Hello user! Are you going to eat aragami with me on the 28th?

Hello user! Are you going to eat aragami with me on the 28th?

But if I wait to do that until God Eater 2 Rage Burst releases, I can do that and more, right?

I'd eat her aragami if you know what I mean

No, planning on buying stuff for my PC. Sorry Alisa, I won't be playing your game.

yep, although If your getting the vita version it comes out on the 28th. Don't know if you can get the ps4 version of resurrection seperate from rage burst 2 though.

I'll think about it.

too many things to play in June, but probably will do a week or two later

Why think at all?

I-hm. You got me.

God damn turbo slut

What is aragami? Is tha japanese for rimjob? If so then yes, i want to eat your asshole

the loli aragami is cute

If you get Rage Burst on Steam do you also get Resurrection?

Cause then you might as well just wait.



...Something the matter?

Yes, I hope I'm donw with Odin Sphere by then because I also plan to get zero time dilemma.



Just gonna get the twofer when GE2 comes out.

game is confirmed by devs themselves to be censored.

>blood splatter reduced
>certain outfits have been "altered" (aka alisa and the other titmonsters outfits)

don't buy it at launch, let it fail and then pick it up down the road for a few bucks.

Is aragami japanese for armpits? Because I want to if it's true

>English dub
Why even bother playing a shittier version of MH if it's not even Japanese voices.


I've heard about the blood and lindows smoking scenes rwmoved from the intro but I haven't heard anything about the clothing. Ever way I'm picking the games up because I don't feel the changes are significant or deal breaking and I'm really looking forward to the games.

Psycho team killer.

You can eat Aragami?

I don't know...

This is the one and only time I will let my dick choose a game for me.



Alisa has a big mouth.


is the extra disc content (pose/gravure mode) going to be released with the main game??

if not,
I'm not going to bother with this one.

But, like, humans don't, right?

Eating giant monsters made out of unidentifiable organisms...seems like a bad idea...



>it's a "this series is only notable for its porn" episode

Waifus aside, what does God Eater play like?

Monster Hunter with guns.

That stuff (God eater offshoot) is an extra included with dvd copys of the anime.

Of course humans don't. Unless they're god eaters.

It has good gameplay though.

Now hush, user.

Will this have online multiplayer?

I don't want to play it solo again.

If I had the money to afford a PS4.

Not everyone can be a dickless homosexual, user

MH with more animu style pacing and movement.

You are a lot more mobile and stronger compared to MH but the monsters are more bullshit to make up for it. No sharpening system either.

And you can switch between melee and ranged at any time and create your own bullet types which is neat.

I will never get tired of the irony that is Ciel making my dick the hardest compared to the rest of the scantily-clad females.

It should have

Can you make your own weapons and armor?

Yes but not with you.


There is no armor, your defense rating is tied to your shield. You make clothing though.

Your weapon is cobbled together from a blade, a gun and a shield. You can mix and match and there are matching sets of all 3.

wait, so only the first game -- digitally -- will be released on the 28, then the second one later?

>That stuff (God eater offshoot) is an extra included with dvd copys of the anime.

>Want to buy the Vita version but all my friends are PC mustard race neckbeards so I have to get the Steam version to play with them

Feels bad man

Jesus... I can't even comprehend what's happening in this picture. I'm aroused yet confused and scared.

which god eater game is this

Steam version will be good though. Especially if you have friends already.

You might get an undub depending on how hard Bamco locks it down.

Sounds good enough for me then.

>dub only
Day 1 pirate

Monster hunter with faster gameplay thats centerd around speed and evasion more then methodical attacks and precise positioning. Your weapon called a godarc consists of a melee weapon, a gun and a shield. The devour mechanic gives you boosted abilitys for a time depending on what skills you have.

Yes, both games will have multiplayer.

its on pc through steam and ps4.

What's the point of finally learning modesty at the beach?

Yes I will, Alisa-chan!

She's just odd like that.


Also, For America, God Eater R for the Vita will be 20 dollars and Rage burst will be 40.

Effectively costing the same as the PS4 version(which get's GER for free)


>its on pc through steam and ps4.
That doesn't help either considering I have a toaster.

>less blood

Resurrection which is part 1

Part 2 will release in august

not with that shit dub


I'll buy it, just for Alisa-chan.

Can I just sexualize your thighs, midriff, underboobs, shoulders, armpits, and hat instead?

do i self-insert or make a pretty girl? i look like an anime character anyway

Is that a preorder bonus or what?

If it's not I'll probably pick up GE2 later.

I would but I can't find my Vita

does the GE:R for all GE2RB copies also apply to psvita?



You can make a female OC.

Man this whole free copy of Resurrection is so complicated

Like is it preorder only or what systems and regions count

Get the Vita version of Resurrection on the 28th and play it then, then play through GE2 with your friends on Steam when it comes out in August.


b-but what about self-inserting and alisa?

You'll be her special friend regardless of gender. She's cool like that.

You can do that too. It's canon anyway that she likes you.

it will be a physical release right?

What about Alisa


I'd rather see the Aragami eat you, like in that one doujin where you were getting softvored by two of them until you arched your back into an orgasm.


going to get PS4, then

I swear to god, if they so much as reduced the underboob by a fucking PIXEL I won't touch these games with a 20 foot pole.

So I've noticed that any time this game is brought up nobody talks about the gameplay and instead posts images of girl in OP.

Not exactly making me think it's a good game.

everyone knows it's a good game, nigger. it's years old and people have already played it

It's a mediocre MonHun clone. All it has is the cute girl in the OP.

To each his own opinion, it's not like it would cost you anything to try it out once it's out on PC (aside from bandwith if you're american)

>Namco shills still shilling their censored game

It's not that good desu, and I own the Japanese version

It's like this guy says Its a mediocre MH clone, not bad, not great either.

I want to tongue that navel