Too much niggers and gays propaganda.
I will boycott Watch Dogs 2
>watch dogs 2
>in the game, you can watch dogs too
Is having a black protagonist propaganda now?
you want them to do downgrade bullshit again?
console hardware is fixed , its better then blatant lying
Looks like Sup Forums is triggered hard. They keep making threads
yes it is
I'm perfectly fine with the new trend of niggers being centre stage in games based around mindless violence, murder, theft and destruction of property.
It fits.
>Racist and homophobic
I can't wait until Trump throws you over the wall
atleast it is accurate.
>inb4 it still gets a huge downgrade still.
Trump will shake my hand because I will personally curbstomp every nigger, gay, or transfreak that talks shit about him
>all these Watch Dog 2
Once again Sup Forums is tsudere.
>can't detect obvious shitposters and false flaggers
>Niggers knowing how to use a phone for something other than screaming "WURLDSTAHH"
It's completely unrealistic though.
Yes. That is literally what they sjw have caused it to be, if you feel bad about it then go complain to them.
>takes place in sanfran
what did you expect
i can stand niggers but the gay shit is literally everywhere in that trailer
It's fucking San Francisco, what do you expect? It's liberal heaven.
>Being this much of a violent shitter
This is why you're going over the wall, whiteboi
Black people don't care about the protagonist being the same race as them. It's neat, but not that big of a deal.
The ones that do are high off pride during their 'love thy melanin; black is beautiful' trip, or just the usual tumblr poster.
I'm triggered too.
>I can't think of anything to say so I'll just post a fedora image
>that'll show em
No one cares gaylord go back to your stormweenie site
>The only reason Sup Forums shits on the new Watch Dogs isn't because the first game was buggy dog shit and the whole hacking thing is cringy as fuck, but it's because it got fucking triggered like a shitty SJW for having elements they don't like
Kill me
This. Any representation of niggers as anything other than criminals is blatant SJW propaganda.
The only reason Sup Forums isn't as bad as SJWs is because they are powerless to change the meaningless crap they complain about
>7 minutes of gameplay
>video is only 6:49
Thats because the majority of Sup Forums right now are newfag who weren't even here for Watch Dogs 1
But OP is going to boycott user! The absolute madman is going to do it!
back to plebbit, nignog. Sup Forums is for race realists.
I don't fucking care if they replace Aiden "who the fuck even remembers his name" Pierce with a negro, he was a nothing character in a nothing game that nobody liked.
However, they had better still include that thing where you can walk around the town looking at profiles and shoot all muslims in the face. That was the only fun part of the game.
oy vey think of the six million followers
sf hasn't been a liberal haven for a while now, dude. it's all rich white tech dudes.
Ubisoft is so shit right now that I'm not sure I'd even support another rayman release.
Remember when people talked about videogames on Sup Forums?
Me neither.
Speaking of which, was the Freddie gray incident an inside job?
That is implying you would've bought the game if it didn't have those things. After the shitshow that was the first Watchdogs.
Are you a fucking idiot?
>talking to yourself
You sad little white teen goober
>race realists
Nice redditspeak, whiteboi. You and all the other whites belong on reddit.
Oh shit. I guess I could already say I was already boycotting Ubishits games for years cause their games are shit 99% of the time whether or not there is progressive propaganda trash or not. OP is a retard.
The shills are at it already, already trying to make it seem like all criticism of this game is made by racist bigots.
Trying to make us forget that all ubisoft games are disasters that are unsupported a week after release. They all have the same gameplay mechanics, they're all themepark open worlds with map marker collectibles everywhere that don't matter, they're just there to pad the games length. All ubisoft games are pretty much the same and people get hype over the same shit every release. They just keep getting away with it. Remember the Division and how people thought it would be an awesome MMO style game with lots of support? Kek its already been dropped. How do peopel still trust Ubishit after disasters like WD1, FC4, AC, and R6S? Fuck you Ubishills for trying to use low hanging social justice bait to deflect all criticism from your shit games, it may work on 9% of the Sup Forumspol/ and redditumblr mouth breathers here but you won't trick me with your garbage games again.
I hope they make "Diversity Officer" a job position for people so I can go around and shoot all of them
which is weird because white people get triggered as fuck if they have to play anything other than as a white person.
>tfw you cant have a black protagonist without it being sjw shit
San Andreas could never be released today
I'm latino and I want a white protagonist because I dont want to play as a nigger, not even asians want to play as a nigger
He wouldn't! Would he?
tbqh I'd rather have a latino protag
Literally no one wants to play a black gentleman.
i feel like leaving sf now
I hate this shit. You know the people that decided to have it be a nig where fucking white beta males. If it was a team of mainly black guys who were designing this game I wouldn't care, or if it was like San Andreas where the nigger character is set in a thoroughly nigger world surrounded by more niggerish niggers than himself.
And it's all so obvious this is all political when all these games are coming out at the same time; Mafia 3, Battlefield 1, Watch Dogs 2, and probably more that I'm unaware of, also not to mention the stupid shit with Harry Potter or whatever where the white girl is now going to be black.
I'm all for more black characters, but I don't want them to be politicized and shoehorned in where them being black is their only attribute. Characters like CJ, Big Smoke, BoBo, Drebin, etc are all great black characters and I seriously doubt any of these upcoming games will actually have a black character that is anything but a political statement to try and subvert stereotypes.
I want true niggas in my fucking games.
>implying shills would come to this shithole
San Andreas didn't shoehorn a black person into it though. You started out as a ghetto nigger and proved yourself. The character in this is black because of their political agenda and thinking blacks need to be in everything.
> I will boycott shitty game
> Because niggers
Golly gee, you sure are the active busybody, aren't you? I'm sure it'll be real tough to not even pirate this literal pile of steaming, gooey feces.
They would have to go outside to actually get shit done.
I don't care that the main character is black. The funny thin is that they still steriotype the shit out of black ppl and their "culture". Mad that they made the battlefield 1 protaganist black though.
For other devs, it's not. But for EA and Ubisoft, it is.
When a dev makes comments like: "Blah blah blah more diversity, too much white" then everything they do there after, is propaganda. That's how it works.
nice agent provocateuring, faggot. we know you're a libcuck trying to stir up shit. it's embarrassing.
GTA San Andreas is the most liked GTA and sold millions
Get fucked, mexican trash
This guy
I like this guy
boycotting a game because it has 'niggers and gays' in it is just as bad as boycotting it because it doesn't
admit it, you're a social justice warrior. you just have a different idea of social justice ;)
>mfw Sup Forumsacks are falling for it
>mfw no face
You like yourself huh
>BoBo, Drebin
Who ?
>make garbage game
>hype it to high heavens with false advertisement
>announce sequel nobody wants
>make protagonist black
Hi, shill
Having a black main character is more realistic this time since you play as a criminal.
I don't understand why everyone isn't thinking this with any new ubishit game, who gives a shit if the main character is a nog.