Let's make rules

Then we follow.

fuck you



>making a 7000 post thread that crashes the board for 2 hours

Did it crash the board? How?

I ate too much candy and now I feel sick.

Permaban e-celeb shit on the spot.

Catalog didn't work.

When I was 3 or 4 I ate so much cookie dough I got sick. To to this day I can't smell it without feeling the urge to throw up.

True facts

Le japan moot xDDd

>they will finally remove furshit again
Good times

what happened to the last thread I went to bed


Nothing happened right?

Yea it sucks when you're eating something you like, and eat so much that you get so sick, you can never even think about eating it again. Although I can never get sick of spaghetti.

did they finally make a rule to ban platform shitposting cretins
holy shit it will literally make my day to know that they're at least considering to ban people who spout shit like PCuck and Sonygger

Ban e-celeb
Ban waifu threads
Ban games who keep getting multiple threads made by faggy nerds and tell them to fuck off to /vg/ already
Old games belong on the retro board, and slightly older games belong in /vg/
Ban people making threads about children's games, like nintendo and kingdom queers, cause these people are obviously not 18+.

Am I you?

Allow SFM porn. Keep it vidya. Spoiler the initial image. Put "SFM" as subject every time

>muh porn

You are the cancer killing Sup Forums.

here are your options

They won't do anything because neo Sup Forums is the containment board. /vr/ is were the video game discussions are at. You toxic millennials are staying in this board with your SJW shit and platform wars now and forever.

Grow up, there are more than enough boards for porn on Sup Forums.

Thread IDs are cancer, but worst of all, they're ugly as fuck and don't feel right.

Don't listen to them, fake Hiroshimoot.

Hori attempted to have a discussion in futility amongst a never ending stream of spam and shitposting. The only productive thing I saw out of it was that strawpoll about banning e-celeb discussion.

You guys do know that this isn't really babby bunny man, right? It'd say Capcode:Admin next to his trip otherwise.


Secure tripcodes are for fags.


Even with captcha, it's still exploitable.


No shitposting against Zelda.

So you want another /fur/?

I'm up for it.