Flawed Masterpieces

I'll start


There is no such thing as a perfect masterpiece, they are all flawed.
So, this is a Masterpiece thread, nothing else.


>tfw don't know how to emulate shit so can't play this on pc

Still, i'll never understand why people release emulators WITHOUT everything you need to play like bios and shit.



get psx emulator then google playstation bios

Its very simple user


there are hundreds of guides to setting up epsxe

Better than Kazooie, in my opinion.

Don't some places come with the bios already packaged in the dl?

And maybe I'm a nub, can't stand using epsxe. I use psxfin


Because that's illegal. You can do a simple search to find the bios.

>Try using a guide
>"Look for folder X in your directory"
>I have no folder X in my directory
>Try looking for someone with the same problem
>"It's easy, just copy and paste Y file that's in the Z folder"
>Either Y or Z is missing in my download

C'mon, am i the only one with this problem? I'd rather admit i'm stupid and not lazy, but this can't only be happening to me right?

Asides from rubberbanding A.I what's the flaw?

I never had to do any of that so yeah you just suck

Never happened to me I think you might have brain porblems

If you can't solve a simple problem easily solvable by google. You're lazy to the point of stupidity.

>search problem
>only 1 legit result on some random dead forum
>pm'ed u the fix


Flawed yes. Masterpiece no


Sleeping Dogs

Is there a better example of a flawed masterpiece than Xenogears?



unique combination of ideas. creature system with surprsing depth. fun, slightly surreal story and humour.

if they remastered this game taking away the bugs, slightly rebalancing some of the AI and adding a few maps and buildings it would be GOTYEY

I loved the hovercrafts.

YOU user

Been looking for an analysis/playthrough of this game by a semi decent youtuber. If anyone has one pls post

>we could have explored the moon

end me

just use psX 1.13


Pretty much anything by Rare.
I wanted this game ported to PC.

A.I. doesn't rubber band in DKR.

What does rubberband mean? I never had any problem with the AI

It's obviously flawed because it's Mario Party but this game is truly something special

I hope this is bait, I remember setting up epsxe to play SOTN back in 2004 or something when I was like 11.

It means the computer uses magic to catch back up to you if you get more than a few feet ahead.


Absolutely a 9.5/10, if it was longer it'd be a legitimate 10. Great combat, great story, great soundtrack, great tweests, engaging, great atmosphere. Probably my favorite game I ever played on the PS3

>tfw european

Totally. Excellent radio, though a pity the negro's questline didn't go anywhere. DLCs also had some god-tier concepts like martial arts island and spooky ghosts.

>tfw european with hacked PS1 that could run pirated NTSC games

mine could too
it's just that I didn't know about that ogreshit fortress until I got to that part

Ah, I guess I was just lucky I had a copy of the NTSC version instead of the PAL one.

Pic related


old times

power wave


Nigga this was GOAT