Will it be shown at E3?

Will it be shown at E3?

With an unreliable release date that is bound to be pushed back eventually

Yes and somewhat downgraded.

Well thats a shame

>knight unironically wields a fucking flail
>muh glorious nippon steel CUTS THROUGH ARMOR
>viking fighting anyone who isn't a monk or unarmed farmer

might as well call it Meme Game or American Education


I'm actually surprised they didn't make it so the character is a katana wielding knight with a red beard

Who cares I just want all the warriors to kill each other no matter how inaccurate it is



>implying flails aren't the shit
I mean yeah, it's mainly a mounted weapon but still it could be cool to fight with one in a game

>it's mainly a mounted weapon

the only flails that existed looked like this you meme historian who takes knowledge from Lord of the Rings there was no morningstar on chain flail like in the game and the ones in museums are not even legit just like Iron Maiden that turned out to be made up in 19th century.

look everyone a european who cant get through a post without trying to attack america

>look americunt who thinks pyramids were built by jewish slaves there are no records of

>they're rare so that means they were never used
Even if shorter flails were never commonly used they still did exist you dumb faggot

Not that guy but I live in texas which many believe has the worst education and we were never taught jews built the pyramids so I don't know where you got your education on the american education system from

By that logic the fact that we found no dragon bones doesn't mean there were no dragons you dumb faggot name some historical figures or units who used one handed flails.

I played in 2 of the alphas, and was disappointed. The game just isn't very much fun. Combat isnt overly interesting, massacring leagues of shit ai soldiers is just boring. Majority of fights are 2v1 which aren't very exciting

I'll be surprised if it doesn't flop, I could play for free and had no urge to do so after an hour or two

That is an awful analogy. The post states they were uncommonly found, not never found.
Infact If we found even a few dragon bones it would mean there were fucking dragons you dumb cunt

can't wait to play as an african warrior

Do you even know what a pyramid is?

But they didn't find even one legit flail you fucking idiot that's the problem.

So its a western dynasty warriors without the interesting characters?

They aren't exactly the most durable weapons, chains don't last long before succumbing to rust. there are plenty of artistic depictions of them from medieval times

It's just a game, senpai.

By plenty you mean two and one of which shows non existing wagon with blades instead of wheels?

>But they didn't find even one legit flail

American here, he's right, vikings, knights, and samurai are meme warriors.

that would be cool but they would probably choose another meme warrior like a zulu

Show some.

There are legit war flails in the royal armouries in the tower of london. One of which had seen battles half a century apart