Bloodstained Dev Update #4:

Other urls found in this thread:

My god this is the direction castlevania should have went. Can't wait for the release

The game starts off on the boat as a simple tutorial/intro before you reach the castle. That's pretty cool.

That cloth flap is still bothering me.



8. Alucard's Nightmare

Alucard: Mother!

Lisa : That voice...Alucard it's you!

Alucard: I'm coming, mother! I'll save you!

Lisa : No, Alucard. Don't come here!

Alucard: But mother...

Lisa : It's all right. If my death can save others, I gladly surrender my life.

Alucard: Mother, no! Please, no!

Lisa : Yes, Alucard. Watch me die, and remember always my last words to you...

Alucard: Yes, mother.

Lisa : You must despise humans. They are to be your prey!

Alucard: WHAT?!

Lisa : Better for them to die than to let them compound their sins. Begin by slaying that one, over there.

Alucard: No! It wasn't like this!

Lisa : What's wrong? Alucard?

Alucard: My mother never said such a thing!

Lisa : What do you mean? Kill them, and bring them happiness!

Alucard: No! You're not my mother! What kind of demon are you?!

Succubus: You broke free of my spell. I like that.

Alucard : Demon! Death is too good for you.

Succubus: Come here little boy, and show me what you've got.

Succubus: Darkling, I smell your blood. You're a vampire? Could it be...that strength, that're the son of Lord Dracula!

Alucard : Death in the dream world will send your soul wandering through all eternity, demon.

Succubus: No wait! I beg of you...!!!

10. Ferryman

"I'll take you to a place that might be interesting to you. Heh heh heh heh!"

"I'll guide you to meet your destiny!"

11. Alucard and Maria at the Royal Chapel

Maria : So did you find Richter?

Alucard: I don't know if he's the one you're looking for. But I found a Belmont.

Maria : Really? So he is here!

Alucard: But the one I saw was the enemy. He was the Lord of this castle.

Maria : That can't be true! You're wrong! I must go now!

it is that she is big
it just whole level design and it's consistency is fucked, completely
i mostly blame 3d

Not him but wasn't it mentioned in the developer update?

Looks good, I might have to "slacker backer" it to get physical copy.

>all these salty backers in this thread

one day I should scam you out of your money too
you literally deserve it retards

I don't know. Maybe it's the asymmetry.

12. Alucard and Maria at the Marble Gallery

Maria : Alucard?

Alucard: That voice. Maria?

Maria : I'm sorry. You were right. He has joined forces with the enemy.

Alucard: So it was a Belmont after all.

Maria : But someone must be controlling him. Whatever we do, we can't harm Richter.

Alucard: But he must be stopped.

Maria : I know. these with you.

Alucard: What are these?

Maria : If you wear these, you can see beyond evil illusions.

Alucard: Thank you. 'Tis best then if you pray for the soul of your friend.

13. Alucard and Richter at the Castle Keep

Richter: I've been waiting for you!

(If you didn't meet Maria and got the Holy Glasses)

Alucard: So it is you. But why is a Belmont planning the resurrection of Count Dracula?

(If you did)

Alucard: Answer me! Why is a Belmont planning the resurrection of Count Dracula?!

Richter: Count Dracula rises but once every century, and my role is over. If I can resurrect him, then the battle will last for eternity!

Alucard: ...if those are your true feelings, then so be it!

(If you equip the Holy Glasses and destroy the orb controlling Richter)

Shaft: You have defeated me. But all is not yet lost. The resurrection of Count Dracula is at hand! Ha ha ha ha!

14. Alucard, Maria, and Richter after destroying the orb

Richter: No...what have I done?

Maria : Thank you Alucard, for saving Richter.

Richter: Alucard? The same Alucard who joined forces with my ancestor Trevor Belmont? That was over three hundred years ago.

Alucard: No time for small talk. Is the person who controlled you in that castle over there?

Richter: Yes I think so.

Alucard: Maria, take Richter and leave here. I'll finish this.

Maria : I see...good luck. Candlejack I believe in yo

>Salty backers
>Except one guy everyone is pleased


Nice repost from the last thread, m8.

What have we got to be salty about exactly? The game's coming along nicely and we're getting gameplay and a demo in like a week.

Wow. A Trailer for a kickstarter game that doesn't insult its fanbase.

15. Alucard and Death at the Abandoned Pit

Death : So you've made it this far. In the name of your father, cease this foolishness!

Alucard: Not while there is breath in my body.

Death : Then, for the Master, I will feast on your soul this night!

16. Alucard and Shaft at the center of the Black Marble Gallery

Shaft : You have done well in making it this far. I would expect no less from the son of our Master.

Alucard: So you are the one who was controlling Belmont.

Shaft : Yes. I am the dark priest called Shaft. This world must be cleansed in the forge of Chaos.

Alucard: Why did you make Belmont lord of this castle?

Shaft : For centuries, vampire hunters have defeated evil with holy power. But, if two vampire hunters were to fight each other...

Alucard: But Belmont's power is supreme among vampire hunters. None other could defeat him.

Shaft : Exactly. That's why I removed him as a threat, by making him into lord of this castle.

Alucard: But your plan has failed.

Shaft : Has it indeed? We'll see what happens after I destroy your weak human side.

Shaft : Ugh! No!

Alucard: You claim to love the darkness. Go then and dwell there for all eternity.

Shaft : But...but my goal is achieved! Count Dracula has come to purify this corrupt world... with the searing flames of Chaos.

Yeah, fanbase is okay.
it mostly backers who were shat upon
>25 shekels for that quality

I still can't fuckin believe they did that with MN9. Was it supposed to be some sort of really bad reference to 90s game commercials?

17. Final battle with Dracula

Alucard: Father...

Dracula: Well met, my son! It's been a long time.

Alucard: I was hoping we would not see each other again. I can't allow you to leave here, Father.

Dracula: You have ever been the ally of humans. Have you forgotten what they did to your mother?!

Alucard: Think you I would forget such a thing?! No! But neither do I seek revenge against them.

Dracula: Still uttering the same nonsense. No matter. Now is the time to put aside your weak human side. And join me in REMAKING THIS WORLD!!!

Alucard: Dracula! In the name of my mother, I will defeat you again!

Quick, someone make a MN9 style trailer for Bloodstained.

It actually looks really good.

It looks fine tho. What's wrong exactly? All it really needs is some animation tweeks on Miriam and it'll be near-perfect.

Looks okayish for now.
With over 5.5 mil $ budget it should be goat material once it's out.

It needs some weight to the movement yet, but everything else is looking great. The music's sooooo incredibly Castlevania as well.

If it looks fine then you should not have any problem with MN9 too hypocrite with double standard

It was composed by Michiru Yamane, The woman that did SOTN music and a lot more.

>then you should not have any problem with MN9 too

But MN9 looks a lot worse than this game and it was in development for way longer than Bloodstained.

It said so in the email i got, since I'm a backer. You start in that boat which is heading for the castle.

I'm actually really impressed by the visuals on display here. It looks completely like the DS-games in terms of player animations, but everything just looks fucking beautiful on top of it. It's gonna be pretty cool to play it

Maybe it's best this thread died since it seems impossible to not have a thread during the daytime without having toput up with shit posteres or autists like this.

Is the thread on autosage? Interesting.

That said. This is the last update before E3 and the demo, right?

I'm going to throw down $60 for a physical copy on the assumption that they're not done with that walk animation yet, because everything else looks fucking great so far.

Enemies and bosses are still important

What's with the shitposting in this thread?

>60 dollars
>physical copy


Butthurt MN9 backers.

That's what most games cost, m8

Either Miriam is TINY or everything on that boat is HUGE. The furniture looks ridiculously large compared to her

I do like how the Voice Actor of Alucard is reprising his voice in the game.

Anyone have that awesome JoJo edit of OP's picture?

>it actually looks good
color me surprised

The art looks good but since this is Iga we can expect the platforming, level design, and boss fights to be subpar. But for Iga it doesn't matter how good the actual game is when your marketing team is so good.

It looks okay, but not mind blowing. It really just looks like a 3D remake of Order of Ecclessia.

The remix was also on the SEXUAL VIOLENCE Pachinko Machine for Castlevania.

I wonder who composed the remix if it wasn't Michiru?


wheres the part when you defeat dracula?

Unlike Shanoa, Miriam is indeed a cute little femlet.

Who is actually making the game? I can find no info on the director or any dev team members.

Only info I can find is the producer and the composers. But the heart of the team is always the level designers and director.

Iga always had a team of Konami veterans at his disposal. Can he have the same level of quality with Ini-Creates? Or has he recruited Konami people since they disbanded?

I like her more with small boobs.

18: Good Ending Lead-In

Alucard: Go back whence you came! Trouble the soul of my Mother no more!

Dracula: How? How is that I have been so defeated?

Alucard: You have been doomed ever since you lost the ability to love.

Dracula: Ah...sarcasm. 'For what profit is it to a main if he gains the world, and loses his own soul'?. Matthew 16:26 I believe.

Alucard: .........

Dracula: Tell me. What... What were Lisa's last words?

Alucard: She said "Do not hate humans. If you cannot live with them, then at least do them no harm. For their's is already a hard lot." She also said to tell you that she would love you for all of eternity...

Dracula: Lisa, forgive me. Farewell my son...

Alucard: So you made it.

Maria: Alucard! I'm glad your all right!

Richter: I'm sorry. 'Tis my fault that you had to fight your own father...

Alucard: Fear not. I had my own reasons for destroying him.

Richter: It must have been painful for you.

Alucard: Indeed. But you must always remember that the only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing...

Richter: I understand.

Maria: Alucard, what will you do now?

Alucard: The blood that flows in my veins is cursed. 'Twould be best for this world if I were to disappear forever.

Maria: ......... I see...

Alucard: Farewell then. We'll not meet again.

Maria: ......... Alucard...

Richter: Don't you want to go after him, Maria?

18a: Under 196% Completed

Maria: No, it's best this way. I can't ease his torment. Someday perhaps we will meet again, and on that day maybe...

Richter: I see...

Maria: Let's go. Everyone's waiting for us.

Richter: Yes, let's get out of here.

jump looks too floaty

I agree, this definitely looks like an Igavania title from that alone, so this really gives me something to look forward to.

18b: Over 196% Completed

Maria: ......... I'm sorry. I can't let him disappear from my life.

Richter: It's all right. Go after him. Perhaps you can save his haunted soul.

Maria: Thank you Richter... Fare thee well.

Richter: And yourself, dear lady.

19: Bad Ending Lead-In

Alucard: It's over...Belmont.

Richter: So the war between humans and vampires finally ends here...

Alucard: .........

Richter: What need for the shepherd when the wolves have all gone... My time on this world has come to an end...

19a: Killed Richter Without Holy Glasses

Alucard: Mankind continues to fight, but it is a desperate fight to stay alive. I suppose that he chose a life of warfare since that was the only way he knew. Like you Father, he chose of a path of destruction... Farewell, land of my birth. Never again will these eyes gaze upon your beauty.

19b: Killed Richter With Holy Glasses

Alucard: So you made it.

Maria: Alucard! How is Richter?

Alucard: I'm sorry...

Maria: I see... Thank you for stopping him... Do you suppose that this too is Fate?

Alucard: ......... So your journey is over as well then?

Maria: No, not until I learn what caused Richter's madness.

Alucard: I understand... Well then, may the Gods guard you along the way. Farewell.

Maria: You as well Alucard. Good-bye.

This looks slightly better than a Comiket doujin game. Except doujin games tend to have 0 budget.


It's also not even done yet, ya goof.

I thought he had listed some ex-Konami guys but I don't remember for sure

>Character becomes intangible to go past platforms instead of appearing in front of it when going up and down
Why should I think the character can't do it through walls then?

Looks good. Reminds me of Chi no Rondo.

They need to polish those animations though, as they look kind of shitty right now.

I'm not sure, but they did confirm a ways back that they had at least one of the old team members join the project, a programmer nicknamed Curry the Kid that worked on all the handheld games and created pic related.

>2.5D platformer

WHY. Why the fuck do people do this? All it does is make the platforming less precise due to hitboxes being more ambiguous. Which is kind of a big deal in the genre

Same reason I couldn't stand MMX8 and the Rocket Knight reboot

The 3d in motions bothers the shit out of me.


>doujin games tend to have 0 budget.

WOAAAAH watch out guys, we got /jp/ expert here!

fuck i didnt know there were more than 2 endings

Man, these shitposters are getting desperate

You should have seen the earliest build they showed, looked like shit. I was worried.

They've improved rapidly though and it ain't even done yet.

The in game model seems like it has small breasts compared to every other thing I've seen of her.

The voice of Richter was also the voice of Chris Redfield (Scott McCulloch) from Resident Evil *classic*

Skeleton Frisky.


What system is Sup Forums getting it on?

Miriam C*U*T*E

Master Race, obviously

PC it looks like


The funny thing is they're already gonna be reusing assets to make a classicvania as one of the stretch goals.

pls no

Just think. It would be an almost OFFICIAL Metroidvania to the closest sense now the Igarashi is bringing it Multiplatform.

Hopefully this would bring more of a demand for these types of games from other Devs.

Remember Mighty Number 9? Said to be ex-Mega Man devs. And it turns out the director only has experience with Battle Network games and is pretty much a "literally who". The only original devs are Inafune and Naoya Tomita while the most important ones aren't.

>Curry the Kid

Literally who is this guy? imdb lists him with the nick name. Can't find any info on him, even his name.

PS4, partially because I can share it with a few buddies after I beat it.

ps4 it wouldnt feel right on pc , i played those games on console , playing it on pc it just feels empty

What am I looking at here? Looks incredibly generic.

Well. I am not getting it on the fucking PS4 where I can't even try the online features without having to pay an extra fee to Sony.
And I am probably not going to get it on the Wii U unless the port is somehow fantastic since the port for the Wii U and the Vita aren't done in-house.

That leaves the PC.

>not getting it on Vita
You get the best of both worlds.

Which is better. The GoG version or the Steam Version?

One version updates plenty while the other doesn't. So....Which one?

I could get it on the Vita. And even still play on the big screen.
But as mentioned, I would really have to wait and judge the port first.

As of now I am set on the PC.

>Bloodstained is a spiritual successor to the Castlevania series, of which Koji Igarashi had been the series producer from 2001 to 2010. In March 2014, Igarashi opted to leave Konami, stating concern for his continued employment and differences in the directions they wanted to take the company. Igarashi later stated "For the longest time, when I was working at Konami, I was protected by my company. They took care of me. Now I'm kind of anxious."[7][8][9][10][11]

Iga saw the writing on the wall. He got out while it was still good. If he had stayed they would have pushed him into mobile games, and then made him clean health spas to force him to quit.

Fair enough.
Here's hoping the Wii U/Vita ports are good.

looks pretty nice, although an attack animation or two would have been appreciated.

His name is literally in the damn update where he talks about joining the team, Shutaro Iida. He worked on Portrait of Ruin, Dawn of Sorrow, Aria of Sorrow, and Lament of Innocence as an enemy programmer, while he was chief programmer on Order of Ecclesia. He was also a scenario writer on Portrait, and the director for Harmony of Dissonance. His other credits include lead enemy programmer for MGSV Ground Zeroes and the Phantom Pain.

That is good news.

>His name is literally in the damn update

What are these updates? Where are they?

>He was also a scenario writer on Portrait, and the director for Harmony of Dissonance.

Means he should stick to programming and stay away from scenario/directing.

Correction, he was director on Harmony of Despair, the online multiplayer game.

>What are these updates? Where are they?
On the Kickstarter page, like every fucking Kickstarter project you goddamn moron.

While we're here, who's MORIEMON? Sounds like a Pokemon. He directed Order of Ecclessia.

What if they strike a deal and make a Miriam amiibo for the Wii U version?
Would you get it?

>these low srandards

It's like pre-alpha footage, user. It looks great for a low to mid-budget game.

People are desperate for a kickstarted spiritual successor to not be a disaster after MN9 and Red Ass.