten-thumbs, unskippable tutorials.

OP and you are just dumb.

It's more like caring about the backgrounds in a fighting game. Pokemon is supposed to be an "RPG"

user, kids these days have even less of a attention span than before and you expect a rpg game not to handhold the new generation, the kind that swallows CoD, the kind that would make Valve Testers baffled?

I mean, cmon now, this is a necessity for companies nowadays.

I just want a fucking hard mode, man.
It'll never happen, either.

i play games that aren't made specifically for children, sorry

Nah, play any kid's game on SNES, N64 or PS2, they don't treat you like a braindead moron.
>OP and you are just dumb.
Sorry he insulted your favorite game.

tpk assumes every game is your first pokemon game. I just wish the tutorial and all that shit were skippable, which it was in the past. now everything is forced and cinematic

But user, all games are specifically made for children. The faster you realize that the more fun you can have

>You can entertain children without making it clear to them that you think they're dumb as shit
Not in Japan you can't. Those kids are dumb as shit and the culture is radically different from the West. Like literally all Japanese developers, they care more about the Japanese audience than they do about the global audience.

but toy story 3 and adventure time aren't good.

Children dont care about story. How a 11 year old boy take down an entire Team Rocket make sense?

And adult's view is entirely different from children's view.

Still better than how Zelda treats it's players.

well the gameplay is made for literal toddlers so I dont know what else you would play it for

>Caring about the story in the tutorial
Jesus fuck, what kind of autism is this? I mean, seriously, do you care about the "story" in the instruction booklet?
Do you care about the motivations of the character that tells you "Press A to jump!"?
Do you fret over the narrative of the game introducing what a gun is?
Are you closely looking at the drama that takes place when you are told what a combo is?

Soon, senpai, soon.

I just want a pokemon game with adult themes/topics like that war Lt Surge mentions that never ever gets mentioned again and possibly a few other adult themes too

>Wanting adult themes in a tutorial
>Wanting a narratively complex and deep tutorial
I don't get this meme.

that dragonite looks fucking pissed

Prolly cuz rocks were up and it broke his Multiscale.

The "war" could have been Poke-Vietnam or Poke-Desert Storm since it was supposed to be the near future, someone mentions watching the moon landing, and the Shuttle Columbia being in the museum.

There is Pokeman Conquest

>I want a pokemon game with adult themes/topics

Watching "Kirby: Right Back at Ya!" right now

How come Gamefreak doesnt put actual effort into their shows?

That and Digimon grew up with the fans.

>implying Kirby: Right Back At Ya isn't dumbed down kiddy trash
Even the fucking minimalist platformers had a richer setting, more complex characters, and more deep and mature plotlines and themes. Not to mention the awful animation.

SMT games are almost exclusively rated M tough

I remember here on Sup Forums a year or two ago there was a thread full of people complaining about how hard Gen 1 was, citing things like not knowing how to leave the house and being unable to fid their way through Viridian Forest as examples. These retards were 7 and 8 years old when they played these games. As much as I hate the tutorial garbage, there are some really stupid people that play these games.

Awful meaning old?

Hard mode is literally in Gen 5

Hard mode literally does not exist in any mainline Pokemon game.

No, there are animes from the same time and older with much better art direction and animation. They had pretty much no budget, they used badly modeled, badly animated CG or 3-frame animations all the time.

The writing in Pokemon games really haven't changed that much to be honest. Playing Gen 1 and then Gen 6 directly after, it's still the same thing at its core, with the same quirky, kiddy writing.


>They had pretty much no budget, they used badly modeled, badly animated CG or 3-frame animations all the time.
The average episode had over 10,000 frames while most other shows at the time were pushing out about 4,500 an episode.

Yeah, it always seemed to me the war Surge talks about was just the Pokemon world's version of the Gulf War or some other thing Poke-America was involved in. Many other early day weird stuff like the existence of real animals has been swept under the rug, but even with Unova existing Lt. Surge remains explicitly American. Whether or not Unova is considered part of America or if it exists separately is unclear, but whatever.